
Arabtec Holding


AsiaNet 56105

共同JBN 0273 (2014.3.10)




 *これはアブダビのArabtec Real Estateによる初のプロジェクトで、エジプトにおけるArabtecのプレゼンスを固める

 *プロジェクトはArabtec Constructionとともにエジプトの100万人以上に就労の機会を生み出す

 *Arabtec Holdingのハッサン・アブドラ・イスマイク最高経営責任者(CEO)兼マネジングディレクターは「この歴史的プロジェクトはエジプト経済発展に大きな支援となる」と語った


中東、アフリカ地域の事業プロジェクトを専業とする有力なエンジニアリング・建設グループであるArabtec Holding PJSC (Arabtec)は10日、エジプト・アラブ共和国政府を代表するエジプト国防省との間で、エジプト国内各所に中所得階層向け住宅100万戸を開発、建設する覚書(MoU)に調印した。

 Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-a

  Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-b

  Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-c

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  Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-e

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  Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-g

  Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-h

協定はエジプトのアブデルファタフ・サイード・シシ副首相兼軍最高評議会議長兼国防相・総参謀長および多数の政府高官とともに、Arabtec Holdingのハッサン・アブドラ・イスマイクCEO兼マネジングディレクターと同社経営幹部が出席した式典で結ばれた。


覚書の一環としてArabtec Holdingの子会社は、エジプトの13地点に100万戸の住宅を開発、建設する。これはエジプトの人口増の結果生じた住宅不足を緩和する努力の一環として、エジプト国民に手ごろな価格の住宅を供給するとのエジプト関係省庁の努力に沿ったものである。


Arabtec Holdingが最近設立したArabtec Real Estateは、5年の期間にわたり段階的に開発される同プロジェクトの進展を請け負う。このプロジェクトは、エジプトでのプレゼンスを拡大する同社努力の一環として請け負うことを目指す一連のプロジェクトでは初。Arabtec Holdingの子会社Arabtec Egypt for Constructionは、エジプト国民に100万以上の働き口を生み出したいというプロジェクトの建設作業を請け負う。この開発プロジェクトの大部分は、数多くのエジプトおよび外国の銀行から融資される。これらの銀行は既に、各方面のエジプト国民にアピールする一連の手ごろな融資ソリューションの提供に関心を表明している。


Arabtec Holdingのハッサン・アブドラ・イスマイク社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「UAEの指導者、市民はエジプトを尊敬している。両国は友愛と友好の歴史的な絆で結ばれている。われわれArabtecは、これら二国間関係を一層強固にすることを目指すUAE政府の取り組みに加わることができて光栄である。この種のものとして域内最大の歴史的プロジェクトは、エジプト経済を大幅に促進、エジプト国民の生活水準向上に役立つだろう」と語り「エジプト経済は、特に土地開発部門への投資を奨励する現政府の政策によって、大幅回復の勢いを示していると思う。エジプト市場はとりわけ手ごろな価格の住宅部門が有望で、エジプトで高まる住宅需要に応えるため多数のプロジェクトに着手、この機会を生かすつもりである」と付け加えた。

イスマイク社長はさらに「この巨大プロジェクトはArabtec Real Estateにとって、エジプト・域内初の大事業である。域内有数の持ち株企業に成長させるうえで歴史的な節目でもあり、株主に持続的な利益をもたらすのは間違いない。われわれはエジプト国民の国家建設能力に全幅の信頼を寄せており、エジプト経済を支援し内外の自社プロジェクトにエジプト青年の雇用を追加創出する努力は惜しまない」と結論付けた。


▽Arabtec Holdingについて

Arabtec Holdingは高層商業・住宅開発、インフラ、石油・天然ガスなど中東・北アフリカ地区の複合プロジェクトに特化した大手エンジニアリング・建設企業グループである。UAEに本社を置くグループが完成したプロジェクトの堂々たるリストには、ドバイにある世界一高層のブルジュ・ハリファ、アブダビのランドマークであるエミレーツ・パレス・ホテルなどアイコニックなビルのほか、空港や関連インフラの技術的に困難な建造物が含まれている。

Arabtecは2005年、ドバイ金融市場に上場した初の民間建設企業。Arabtec Holdingは今日、建設循環の全分野にわたり専門化している多くの子会社を擁している。グループは現在、ルーブル・アブダビ美術館など中東で最も名誉あるプロジェクトに取りかかっており、ほかの地区にも拡張しつつある。グループはまた、石油・天然ガス、発電、関連インフラ部門にも展開している。



ソース:Arabtec Holding

Arabtec Signs Historic Agreement with Egypt's Defence Ministry to Develop and Construct One Million Housing Units in Egypt


CAIRO, Mar 10, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

& in the presence of His Excellency Field Marshal Abdel Fattah Al Sisi

    - The biggest project of its kind in the region, with a total value of

EGP280 billion (USD40 billion)

    - Arabtec Real Estate's first project; is set to consolidate Arabtec's

presence in Egypt

    - The project will create over one million job opportunities for Egyptians

with Arabtec Construction,

    - Ismaik: "This historic project will be a major boost to the Egyptian


    - Ismaik: "This project is a historic turning point, in our pursuitof

growing the company into one of the leading holding groups in the region."

