


AsiaNet 55483

共同JBN 0041 (2014.1.14)








 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162












 *新しい成長分野としてクラウドとビッグデータに注力したことで、良い結果を生み続けている。当社は200以上の契約を実行し、当該四半期に20余りの契約を受注した。当社は世界的なクラウド対応国際団体Open Data Center Alliance(ODCA)の運営委員会メンバーとして正式に任命され、次世代の企業対応クラウドおよびビッグデータ実装の定義を支援した。



 *Infosys Edgeはソーシャル、モバイル、分析、クラウドなどのテクノロジーに投資した結果、市場でその勢いを持続している。当社は当該四半期にプラットフォームで8件、製品で6件、合わせて14件を受注した。当社はまた、判断力のある販売プラットフォームTradeEdgeを開始して、企業が消費者の需要を正確に判断し、満たすとともに、販売と業務上のパフォーマンスを大きく向上する企業を支援した。

 *当社のInfosys Finacle(商標)は8件の新規契約を得て、当該四半期にその勢いを維持した。インド、アフリカ、中東、東南アジアで同プラットフォームは11の銀行で活用されている。

 *Infosys Public Services Inc.が考案、実行した米コロンビア特別区の新しいオンライン健康保険市場であるDC Health Linkは、2013年10月1日に利用開始された。

 *地域の事業が活発になったことと合わせて、当社はシドニーに新しいオフィスを開設して、オーストラリアにプレゼンスを拡大した。Infosys BPOはオランダのアイントホーフェンに新しいデリバリーセンターを開き、その世界事業足跡を強化するとともに欧州でのプレゼンスを補強した。



 *当社はHfS Enterprise Analytics Services Blueprint 2013の受賞者サークルに位置づけられた。同リポートは分析の顕著な規模、各サービス分野にわたる優れた実行、クライアントへの対応で当社を顕彰した。

 *オラクルはNorth America in the Services Partner of the YearおよびBusiness Intelligence Partner of the Yearの「Specialized Partner of the Year」に対する 2013 Oracle Excellence Awardを当社に授賞した。当社はさらにまた、North America for Communications, Media and Entertainment; Energy & Utilitiesの「Specialized Partner of the Year」に対する2013 Oracle Excellence Award Honorable Mentions」を受賞した。当社はまたIndustryに対する「Specialized Partner of the Year」で2013 APAC Oracle Excellence Awardを受賞した。

 *米医療保険グループ法人Kaiser PermanenteのAvivia Healthは、消費者の参画を向上する革新的なゲーミフィケーション(gamification)プラットフォームを開発したInfosys Public Servicesを戦略的パートナーとして認めた。

 *英国アウトソーシング協会(NOA)は、電気通信、公益、ハイテク分野のアウトソーシングで2013年優秀賞を当社とBritish Telecomに授賞した。

 *CEB TowerGroupの「Mobile Banking Solutions Technology Analysis」リポートおよび「Core Banking Systems for the Large Bank Market」リポートは、Best-in-Classプロバイダーとして Infosys Finacle(商標)を顕彰した。

 *ガートナーの「International Retail Core Banking」リポートは、連続7回Leader in its Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking(注)としてInfosys Finacle(商標)を位置付けた。

 (注)情報ソース:Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core Banking," Don Free and Ethan Wang, October 8, 2013 ガートナーはこの調査報告書の中で表現していいかなるベンダー、製品もしくはサービスも推薦するものではなく、またテクノロジー・ユーザーに最高評価したこれらベンダーのみを選択するよう勧めるものでもない。

 *Infosys BPOはEverest Groupの「PEAK Matrix Assessment 2013」リポートで「Procurement Outsourcing (PO) Service Provider Landscape」のLeaders部門に位置づけられた。

 *当社はGlobal Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise(MAKE)で9回にわたり権威ある賞を受賞した。当社はまたAsian MAKE Award も11回連続受賞した。

