
International Association of Law Schools(IALS)


AsiaNet 54424

共同JBN 1121 (2013.9.27)

【シンガポール2013年9月27日PRN=共同JBN】9月25日から27日までシンガポールで開かれたこの種の会議としては最近の記憶では最大規模になったGlobal Law Deans' Forumに80人を超す世界の法科大学院学長や法学部学部長が参集し、法律教育の基準および成果に関する原則を採択した。これら国際的な原則はInternational Association of Law Schools(IALS)が後援した2年間にわたる学長、学部長らのワークショップから生まれたもので、IALSは世界の法律教育の共通化と標準化を図る目的で法律学校の指導者を一堂に集めた。


今回作られた原則は今後IALS が法律学者、判事、職業的コミュニティー、他のステークホルダーとの関与を継続する中で世界の法律教育のためのガイドラインおよび推奨プラクティスを決めるための基礎になる。



今回のGlobal Law Deans' Forumではシンガポール国立大学法学部教授会が学部長サイモン・チェスターマン教授の指揮の下で共同ホストを務めた。これらの原則はIALSのウェブサイト(http://www.ialsnet.org)でオンライン閲覧が可能になっている。

International Association of Law Schoolsは有志からなる非営利の学会であり、45カ国以上の170以上の法科大学院および法学部が会員になっている。同協会は2005年に設立され、現在では法律学校の世界最大級の国際団体になっている。

ソース:International Association of Law Schools(IALS)


Martha Delgado, md@wangff.org,

Anna Williams, jpw@wangff.org,

または電話: 1-707-259-2811

International Law School Deans Adopt Global Principles for a Legal Education


SINGAPORE, Sept. 27, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   In the largest assemblage of its kind in recent memory, more than 80 law

school deans and chairs of law faculties from around the world met in Singapore

on September 25th - 27th, 2013 at the Global Law Deans' Forum to adopt a set of

principles of standards and outcomes for a legal education. These global

principles grew from two years of regional law deans' workshops sponsored by

the International Association of Law Schools (IALS) which gathered together law

school leaders to explore the commonalities and standards to be applied

worldwide to legal education.   

   The need to define these global principles was driven by the rapidly

changing face of legal education in the midst of evolving domestic and

international norms.

   The principles developed will be the foundation upon which the association

will continue its engagement with law scholars, judges, the professional

community, and other stakeholders in establishing guidelines and suggested

practices for a global legal education.

   The president of the association, Prof. Francis SL Wang stated, "The

principles will serve as the fundamental building blocks for further defining a

globalized legal educational initiative which will honor our diversity while

connecting all teachers of the law in a shared vision of nurturing the next

generation of law graduates."

   In agreement to the above quote, Prof. Barbara Holden-Smith, Vice Dean of

Cornell Law School and General-Secretary of the IALS adds, "This addresses the

needs and requests of our members to further define the parameters of global

legal education."

   The Global Law Deans' Forum was co-hosted by the National University of

Singapore, Faculty of Law led by their Dean, Prof. Simon Chesterman. The

principles are available for viewing online at the IALS website,


   The International Association of Law Schools is a volunteer, non-profit

learned society of more than 170 law schools and faculties representing more

than 45 countries.  Formed in 2005, it is the primary international

representative of the world's law faculties.  For more information, please

contact either Martha Delgado at md@wangff.org, Anna Williams at jpw@wangff.org

or by phone at 1-707-259-2811.

SOURCE:  International Association of Law Schools (IALS)




