◎2014年 廬山国際天地スポーツカーニバルが10月末に開催

Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

◎2014年 廬山国際天地スポーツカーニバルが10月末に開催

AsiaNet  56178

共同JBN 0305(2014.3.17)

【廬山(中国江西省)2014年3月17日PRN=共同JBN】2014年廬山山地国際天地スポーツカーニバル(Lushan Mountain International Heaven and Earth Sports Carnival) 開催に向けての了解覚書の署名式が3月8日に執り行われた。これにより同イベントは今年10月末に中国江西省廬山山地で開催される計画が最終的に確定した。30近い国から新旧あらゆるモデルの自動車1000台が開催地に集合する計画だ。ドライバーは各種のイベントに参加するが、峠越えラリーや国際八陽湖横断レース、八陽湖テント音楽祭などがその一部である。

(Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20140314/0861401545




Yan Jingwei



ソース:Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.

2014 Lushan Mountain International Heaven and Earth Sports Carnival to be Held in Late October at Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi Province


LUSHAN, China, March 17, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

On March 8, 2014, the memorandum-of-understanding signing ceremony for the 2014

Lushan Mountain International Heaven and Earth Sports Carnival took place,

finalizing plans for the event scheduled for the end of October at Lushan

Mountain, Jiangxi province, China. At the time, drivers from nearly 30

countries will arrive, driving a thousand vehicles of every model and make. The

drivers will participate in a series of events including the International

Lushan Mountain Pass Auto Rally Challenge, the International Poyang Lake Auto

Cross Race, and the Poyang Lake Tent Music Festival.

(Photo: http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20140314/0861401545)

Jackie Toh, the international partner of the event, presented the international

partner flag to Lushan Co., Ltd. president Cui Feng. Cui said that the

organizers of the event will combine elements of Chinese traditional culture

with those of the auto sports industry. By selecting Lushan, a scenic district

with unique characteristics, the event is sure to distinguish itself from

others of its kind. Furthermore, the event will lead Lushan as a venue for

automotive sports into the international auto arena in the shortest time and

provide a new calling card for Jiangxi province and Lushan Mountain.

With the world's top-tier racers driving their "iron horses" as they challenge

the magnificent and splendid Lushan Mountain and motor across the peerless

Poyang Lake, the golden autumn days of this year's October will be a time very

much worth looking forward to.

Media contact:

Yan Jingwei



SOURCE:  Lushan Tourism Co., Ltd.