    Arabtec Holding PJSC (Arabtec), a leading engineering and construction

Group specialising in complex projects in the Middle East and North Africa

region, today announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)

with the Ministry of Defense and Military Production on behalf of the

government of the Arab Republic of Egypt to develop and construct one million

units of middle-income housing in various locations across Egypt.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-a )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-b )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-c )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-d )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-e )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-f )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-g )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140309/674059-h )

    The agreement was formalised today in a ceremony attended by Field Marshal

Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister and

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, alongside a number of senior officials,

as well as Hasan Abdullah Ismaik, Managing Director and CEO of Arabtec Holding

and a number of Arabtec's senior executives.

    Ismaik praised the continuous efforts of the UAE, under the leadership of

His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the president of the United

Arab Emirates in supporting their brothers in Egypt. "This present project," he

said, "owes much to the wise directives of His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed

bin Zayed Al Nahyan [http://www.shkmbz.com/vb/showthread.php?t=132912 ], Crown

Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, who

has been very keen to mobilize all efforts to boost support to our brothers in

Egypt through a multitude of humanitarian, economic and social initiatives."

    As part of the memorandum, Arabtec Holding's subsidiaries will develop and

construct one million housing units in thirteen locations across Egypt. This is

in line with the efforts by the Egyptian authorities to provide affordable

housing for Egyptians, as part of the efforts to reduce the housing deficit as

a result of the growth in the country's population.

    This project is the biggest of its kind in the Region, with an overall

development value of EGP280 billion (USD 40 billion). Through the developments,

millions of Egyptians will have access to full-fledged communities, with public

amenities such as schools, hospitals, parks and places of worship.

    Arabtec Real Estate, a recently formed subsidiary of Arabtec Holding, will

undertake the development of this project, which will be developed in phases

over a span of five years. This project is the first in a series of projects

that Arabtec Holding looks to undertake as part of its efforts to expand its

presence in Egypt. Arabtec Egypt for Construction, a subsidiary of Arabtec

Holding, will undertake the construction work of the project which is expected

to create more than one million jobs for the people of Egypt.

The developments will be funded, in the most part, by a number of Egyptian and

foreign banks. These banks have already expressed interest in providing a range

of affordable financing solutions that will appeal to a broad cross-section of

the Egyptian population and includes long-term repayment of up to 20 years.    

    These residential communities will be developed in 13 locations in a number

of governorates with an overall land area of over 160 million sq.m, of which

149 million sq.m will be in Cairo governorate (Al-Obour, 10th of Ramadan, Badr,

and Al Ikhlas). The rest are divided between the governorates of Alexandria

(Burj Al Arab City - 964,000 sqm); Maanoufiyah (Sadat City - 2,880,000 sq.m);

Fayyoum (Fayyoum New City - 2,200,000 sq.m); Bani Suwaif (Bani Suwaif New City

- 864,000 sq.m.); Al Menyah (New Al Menya City - 1,640,000 sq.m); Asyout (New

Asyout City - 900,000 sq.m); Souhag (New Souhag City - 1,160,000 sq.m)' Qana

(New Qana City - 264,000 sq.m); and Luxur (New Taybeh City - 328,000 sq.m.).

The overall built area of these communities will be in excess of 5 million sq.m.

    Hasan Abdullah Ismaik, Managing Director and CEO of Arabtec Holding,

commented: "Egypt is held in high regards by the leaders and citizens of the

UAE. The two countries are linked together by historic bonds of fraternity and

friendship. We at Arabtec are proud to join the efforts of the UAE government

aimed at further consolidating these bilateral ties. This historical project,

the biggest of its kind in the Region, will be a major boost to the Egyptian

economy and will help improve the living standards for the Egyptian people."

"We believe the Egyptian economy is poised for a significant rebound,

particularly with the current governmental policies geared towards encouraging

investment in the property development sector. The Egyptian market holds high

potential, particularly in the affordable housing sector, and we are determined

to take advantage of these opportunities by launching a number of projects that

will help meet the ever-mounting demand for housing units in Egypt," added


     "This huge project is the maiden major undertaking of Arabtec Real Estate

in Egypt and the Region. It represents a historic turning point in our pursuit

of growing the company into one of the leading holding groups in the region,

which will certainly bring sustainable rewards for our shareholders. We have

great confidence in the ability of Egyptians to build a modern state and we

will spare no effort in supporting Egypt's economy and creating additional jobs

for the Egyptian youth in our projects in Egypt and abroad." Ismaik concluded.

    Construction work is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of this year.

The first batch of units will be delivered in early 2017 while final delivery

of all units will be achieved before 2020. Arabtec and the Egyptian authorities

are in the final stages of signing definitive agreements, including mechanisms

for the implementation of the projects.

    Notes for editors

    About Arabtec Holding

    A leading engineering and construction group of companies specialising in

complex projects in the Middle East and North Africa region, including

high-rise commercial and residential development, infrastructure and oil and


The UAE-based group's impressive list of completed projects includes iconic

buildings such as the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and

Abu Dhabi landmark, the Emirates Palace Hotel; as well as other technically

challenging work on airports and related infrastructure.

    Arabtec was the first private construction firm to go public when it was

listed on the Dubai Financial Market in 2005. Today, Arabtec Holding consists

of many subsidiaries, with specialisations spanning all segments of the

construction cycle. The group is currently working on some of the most

prestigious projects in the Middle East, such as the Louvre Museum in Abu

Dhabi, and is expanding into other regions. The group is also expanding in the

oil and gas, power and related infrastructure sectors.

    Arabtec's strong track record and commitment to timely and cost-efficient

delivery has contributed to its rapid growth in recent years and a reputation

for quality that has often translated into a market-led pricing premium for

completed projects.

    For more information, please visit http://www.arabtecholding.com

    SOURCE: Arabtec Holding