 *Asiamoneyの年次 Corporate Governance Poll 2013で、Best Overall for Corporate Governance, Responsibilities of Management and the Board of Directors, Disclosure and Transparency, Shareholders' Rights and Equitable Treatment, and Investor Relationsとして認められた。

 *IR global rankings 2013は企業ガバナンスプラクティスで世界第3位、インドのIRウェブサイトで2位に当社を評価した。


U・B・プラビン・ラオ(U.B. Pravin Rao)氏およびキラン・マズムダルショー(Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw)氏の任命。


プラビン・ラオ氏は現社長である。同氏は事業各部門の成長と差別化を進めることに責任を持つ。これらはリテール、消費財およびロジスティックス、ライフサイエンス、資源および公益事業、各種サービス、成長市場、クラウドおよびモビリティー、質と生産性などを含む。同氏はさらに、グローバルデリバリー、サービスイノベーションにも責任を持つ。同氏は世界のInfosys Leadership Institute(ILI)のディレクターである。ILIは上級およびハイポテンシャルのリーダーの選択、開発、調査、継承に責任を持つ。同氏は25年余の経験があり、主としてリテールおよび金融サービスのクライアントとの関係強化に尽力する。同氏は1986年入社以来、Infrastructure Management Services部門責任者、対欧州デリバリー責任者、リテール・消費財・ロジスティックス・ライフサイエンス責任者など数々の上級指導者を務めた。同氏はインドのバンガロール大学電気工学科卒業。

キラン・マズムダルショー氏はインド・バンガロールにあるバイオテクノロジー企業Biocon Limitedの会長兼マネジングディレクターである。キラン氏は企業世界で高く評価されており、タイム誌の「世界で最も影響力のある100人」の中に上げられている。インドのEconomic Times紙は最近、2012年のインド企業の中で最も有力な女性CEOトップ10に同氏を指名している。バイオテクノロジーにおける同氏の先駆的努力は、インド業界およびBiocon双方から世界的な評価を集めた。同氏はバンガロール大学で動物学の優等学位(1973年)を得て、オーストラリアのバララット大学で醸造マスターの資格を取得した。同氏はまたバイオテクノロジー分野での突出した貢献を認められて多くの名誉博士号を受けている


同社取締役会の退職規定(2010年10月15日に先立ってインフォシス取締役会に指名された社外取締役で65歳に達した人)に従って、社外取締役のデービッド・ボイルズ(David Boyles)氏は2014年1月17日付で役員会から退く。同氏は2005年7月にインフォシス取締役会に加わった。

取締役会執行会長のN・R・ナラヤナ・ムルティ(N. R. Narayana Murthy)氏は「ボイルズ氏は取締役会で重要な役割を果たした。リスク管理に関する同氏の見識は当社に大変役立ち、リスク管理事業偏と当社アプローチの強化を支援してくれた。われわれは取締役会への貢献、特にリスク管理委員会議長としての役割に謝意を表明する」と語った。


ボイルズ氏はアメリカン・エキスプレス、バンク・オブ・アメリカ、ANZ Banking Groupなど大手多国籍企業で上級経営者の職務を努めた。同氏は2003年12月にANZの常勤企業生活を引退した。同氏の最近までの企業役職はANZ Banking Groupでテクノロジー、支払い、資産、戦略的調達、その他シェアードサービスを管掌する最高執行責任者(COO)だった。同氏はまたANZ Bankニュージーランドの取締役で、ANZ GroupのOperating Risks Executive Committee議長だった。同氏はANZに先立って、アメリカン・エキスプレスのeコマース担当上級副社長だった。同氏はこの役職で、最新のオンラインサービスと先端テクノロジーに責任を持った。AMEXCOでの同氏の当初の役割は、Travellers Cheque Groupのシニアバイスプレジデント(グローバルシステム・オペレーション担当)が含まれる。それより前のリーダーシップ的役職は、Downey Financialの執行副社長兼最高執行責任者、バンク・オブ・アメリカの消費市場担当シニアバイスプレジデントが含まれる。ボイルズ氏はワシントン州立大学のMBA、米グリーリーにあるUNCで心理学の最優秀MA(文学修士)、BA(文学士)を取得しているほか、「Maximising the Business Value of your Technology Investment」(http://www.infosys.com/infosys-labs/publications/books/Pages/index.aspx#busines svalue)の著書がある。(インフォシスおよびマイクロソフトに2005年著作権が帰属している)



