
Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee


AsiaNet 54654

共同JBN 1219 (2013.10.16)


 *蘇州工業団地(Suzhou Industrial Park、SIP)ナノテク・セクターの目標は、国際的ナノテク・コミュニティーの中国へのポータル

9月25日朝、蘇州工業団地でCHInano Conference & Expo 2013が開幕した。参加したのは、米国、フィンランド、スイス、ドイツ、フランス、英国を含む12カ国の代表と、生産、教育、研究を含む多分野の専門家、学者ら数百人だった。


SIPは、「China International Nanotech Innovation Cluster」、「Suzhou Nanotechnology National University Science Park」、 「Suzhou National Hi-Tech Industrialization Base for Nanotech」を含む8つの国家レベルのタイトルを得ている。この工業団地には、中国科学院(CAS)蘇州ナノテク・ナノバイオ機構(Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics)、東呉大学 とウォータールー大学が資金を提供したSUN-WIN Joint Research Institute for Nanotechnology、USTC-UC Berkeley Joint Nano-Science and Technology Instituteを含む、約20のナノテク関連施設があり、全体としてナノテク分野のトップタレントの約200人が集まり、200のナノテク関連企業を生み出している。年初からの8カ月間にこのセクターの総生産高は前年比50%増の80億元にのぼった。SIPは国際的ナノテク・コミュニティーの「中国へのポータル」になるのを目指し、同セクターの発展を推進するために、リソース、ポリシー、努力を傾注している。


エクスポ開催中に、チェコ技術庁とSIPはCzech Technology China Center(チェコ技術中国センター)建設に関する覚書に署名し、ナノテクノロジー、バイオロジーの分野で中国、チェコ両国間の技術交流と貿易協力に幕を開けた。これは工業団地に建設されたChina-Finland Nano Innovation Center、Holland Hi-Tech China Centerに続く3番目の国際協力プラットフォームになる。

過去3回のCHInanoセッションの結果、SIPは米国、フィンランド、ドイツ、シンガポール、日本、英国を含む20カ国以上の国・地域のナノテク関連組織との関係を多様化し、国際的リソースを現行ベースで統合、活用している。例としてフィンランドとの協力を挙げると、中国・フィンランド・ナノテク戦略協力計画に加わり、蘇州ナノポリスにあるChina- Finland Nano Innovation Centerを本拠地に定めてから、最初の4つの共同プロジェクトを立ち上げるまでに、協力関係は、ナノテクノロジーだけからナノ素材、製薬を含む関連分野にまで拡大した。




ソース:Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee

Innovative Development Model for Nanotech Sector in Suzhou Industrial Park


SUZHOU, China, Oct. 16, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The Sector Aims to be a Portal to China for International Nanotech


    The CHInano Conference & Expo 2013 opened in Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP)

on the morning of September 25. Among the attendees were representatives from

12 countries, including the United States, Finland, Switzerland, Germany,

France and the United Kingdom, as well as hundreds of experts and scholars from

multiple disciplines, including production, education and research.

   SIP was the first industrial park in China to see the opportunity of

nanotechnology as an emerging strategic sector that could lead the

transformation and upgrading of China's industries. SIP is now China's only

state-level nanotech industrialization and innovation base. The establishment

of nanotech as its "No.1" project for technology innovation by the park

demonstrates its firm determination. The decision to focus on nanotech has

proven to be a good one, as evidenced by the excellent results, further driving

continued development.

    SIP has received eight state-level titles, including "China International

Nanotech Innovation Cluster," "Suzhou Nanotechnology National University

Science Park," and "Suzhou National Hi-Tech Industrialization Base for

Nanotech." There are nearly twenty nanotech-related facilities based in the

park, including the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Suzhou Institute of

Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, SUN-WIN Joint Research Institute for Nanotechnology

founded by Soochow University and the University of Waterloo, and USTC-UC

Berkeley Joint Nano-Science and Technology Institute, collectively gathering

around 200 of the top talents in the nanotech field and spawning 200

nanotech-related companies. During the first eight months of this year, total

output from the sector increased by 50% year-on-year to RMB8 billion. SIP is

focusing its resources, policies and efforts on driving the development of the

sector, with the aim of becoming the "Portal to China" for international

nanotech communities.

    Gaining global fame through international cooperation

During the event, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and SIP signed an

MOU on building the Czech Technology China Center, marking the kickoff of

technology exchange and trade cooperation between the two countries in such

fields as nanotechnology and biology. This is also the third international

cooperation platform after the China-Finland Nano Innovation Center and the

Holland Hi-Tech China Center, both of which are located in the park.

    As a result of the previous three sessions of CHInano, SIP has developed

diversified relationships with nanotech-related organizations from over 20

countries and regions including the U.S., Finland, Germany, Singapore, Japan,

and the U.K., integrating and utilizing international resources on an ongoing

basis. Using the cooperation with Finland as an example, from joining in the

China-Finland Nanotech Strategic Cooperation Program and locating the

China-Finland Nano Innovation Center at Nanopolis Suzhou, to the launch of the

first four cooperation projects, the partnership has expanded from purely just

nanotechnology to related areas including nanomaterials and pharmaceuticals.

    The nanotech sector at SIP enjoys an increasingly international reputation.

    Creating a leading sector by industrial clusters

    SIP recently released a diagram illustrating the relationship of around 200

nanotech-related companies within the park in terms of their place within the

nanotech industry chain. From upstream nanomaterial, dispersion technology, and

device packaging businesses, to middle-stream companies focused on core

components, and downstream applications, as well as companies dedicated to nano

processes, they collectively drive the development of the sector. Recognizing

this, SIP has set industrial alignment as the primary objective of the four

sessions of CHInano and, as part of this strategy, has been promoting

cooperation among the companies within the park.

    SOURCE: Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee




