


AsiaNet 54737

共同JBN 1262 (2013.10.24)




ジンブランドとして販売量、金額ともに世界で最も高い成長をしている(注)ボンベイ・サファイア(BOMBAY SAPPHIRE、登録商標)は24日、トライベッカ映画祭(Tribeca Film Festival、登録商標)との協力による「ボンベイ・サファイア・イマジネーションシリーズ:フィルムコンペティション」の4人の勝者を発表した。同コンペティションは新進の映画制作者を対象にしたもので、アカデミー賞(Academy Award、登録商標)を受賞したジェフリー・フレッチャー氏の短編脚本を自分なりのアイデアで解釈して短編映画を作るチャンスを提供しようというもの。


    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131024/648089-a

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131024/648089-b




*マイテ・フェルナンデス氏(スペイン出身の書籍販売業者兼コメディアン):「Grafitti Area」

*クリス・コーンウェル氏(ロンドン出身の脚本家):「Exit Log」

*キアラ・ジョーンズ氏(米国出身の映画専攻学生):「The Other Side of the Game」





Tribeca Enterprisesの最高クリエーティブ責任者(CCO)ジェフリー・ギルモア氏はボンベイ・サファイアとの協力関係についてコメントし「当社と同じように創造力や想像性を大事にするブランドとパートナーになることは素晴らしいことだ。イマジネーションシリーズはボンベイ・サファイア・チームの情熱と支持を受けて、新たな物語作家を発掘する素晴らしい機会になっている」と述べた。



 *カレン・ペッシーナ、イタリア、「Tea Time」:パンクした車を道ばたに寄せた2人の男をめぐるスリラー作品。近くの家に助けを乞うと、1人の老婦人が現れ、ティーとマフィンを出す。マフィンは毒入りで、食べた1人の男はその場で死んでしまう。もう1人の男は老婦人と再会する。

 *アリソン・モーガン、アメリカ、「Need for Speed (Dating)」:集団見合いイベントに出席した2人の女友達をめぐるコメディー。次々と現れる男たちは皆不愉快な連中で、2人の女性は希望がなさそうだと思い始める。しかし運命のいたずらで、女性たちは身の丈にあった素晴らしい結婚相手に出会う。

 *ジャイルズ・ボルグ、英国、「The Search」:自分が人類最後の1人になってしまう恐怖にとりつかれた男をめぐるドラマ。古いコンピューター「ボブ」を使って、監視カメラの映像を見て、他に人がいないか調べようとする。「ボブ」は他の人間を見つけるが、自分もひとりになるのが嫌で、そのことを男のジョンに教えない。ジョンは絶望して、その場を去る。

 *エフィー・ウッズ、英国、「Cutie Pie」:ひとりの男ピーターが家に帰り、マギーが買ってくれたかわいい子猫を見つける。しかし子猫は家中をめちゃめちゃにし始め、ピーターはマギーに返してくるように頼む。いくら追い出そうと努力しても無駄で、この小さなモンスターは2人を悩まし続ける。

 *モモセヒロシ、日本、「The Value of Freedom」:動物園を舞台にしたアニメ作品。2羽の鳥がおりの中から空のかなたを眺めている。1羽は鳥かごという刑務所から逃れようと助けを求める。見知らぬ世界へ飛び立ちたくないもう1羽の鳥は、勝手が分かって安心できる鳥かごに止まる。



ボンベイ・サファイアは生産数量と金額の両面において世界で最も高い成長を果たしているジンのブランドである(注1)。ボンベイ・サファイア・ジンは1761年の秘密レシピに基づいており、世界中から人の手を使って選りすぐった10種類の珍しい植物を独自の方法でバランスよく調合することによって作られている。植物の自然の香りがVapour Infusion製法と呼ばれるデリケートな蒸留プロセスを経てとりだされ、これこそがボンベイ・サファイアである、という魅惑的で滑らかな複雑な味を作り出している。

 *ボンベイ・サファイア(登録商標):Infused with Imagination(商標)




(注)データは2011年12月末までの12カ月間に関するInternational Wine and Spirit Research(IWSR)から。メジャーブランドは世界的生産量、売り上げによるブランド順位のトップ5に入っている。調査結果全文は要請があれば提供可能。



Tarita Mullings, H+K Strategies / tarita.mullings@hkstrategies.com /


H+K Strategies / imaginationseries@hkstrategies.com /


ソース:Bombay Sapphire

Bombay Sapphire Gin Announces Four Winners of the Imagination Series: Film Competition; Public to Vote for a Fifth Winner


LONDON, Oct. 24, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - Four filmmakers have won the chance to have their imagination made into a


    - The public gets the chance to vote for a fifth film by visiting


    BOMBAY SAPPHIRE(R), the world's fastest-growing major gin brand by volume

and value[1], in association with Tribeca Film Festival(R), today announced the

four winners of the Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series: Film competition. The

competition offers budding filmmakers the chance to realise their own short

film, using their imagination to interpret a short film script created by

Academy Award(R) winner Geoffrey Fletcher.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:



    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131024/648089-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131024/648089-b )

    Now in its second year, Bombay Sapphire and Geoffrey Fletcher assembled a

cross section of imaginative heavy weights from the world of film to judge the

entries, which featured Academy Award(R) winning actor, Adrien Brody;

screenwriter and film director, Lucy Mulloy; screenwriter, Naomi Foner; actor,

Peter Facinelli; and senior curator at Vimeo, Sam Morrill, who between them

selected nine films for their originality and imagination.