年間売上高74億米ドル、15万8000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)は、いかにしてBuilding Tomorrow's Enterprise(登録商標)を目指しているかの詳細は以下のサイトを参照。


Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)


                                                             December  March 31,

                                                             31, 2013      2013


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                                 $ 3,712    $4,021

    Available-for-sale financial assets                           418       320

    Investment in certificates of deposit                         106         -

    Trade receivables                                           1,447     1,305

    Unbilled revenue                                              423       449

    Derivative financial instruments                                -        19

    Prepayments and other current assets                          428       391

    Total current assets                                        6,534     6,505

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                               1,202     1,191

    Goodwill                                                      354       364

    Intangible assets                                              60        68

    Available-for-sale financial assets                           203        72

    Deferred income tax assets                                     98        94

    Income tax assets                                             241       201

    Other non-current assets                                       41        44

    Total non-current assets                                    2,199     2,034

    Total assets                                               $8,733    $8,539


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                              $16         -

    Trade payables                                                 29        35

    Current income tax liabilities                                318       245

    Client deposits                                                 7         6

    Unearned revenue                                              142       152

    Employee benefit obligations                                  148       113

    Provisions                                                     49        39

    Other current liabilities                                     733       568

    Total current liabilities                                   1,442     1,158

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                                11        23

    Other non-current liabilities                                  49        27

    Total liabilities                                           1,502     1,208


    Share capital - `5 ($0.16) par value 600,000,000 equity

    shares authorized, issued and outstanding 571,402,566 each,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of December 31,

    2013 and March 31, 2013, respectively                          64        64

    Share premium                                                 704       704

    Retained earnings                                           8,405     7,666

    Other components of equity                                 (1,942)   (1,103)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the company  7,231     7,331

    Non-controlling interests                                       -         -

    Total equity                                                7,231     7,331

    Total liabilities and equity                               $8,733    $8,539

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                     Three       Three        Nine        Nine

                                    months      months      months      months

                                     ended       ended       ended       ended

                                  December    December    December    December

                                  31, 2013    31, 2012    31, 2013    31, 2012

    Revenues                        $2,100      $1,911      $6,157      $5,460

    Cost of sales                    1,341       1,203       3,974       3,376

    Gross profit                       759         708       2,183       2,084

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                           104          99         327         277

    Administrative expenses*           129         118         411         355

    Total operating expenses           233         217         738         632

    Operating profit                   526         491       1,445       1,452

    Other income, net                  117          92         301         308

    Profit before income taxes         643         583       1,746       1,760

    Income tax expense                 180         149         482         479

    Net profit                        $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss:

    Re-measurement of the net

    defined benefit liability/(asset)    4           -          10           -

    Items that may be

    reclassified subsequently

    to profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on


    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                         (10)          -         (14)          -

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign operations      91        (250)       (844)       (478)

    Total other comprehensive income   $85       ($250)      ($848)      ($478)

    Total comprehensive income        $548        $184        $416        $803

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $548        $184        $416        $803

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $548        $184        $416        $803

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                         0.81        0.76        2.21        2.24

    Diluted ($)                       0.81        0.76        2.21        2.24

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                      571,402,566 571,400,086 571,402,566 571,398,129

