
18th Meeting International


AsiaNet 54465

共同JBN 1133 (2013.10.2)

【サンパウロ(ブラジル)2013年10月2日PRN=共同JBN】ビジネスリーダー・グループLIDE(Grupo de Lideres Empresariais)主催で開催された「18th Meeting International」の国際セミナー初日の9月27日、ブラジルのヘリオス・ラモス大使兼マイアミ総領事はブラジル、米国両国間のビジネスが非常な活況を呈していることを指摘した。ラモス大使は「今回のイベントはブラジル、米国両国間の関係を促進する意図で開かれた」と述べた。9月26日から29日まで米フロリダ州マイアミで開かれたこの集まりにはブラジルおよび米国から200人の企業幹部、政府高官が参加した。



ブラジルの元農務大臣でLIDE AGRONEGOCIOS(LIDE農業部会)会長でもあるロベルト・ロドリゲス氏は「ブラジル産エタノールおよびオレンジの対米輸出における強み」と題したスピーチの中で「ブラジル農業は世界で並外れて最も持続可能なものになっている」と述べた。「2012年のブラジルの貿易収支は190億米ドルの黒字だった。アグリビジネスだけで790億米ドルになった」

米国向けのブラジル農産品輸出として可能性が高いのはエタノールとオレンジジュースの2製品である。2008 年の危機によってブラジルはエタノール生産の削減を迫られ、現在も新工場の建設は行われていない。元農務大臣のロドリゲス氏は「政府はインフレと戦うことを望んでおり、防止策の一つはガソリン価格の凍結だが、これはエタノール価格の上昇につながる」と述べた。


ソース:18th Meeting International


CDN - Comunicacao Corporativa:

Erica Valerio - erica.valerio@cdn.com.br, +55-11-3643-2710

18th Meeting International highlights bilateral relations between Brazil and the United States


SAO PAULO, Oct. 2, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

At the opening of the International Seminar held on September 27th at the 18th

Meeting International organized by LIDE - Grupo de Lideres Empresariais ['Group

of Business Leaders'],  Helio Ramos, ambassador and consul-general of Brazil in

Miami, underscored that the two countries are experiencing a very prosperous

moment for business.  "This event is intended to foster relations between

Brazil and the United States," said Ramos. The gathering brought together 200

executives and government officials from Brazil and the U.S. from September

26th through the 29th in Miami, Florida.

Florida governor Rick Scott called for a strengthening of economic relations

with Brazil, and criticized the requirement for visas between the two countries

during the first panel discussion of the day on "Economic, institutional and

tourism relations between Brazil and the United States." "The visa problem is a

significant one, because I want to increase our relations with other countries,

particularly Brazil," said the Governor, who received support from LIDE

President, Joao Doria Jr.

To the Governor of Goias, Marconi Perillo, the agricultural production from his

state is a very important part of the trade balance. "Goias is responsible for

50% of national grain production, half of the livestock herds, and 20% of the

sugarcane for the production of Brazilian ethanol," he explained.

"Brazilian agriculture is by far the most sustainable in the world," said

Roberto Rodrigues, former Minister of Agriculture and President of LIDE

AGRONEGOCIOS ['LIDE Agribusiness'] in his talk on "The strength of ethanol and

oranges in Brazil's exports to the U.S." In 2012, Brazil's trade balance had a

surplus of US$ 19 billion. Agribusiness alone accounted for US$ 79 billion.

Ethanol and orange juice are two products that stand out among potential

exports of Brazilian agribusiness to the United States. The crisis in 2008

caused Brazil to reduce the production of ethanol, and at present there are no

plants being constructed.  "The government wants to fight inflation and one of

the ways to keep it from taking off is to freeze gas prices, which results in

an increase in the price of ethanol," the former minister explained.

The United States is the second largest market for our orange juice, second

only to the European Union. Today there are 27 billion liters produced in

Brazil, with a surplus of 6 to 7 billion liters for export. "In August, we

exported more ethanol to the U.S. than in the same period last year.  The space

for growth in the U.S. is tremendous, but it is necessary to make American

import duties more flexible," he noted.

More information for the press:

CDN - Comunicacao Corporativa:

Erica Valerio - erica.valerio@cdn.com.br, +55-11-3643-2710

SOURCE:  18th Meeting International




