
Happy Diamond Music Studios


AsiaNet 56311

共同JBN 0357 (2014.4.10)




米カリフォルニア州マリブと、香港を拠点として受賞歴ある作曲家、シャーリー・チョイ氏(Shirley CHOI)がiOS用に120分の教育的アドベンチャーアプリケーション「Kakamega」をリリースした。Kakamegaは熱帯雨林を舞台にした内容充実のミュージカルである。物語は、地球温暖化・友情・信念・愛の基本コンセプトを中心にしている。このアプリは無料でダウンロード出来、オリジナル楽譜12点と追加チャプターは、わずか1.99ドルで購入可能である。


Kakamegaは緑豊かで多様だが, 危機にひんする熱帯雨林に暮らす双子KakaとYanoの物語。都市に住む病弱なHenryが森に逃げ込んで来て、迷ってしまった。KakaとYanoは、彼を助けるために、不思議な魔法の薬になる花を見つけ出すことを決めた。


Happy Diamond Music Studiosは、小学生向けの教育的物語に特化したマルチメディア企業である。自然と脅威に直面している環境について、エコシステムの観点から、子どもたちに優良な教育を提供するよう努力している。



ソース:Happy Diamond Music Studios



Best Educational App for young children to learn, read and sing in English


MALIBU, Calif., Apr. 10, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN / --

      -- Award Winning Composer Shirley Choi eBOOK Kakamega Rainforest Musical

App  ranked 11th on IOS (book category) in USA market --

      -- iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id803783475

    From award winning Malibu, CA and Hong Kong based composer Shirley Choi

comes Kakamega, an exciting 120 minutes educational adventure application for

iOS. KAKAMEGA is a fact-filled musical based in the rainforest. The story

centers on the fundamental concepts of global warming, friendship, faith and

love. The app is FREE for download. 12 original music sheets and additional

chapters are available for download at just $1.99. usd


    Kakamega follows the story of Kaka and Yano, young twins who live in the

lush, diverse -- but endangered -- rainforest. When Henry, a sick boy from the

city, runs away into the forest, Kaka and Yano decide to help him by finding a

mythical, magical, healing flower.

    Joined by singing animals and talking trees, the children make their way

through the rainforest. On their journey they discover the dangers of the

logging industry, and make it their mission to convince the loggers of the

importance of preserving their forest home. Children ages 5-12 will enjoy this

colorful, fun app's nine chapters featuring twelve original songs. Kids will

learn fun facts about the rainforest, meet new animal friends, and play along

with Kakamega's easy to play musical score!

    Happy Diamond Music Studios is a multimedia company specializing in

creating educational stories for elementary school aged children. Using music

and lyrics to bring meaningful stories to life, Happy Diamond Music Studios

seeks to educate children through engaging stories about the nature and our

threatened environment, from facts about ecosystems to concepts of conservation.



     SOURCE: Happy Diamond Music Studios

     CONTACT: happydiamondmusic@gmail.com