    Diluted                    571,402,566 571,400,417 571,402,566 571,399,018

    (*) 2013年12月31日現在の9カ月間のAdministrative expenses(管理費)はビザ関連事項に対する3500万ドルの手数料を含む。    


 1. 2013年12月31日現在の3カ月および9カ月も無監査連結貸借対照表および包括利益連結計算書要旨(いわゆる損益計算書)は、2014年1月10日に開かれた取締役会で記載された。

 2. 当社業績に関する概況報告者は以下のサイトからダウンロードすることができる。

監査連結貸借対照表要旨と包括利益連結計算書要旨は、2014年 unaudited Condensed


    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

Fact Sheet: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/prne/operations/Fact-Sheet.pdf

INR(年次報告書)Press Release: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/prne/operations/INR-Press-Release.pdf


Investor Relations

Gargi Ray



Sandeep Mahindroo



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



Ken Montgomery, Golin Harris for Infosys, US



ソース:Infosys Ltd

Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2013


MYSORE, India, Jan. 10/PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    - Q3 revenues grew by 1.7% quarter-on-quarter; 9.9% year-on-year

    - Net profit grew by 20.9% quarter-on-quarter; 6.7% year-on-year

    Financial Highlights

    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended December 31, 2013


    - Revenues were $2,100 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2013

      QoQ growth was 1.7%

      YoY growth was 9.9%

    - Net profit was $463 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2013

      QoQ growth was 20.9%*

      YoY growth was 6.7%

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) was $0.81 for the quarter  

      ended December 31, 2013

      QoQ growth was 20.9%*

      YoY growth was 6.6%

    - Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale

      financial assets, certificates of deposits and government bonds were $4.4

      billion as on December 31, 2013 versus $4.3 billion as on September 30,


      * including the provision for visa related matters made in quarter ended

        September 30, 2013

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

    Other highlights:


    - Infosys and its subsidiaries added 54 clients during the quarter

    - Gross addition of 6,682 employees for the quarter by Infosys and its


    - 158,404 employees as on December 31, 2013 for Infosys and its subsidiaries

    "The year ahead looks exciting for the IT services industry. We believe the

global economic environment has improved and our clients are gaining confidence

to invest in their strategic initiatives," said S. D. Shibulal, CEO and

Managing Director. "We continue to differentiate ourselves to seize growth

opportunities. The recent changes in organizational structure will enable us to

strengthen client relationships and increase market share."

    "During the quarter, we saw early but promising results of our initiatives

to increase efficiency in our operations," said Rajiv Bansal, Chief Financial

Officer. "We continue to remain focused on making investments necessary to

secure and grow our future."


    The company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31,

2014, under IFRS is as follows:


    - Revenues are expected to grow 11.5%-12.0%

    Business Highlights


    - We have partnered with a leading manufacturer, Diebold, to further its

      transformation journey and streamline its service, supply chain

      management, and financial operations processes.

    - Our focus on Cloud and Big Data as new growth areas continues to yield

      results. We have executed more than 200 engagements and have won more

      than 20 deals this quarter. We have been formally inducted as a member of

      the steering committee of the global Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) to

      help define the next generation of enterprise-ready Cloud and Big Data


    - We are partnering with clients to create innovative solutions around the

      mobile device. This quarter we started more than 25 engagements across

      mobile field service, device management and enterprise productivity.

    - Our Engineering Services business continues to see strong growth. With

      over 150 active clients, we had 52 wins this quarter across industries.

    - Infosys Edge continues its momentum in the market as we invest in

      technologies like Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud. This quarter we

      had 14 wins - eight for platforms and six for products. We also launched

      TradeEdge, an insights-driven sales platform that help brands accurately

      sense and fulfill consumer demand while significantly improving sales

      and operational performance.

    - Infosys Finacle(TM) sustained its business momentum in the quarter with

      eight new wins; 11 banks went live on the platform across India, Africa,

      Middle East and South East Asia.

    - The District of Columbia's new online health insurance marketplace, DC

      Health Link, designed and implemented by Infosys Public Services Inc,

      successfully went live on October 1, 2013.

    - To keep pace with the business momentum in the region, we expanded our

      presence in Australia with a new office in Sydney. Infosys BPO opened a

      new delivery center in Eindhoven, the Netherlands to strengthen its

      global footprint and reinforce its presence in Europe.

    - During the third quarter, Infosys applied for 22 unique patent

      applications in India and the U.S. With this, we have 533 patent

      applications undergoing various stages of patent prosecution in India,

      the  U.S. and other jurisdictions. We have been granted 143 patents by

      the United States Patent and Trademark Office, one patent by Australian

      Patent Office and three patents by the Luxembourg patent office.

    Awards and Recognition


    - We have been positioned in the winner's circle in HfS Enterprise

      Analytics Services Blueprint 2013. The report recognizes Infosys for

      its significant scale in analytics, execution excellence across service

      areas, and responsiveness to clients.

    - Oracle has awarded us with its 2013 Oracle Excellence Award for

      'Specialized Partner of the Year' - North America in the Services

      Partner of the Year, and Business Intelligence Partner of the Year

      categories. In addition, we were also awarded 2013 Oracle Excellence

      Award Honorable Mentions for 'Specialized Partner of the Year' - North

      America for Communications, Media and Entertainment; Energy & Utilities;

      and Financial Services. We were also awarded the 2013 APAC Oracle

      Excellence Award for 'Specialized Partner of the Year' - Industry.

    - Avivia Health from Kaiser Permanente, recognized Infosys Public Services

      as a strategic partner to develop its innovative gamification platform to

      improve consumer engagement.

    - The National Outsourcing Association (NOA) has presented Infosys and

      British Telecom with the 2013 award for excellence in telecommunication,

      utilities and hi-tech outsourcing.

    - The CEB TowerGroup Mobile Banking Solutions Technology Analysis report

      and the Core Banking Systems for the Large Bank Market report, both

      recognized Infosys Finacle(TM) as a 'Best-in-Class' provider.

    - Gartner's International Retail Core Banking report positioned Infosys

      Finacle(TM) as a Leader in its Magic Quadrant for International Retail

      Core Banking* for the seventh time in a row.

      *Source: Gartner, Inc., "Magic Quadrant for International Retail Core

      Banking," Don Free and Ethan Wang, October 8, 2013. Gartner does not

      endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research

      publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those

      vendors with the highest ratings.

    - Infosys BPO has been positioned in the Leaders category in Everest

      Group's Procurement Outsourcing (PO) Service Provider Landscape with

      PEAK Matrix Assessment 2013 report.

    - We have won the prestigious Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise

      (MAKE) Award for the ninth time. We have also won the Asian MAKE Award

      eleven times in a row.

    - At Asiamoney's annual Corporate Governance Poll 2013, we were recognized

      as the Best Overall for Corporate Governance, Responsibilities of

      Management and the Board of Directors, Disclosure and Transparency,

      Shareholders' Rights and Equitable Treatment, and Investor Relations.

    - We received the 'Platinum' award at 'The Asset' Excellence in Management  

      and Corporate Awards 2013.

    - The IR global rankings 2013 ranked us third globally for corporate

      governance practices and second for IR website in India.

    Board Changes

    Induction of U.B. Pravin Rao and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

    The Board of Directors appointed Mr. U B Pravin Rao as an Additional and

Whole-time Director and Ms. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw as an Additional (Independent)


    Mr. Pravin Rao is currently the President of the Company. He is responsible

for driving growth and differentiation across a portfolio of businesses. These

include Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods and Logistics, Life Sciences, Resources

& Utilities, Services, Growth Markets, Cloud & Mobility, and Quality &

Productivity. In addition, he is responsible for Global Delivery and Service

Innovation. Pravin is also the Director of the Infosys Leadership Institute

(ILI) globally. ILI is responsible for the selection, development, research and

succession of senior and high-potential leaders. He has over 25 years of

experience, working on engagements with clients, primarily in retail and

financial services. Since joining Infosys in 1986, he has held a number of

senior leadership roles such as Head of Infrastructure Management Services,

Delivery Head for Europe, and Head of Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods,

Logistics and Life Sciences. Pravin holds a degree in electrical engineering

from Bangalore University, India.