    The winners are:


    - Anthony Khaseria, a screenwriter from London, for his film 'Reflections'

    - Maite Fernandez, a bookseller and comedian from Spain, for her film

      'Grafitti Area'

    - Chris Cornwell, a screenwriter from London, for his film 'Exit Log'

    - Kiara Jones, a film student from the U.S., for her film 'The Other Side


      the Game'

    Academy Award winning screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher commented on the

competition: "At a time when it's difficult for new voices and creative visions

to find funding and broad exposure, Bombay Sapphire is providing a platform and

launch pad for new stories to be told on screen. We hope the films we create

inspire audiences and are as resonate as they are imaginative."

    Academy Award winner Adrien Brody said, "The range of creativity of the

entries we received to the Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series Film competition

this year was vast, making it extremely difficult to distil into only four

winners. Regardless, I hope for many it was a motivational experience and I

believe we've uncovered some exciting new talent who we hope will go on to make

an impact within the film industry. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how

we bring the winners imaginations to life through film on the big screen in


    With imagination at the heart of both Bombay Sapphire and filmmaking, the

competition looks to explore endless creativity and the brand's belief in the

power of imagination and that it can take you anywhere.

    Bombay Sapphire Global Marketing Manager Luca Vescovini added: "We are

committed to sparking people's imagination and uncovering new talent through

the Bombay Sapphire Imagination Series Film competition. It's exciting to see

how the Imagination Series has grown and after only two years it has almost

doubled its entries receiving more than 1,300 submissions from 68 countries

across the world."

    Geoffrey Gilmore, Chief Creative Officer of Tribeca Enterprises, commented

on the association with Bombay Sapphire: "It's great to partner with a brand

who embraces creativity and imagination in the same way we do. The Imagination

Series, fuelled with the passion and support of the Bombay Sapphire team

provides a great opportunity for the discovery of new storytellers."

    Starting today, Bombay Sapphire is giving members of the general public the

chance to vote for a fifth film to be made through its open vote selection. By

visiting http://imaginationseries.com/vote a vote can be cast,

with the winning film announced on 14 November 2013.

    The wild cards are:


    - Karen Pessina, Italy - 'Tea Time' is a thriller involving two men who pull

      over with a flat tire. When they seek help at a nearby house, an old lady

      offers them tea and muffins. One suddenly drops dead after eating a

      poisoned muffin. His partner is reunited with the old lady.

    - Allyson Morgan, USA - 'Need for Speed (Dating)' is a comedy about two

      friends that attend a speed dating event. They face a gaggle of unsavory

      guys one after the other and begin to think that all hope is gone. Fate

      intervenes and they each find a great match somewhat closer to home.

    - Giles Borg, UK - 'The Search' is a drama about a man who fears he's the

      last man left on earth. He employs an old computer terminal, BOB, to scan

      CCTV footage for other signs of life. BOB finds other humans but, being

      lonely himself, does not tell John, who leaves, hopeless.

    - Effie Woods, UK - 'Cutie Pie' is a comedy about a man, Peter, who returns

      home to find he has been bought an adorable kitten by Maggie. Peter wants

      Maggie to return it when the kitten destroys the house. Despite their

      efforts to shake off the little monster, it continues to haunt them.

    - Hiroshi Momose, Japan - 'The Value of Freedom' is an animation set in the

      zoo. Two birds look out through bars at the sky beyond. One bird enlists

      help to escape the confines of the cage. Choosing to fly off into the

      unknown, the other bird chooses to stay, reassured by what it knows.

    The winners will now participate in producing and directing their own

individual films, which will be premiered in early 2014. To see the winners and

hear more about their films and experiences during the production process visit



    Bombay Sapphire the world's fastest growing major gin brand by volume and

value[1]. Based on a secret 1761 recipe, Bombay Sapphire gin is created by

perfectly balancing a unique combination of 10 hand-selected exotic botanicals

from around the world. The natural flavours of the botanicals are captured

through a delicate distillation process called Vapour Infusion which results in

the tantalising, smooth and complex taste that is Bombay Sapphire.

    BOMBAY SAPPHIRE(R) - Infused with imagination(TM)

    Bombay Sapphire aims to inspire people into expanding their minds, thinking

differently to reveal more about themselves and their Imaginations. The team at

Bombay Sapphire believes everyone has imagination and therefore aims to give

everyone the opportunity to be inspired, and to infuse their imagination with

Bombay Sapphire.




    1. Data sourced from International Wine and Spirit Research (IWSR), for the

       12 months to the end of December 2011. Major brands are those that

       feature in the top 5 by volume and value globally. Full results  

       available on request.


    For further information please contact:


    Tarita Mullings, H+K Strategies / tarita.mullings@hkstrategies.com /


    H+K Strategies / imaginationseries@hkstrategies.com / +44-20-7413-3000

     SOURCE: Bombay Sapphire




