


AsiaNet 54319

☆共同JBN 1085 (2013.9.24)



タイ政府商務省国際貿易振興局(The Department of International Trade Promotion)はタイ貿易企業と物流サービス業者の振興を図る任務に沿って、7年連続してタイ輸出物流モデル賞(Export Logistics Model Award、ELMA)コンテストを開催した。

本年のELMA 2013賞を獲得したのは総合アグリビジネス業界大手のチャルーン・ポーカパン・フーズ(Charoen Pokphand Foods Public)、世界120カ国以上で「ロイヤル・アンブレラ(Royal Umbrella)」ブランドのコメを生産、販売しているC.P.Intertrade Public、冷蔵・冷凍鶏肉、加工処理済み鮮魚、調理済み鶏肉を生産、輸出しているCPF (Thailand)Public Co.(中部サラブリ県の食肉加工企業)、100以上のブランドの化粧品の生産・輸出企業のタイ・ミロット(Milott Laboratories )、著名なUHTココナツミルクのブランド「チャオ・コオ(Chaokoh)」など食料品、飲料水の生産、輸出企業であるAmphol Food Processing、産業部品用プラスチック製品とメラミン100%使用の家庭用食器の製造、輸出企業のSrithai Superware Public Co., Ltd.の各社である。

ELMA賞はタイの輸出企業にとって挑戦しがいのあるコンテストになっているが、その理由は同賞が全世界的に認知される企業実績と物流管理を評価するためのフレームワークとして確立されているからである。ELMA賞は優れた経営パフォーマンスのカギを握る2つの要件、すなわち良質性と効率性(Quality and Efficiency)を評価の対象とすることによって、企業にとって価値のある賞となっている。


担当はタイ商務省国際貿易振興局貿易・物流管理サービス課(Office of Services Trade and Trade Logistics)である。


Mati Kosiyanon

TTIS Co., Ltd.

Tel. +6627188950

E-mail Mati@ttis.co.th

ソース:Department of International Trade Promotion of Thailand

ELMA 2013 Sets Thai Export Logistics Standard


BANGKOK, Thailand, Sep. 23, 2013 /InfoQuest=KYODO JBN/ --

   Quick and Accurate Response to customer needs is the major challenge in a

borderless world, particularly in the context of ASEAN economic integration

which will take effect in 2015. The birth of AEC will in turn have a

significant impact on future trends in logistics management while necessitating

modern and appropriate IT applications along with upgrading of know-how that

will enable local logistics personnel to create value-added products and

services to enhance their competitiveness.

   Efficient logistics management is a pre-requisite factor for success and

sustainable growth In the global marketplace because production processes and

raw material procurement need  to link up to ensure quick, accurate and

cost-effective production and delivery of goods and services to customers.

   Pursuant to its role in promoting Thai trading enterprises and logistics

business operators, the Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry

of Commerce, has organized the Export Logistics Model Award (ELMA) contest for

the 7th consecutive year.

   This year, the winners of Export Logistics Model Award(ELMA 2013) were

Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Co., Ltd., industry leader in integrated

agri-businesses, C.P.  Intertrade Co., Ltd., producer and distributor of the

“Royal Umbrella” rice brand in over 120 countries worldwide, CPF (Thailand)

Public Co., Ltd., (Food Processing Saraburi) which produces and exports

refrigerated/frozen chicken meat, processed fresh /cooked chicken, Milott

Laboratories Co., Ltd., producer and exporter of cosmetics products for over

100 brand names, Amphol Food Processing Co., Ltd., producer and exporter of

food products & beverages, including a well-known “Chaokoh” brand of UHT

coconut milk, and Srithai Superware Public Co., Ltd. which produces and exports

plastic products for industrial applications and household products made of


   ELMA award is a challenging contest for Thai trading enterprises because it

establishes a framework for assessing business performance and logistics

management that is universally recognized. Covering both dimensions which hold

the key to business performance excellence, namely, Quality and Efficiency,

ELMA has become a valuable award for business enterprises.

   Recognizing that efficient logistics management holds the key to trade

competitiveness and regional trade expansion, the annual ELMA contest has been

organized to upgrade the operational standard and practices of logistics

service providers and trading enterprises in Thailand.

   Office of Services Trade and Trade Logistics,

Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce

   For more information please contact:

Mati Kosiyanon

TTIS Co., Ltd.

Tel. +6627188950

Email: Mati@ttis.co.th

   SOURCE: Department of International Trade Promotion of Thailand