    Ms. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is the Chairman & Managing Director of Biocon

Limited a biotechnology company based in Bangalore, India. Kiran is highly

respected in the corporate world and has been named among TIME magazine's 100

most influential people in the world. Recently, Economic Times placed her at

India Inc's top 10 most powerful women CEO for the year 2012. Her pioneering

efforts in biotechnology have drawn global recognition both for Indian Industry

and Biocon. She received a graduate honors degree in Zoology from Bangalore

University (1973) and qualified as a Master Brewer from Ballarat University,

Australia (1975). Kiran has also received many honorary Doctorates in

recognition of her pre-eminent contributions to the field of biotechnology.

    Retirement of David Boyles

    In accordance with the retirement policy for the company's Board of

Directors (attainment of 65 years of age for Independent Directors appointed to

the Infosys Board prior to October 15, 2010), David L. Boyles, Independent

Director, will retire from the Board effective January 17, 2014. David L.

Boyles joined the Infosys Board in July 2005.

    N. R. Narayana Murthy, Executive Chairman of the Board, said, "David has

played an important role on the Board. His insights on Risk Management have

benefitted the Company immensely and have helped us strengthen our approach to

Risk Management. We thank David for his contribution to the Board and in

particular to the Risk Management Committee, in his capacity as the Chair of

the Committee. We will miss his knowledge and unique insights."

    David L. Boyles thanked the Board and said, "I have had a rewarding

association with Infosys over the past eight years. I would like to thank the

Board of Directors for giving me an opportunity to be a part of the journey of

this iconic company. I wish the company and its leaders the very best."

    David L. Boyles has held senior leadership positions at large multinational

corporations, including American Express, Bank of America and ANZ Banking

Group. He retired from the ANZ and full-time corporate life in December 2003.

David's most recent corporate position was that of Chief Operations Officer at

ANZ Banking Group where he was responsible for Technology, Payments, Property,

Strategic Sourcing and other shared services. He was also on the Board of ANZ

Bank New Zealand and chaired the ANZ Group Operating Risks Executive Committee.

Prior to ANZ, he was Senior Vice President, e-Commerce, at American Express. In

this role, he was responsible for state-of-the-art online services and emerging

technologies. His early roles with AMEXCO included Senior Vice President,

Global Systems and Operations, Travellers Cheque Group. Earlier leadership

positions include Downey Financial (Executive Vice President & Chief Operating


and Bank of America (Senior Vice President, Consumer Markets). David has an MBA

from Washington State University and an MA and BA (summa cum laude) in

Psychology from UNC, Greeley and authored a book Maximising the Business Value

of your Technology Investment


svalue ]

((c)2005, Infosys and Microsoft).

    About Infosys Ltd

    Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing

solutions. We enable clients, in more than 30 countries, to stay a step ahead

of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We help them

transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough solutions

that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

    Visit http://www.infosys.com [http://www.infosys.com/Pages/index.aspx ] to

see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$7.4 billion in annual revenues and

158,000+ employees, is Building Tomorrow's Enterprise(R) today.

    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price,

fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration,

industry segment concentration, our ability to manage our international

operations, reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions

in telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully

complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our

service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made

strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal

incentives, political instability and regional conflicts, legal restrictions on

raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of

our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our

industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are

more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission

filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended

March 31, 2013 and on Form 6-K for the quarter ended September 30, 2013. These

filings are available at http://www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time,

make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including


contained in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission

and our reports to shareholders. The company does not undertake to update any

forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf

of the company unless it is required by law.

