◎3D人感センサー技術が注目を浴びる CHTF 2013

The Office of CHTF Organizing Committee

◎3D人感センサー技術が注目を浴びる CHTF 2013

AsiaNet 55094

共同JBN 1419 (2013.11.21)

【深セン(中国)2013年11月21日PRN=共同JBN】China Hi-Tech Fair(CHTF)2013は11月16日から深センで開幕し、50カ国以上から100人を超える代表が参加したが、人感センサー、3D技術などのハイテク・スマート製品が大きな注目を集めた。中でも全国代表大会常務委員会の前副委員長で前中国科学院の前院長の路甬祥氏と海峡両岸関係協会の陳徳銘会長が特にこれに注目した。




China Hi-Tech Fair 2013(CHTF)は中国・深センで毎年11月に開催される国際的なハイテクイベントである。CHTFは1999年に中国国務院に承認され、10の政府機関および深セン市政府が共催され、中国のハイテク部門に最も大きな影響を与えるイベントの1つである。CHTFは「中国一の技術展」との評価を受けている。1999年に初開催されて以来、CHTFは世界中のテクノロジー企業が技術的成果の展示、情報交換、提携パートナーの発見、ビジネスチャンス探しなどのためのプラットフォームを提供した。詳細はウェブサイトwww.chtf.comを参照。

ソース:The Office of CHTF Organizing Committee

3D Body-sensing Technology a Hotspot of CHTF 2013


SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 21, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

At the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) 2013, which opened on Nov. 16 in Shenzhen and

attracted more than 100 delegations from over 50 countries, hi-tech smart

products like applied body-sensing and 3D technologies received a great deal of

attention, in particular from Lu Yongxiang, the former vice-chairman of the

Standing Committee of the National People's Congress cum the President of the

Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chen Deming, the chief of Association for

Relations Across the Taiwan Straits.

Mr. Lu thought highly of the 3D Body-sensing Image Matching System after seeing

a demonstration and learning its functions and commercial prospects through

workers' introductions. He encouraged the developers to be more innovative to

create the most advanced body-sensing products by combining the technologies of

body-sensing, 3D and voice. After that, he gave his advice about market

expansion and how to make full use of CHTF as a platform to explore foreign


At present, many shopping malls and fashion brands in China have started to use

the above-mentioned technology to promote themselves. A negotiation about

cooperation between some platforms of E-commerce and the technology holders is

still ongoing. Once the cooperation is made, the machines will be installed in

airports, metro stations, office buildings, high-class residential facilities

and so on. Then, there will be more interactions between E-commerce and

consumers, with what is called 020 marketing mode, which links online and


About CHTF:

The China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) is an international hi-tech event held annually

in November in Shenzhen, China. Approved by the State Council of the People's

Republic of China and jointly hosted by 10 government departments and Shenzhen

Municipal People's Government, it is one of the most influential events for the

high-technology sectors on the Chinese mainland. It is renowned as the"No.1

Technology Show in China". Since its inception in 1999, the CHTF has provided a

platform for technology companies all over the world to showcase their

technological achievements, exchange information, identify collaboration

partners and explore business opportunities. For more information please visit

the website: www.chtf.com.

SOURCE:  The Office of CHTF Organizing Committee