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)


                                                             December  March 31,

                                                             31, 2013      2013


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                                 $ 3,712    $4,021

    Available-for-sale financial assets                           418       320

    Investment in certificates of deposit                         106         -

    Trade receivables                                           1,447     1,305

    Unbilled revenue                                              423       449

    Derivative financial instruments                                -        19

    Prepayments and other current assets                          428       391

    Total current assets                                        6,534     6,505

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                               1,202     1,191

    Goodwill                                                      354       364

    Intangible assets                                              60        68

    Available-for-sale financial assets                           203        72

    Deferred income tax assets                                     98        94

    Income tax assets                                             241       201

    Other non-current assets                                       41        44

    Total non-current assets                                    2,199     2,034

    Total assets                                               $8,733    $8,539


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                              $16         -

    Trade payables                                                 29        35

    Current income tax liabilities                                318       245

    Client deposits                                                 7         6

    Unearned revenue                                              142       152

    Employee benefit obligations                                  148       113

    Provisions                                                     49        39

    Other current liabilities                                     733       568

    Total current liabilities                                   1,442     1,158

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                                11        23

    Other non-current liabilities                                  49        27

    Total liabilities                                           1,502     1,208


    Share capital - `5 ($0.16) par value 600,000,000 equity

    shares authorized, issued and outstanding 571,402,566 each,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of December 31,

    2013 and March 31, 2013, respectively                          64        64

    Share premium                                                 704       704

    Retained earnings                                           8,405     7,666

    Other components of equity                                 (1,942)   (1,103)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders of the company  7,231     7,331

    Non-controlling interests                                       -         -

    Total equity                                                7,231     7,331

    Total liabilities and equity                               $8,733    $8,539

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                     Three       Three        Nine        Nine

                                    months      months      months      months

                                     ended       ended       ended       ended

                                  December    December    December    December

                                  31, 2013    31, 2012    31, 2013    31, 2012

    Revenues                        $2,100      $1,911      $6,157      $5,460

    Cost of sales                    1,341       1,203       3,974       3,376

    Gross profit                       759         708       2,183       2,084

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing

    expenses                           104          99         327         277

    Administrative expenses*           129         118         411         355

    Total operating expenses           233         217         738         632

    Operating profit                   526         491       1,445       1,452

    Other income, net                  117          92         301         308

    Profit before income taxes         643         583       1,746       1,760

    Income tax expense                 180         149         482         479

    Net profit                        $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss:

    Re-measurement of the net

    defined benefit liability/(asset)    4           -          10           -

    Items that may be

    reclassified subsequently

    to profit or loss:

    Fair value changes on


    financial asset, net of

    tax effect                         (10)          -         (14)          -

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign operations      91        (250)       (844)       (478)

    Total other comprehensive income   $85       ($250)      ($848)      ($478)

    Total comprehensive income        $548        $184        $416        $803

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $463        $434      $1,264      $1,281

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company             $548        $184        $416        $803

    Non-controlling interests            -           -           -           -

                                      $548        $184        $416        $803

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                         0.81        0.76        2.21        2.24

    Diluted ($)                       0.81        0.76        2.21        2.24

    Weighted average equity

    shares used in computing

    earnings per equity share

    Basic                      571,402,566 571,400,086 571,402,566 571,398,129

    Diluted                    571,402,566 571,400,417 571,402,566 571,399,018

    (*) Administrative expenses for nine months ended December 31, 2013 include

a charge of $ 35 million towards visa related matters.


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and nine

months ended December 31, 2013 have been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on January 10, 2014

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

    Fact Sheet: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/prne/operations/Fact-Sheet.pdf

    INR Press Release:




    Investor Relations

    Gargi Ray



    Sandeep Mahindroo



    Media Relations

    Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



    Ken Montgomery, Golin Harris for Infosys, US



    SOURCE: Infosys Ltd




