◎11月7日上海で初の国際児童書展 次のハリー・ポッターを求めて

Reed Exhibitions (China) Co., Ltd.

◎11月7日上海で初の国際児童書展 次のハリー・ポッターを求めて

AsiaNet 54256

共同JBN 1057 (2013.9.17)




いま若い読者の数がふくれ上がっているアジア太平洋地域では、この地域独自の児童書に関するイベントがデビューしようとしている。第1回CCBF(China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair、中国上海国際児童書展)が11月7-9日に上海マート展覧会場で開催され、内外の専門家や書籍愛好家を迎える。業界専門家たちはこの催しで、新たなスーパー・ベストセラーの誕生を見ようと目を光らせる。




CCBFは上海市新聞出版局、CEPMG、China Universal Press & Publishing Co. Ltd.が共同で開催し、上海ブックフェア、ロンドン・ブックフェアの姉妹フェアとしてリード・エグジビション(Reed Exhibitions)がアジア太平洋の最初のメジャーな児童書展として案内係を務め、書籍、オーディオ/ビデオ、エンターテインメント、教育用品を網羅し、著作権取引、著者、読書活動の橋渡しをする。



中国東部のHubei Children’s Pressと大手児童書出版社6社は提携して、この児童書展にYang Hongying(楊紅桜) Zoneを開設する。楊さんは中国で有名な児童書の著者である。彼女の主著「Diary of a Smiling Cat」は、業界に衝撃をもたらした2000万部以上のベストセラーになった。


11月の開催までまだ数か月あるが、海外のCCBFに対する期待はますます強くなっている。英国、米国、オーストラリア、スペイン、フランス、ベルギー、インド、日本、韓国、マレーシアの児童書出版社の多くは、英国出版協会(U.K. Publishers’ Association)、CENGAGE Learning、McGraw-Hill Companies、オックスフォード大学出版局、Harper Collins、Hachette S.A.、Garnet Education、ベネッセなどの大手出版社を含めて、この児童書展への登録を済ませている。それぞれの国際的な児童書を持ち寄るのに加え、彼らはこの古い東洋の地で次のハリー・ポッターを探し出そうと望んでいる。




ソース:Reed Exhibitions (China) Co., Ltd.

CCBF Debuts in Shanghai


SHANGHAI, Sept. 16, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

             -- In Search for the Next Harry Potter

   In the spring of 1997, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone debuted at a

children's book fair in Bologna. An American publisher bought the copyright,

and a magical wind swept across the world soon after, causing the Harry Potter

series to enter into the Publishing Hall of Fame.

   Now the Asia Pacific, a region boasting a huge population of young readers,

will welcome the debut of its own children's book event. The first CCBF will

take place at the Shanghai Mart Exhibition Center on 7-9 November this year,

greeting professionals and book fans home and abroad. Industry professionals

are keen to witness the birth of a new super bestseller at the event.

   Children's book copyright trading in AP

   Statistics in the 2012 China Publishing Industry Analysis Report showed that

9,000 more titles of children's books were published in China in 2012 compared

to the previous year, representing an annual increase of 40.4%, offering a

stronger performance than the average 12% increase of overall published titles.

Since 2013, 47,000 titles of children's books have been filed at SARFT,

accounting for 20.9% of the total filed titles in the country. Now the

continued strong momentum of children's books represents a key part of China's

publishing industry.

   CCBF, jointly launched by the Shanghai News and Press Bureau, CEPMG, China

Universal Press & Publishing Co. Ltd. and managed by Reed Exhibitions as a

sister event to Shanghai Book Fair and London Book Fair, will usher in the

first major children's book fair in AP covering books, audio/video,

entertainment, and education products and linking up copyright trade, authors,

and reading activities.

   A golden key to open up great possibilities in China and the world at large

   CCBF is expected by the industry to be the golden key to open up huge

possibilities for Chinese authors to embrace the world and for the world to

make sorties into the Chinese market.

   Hubei Children's Press and the six leading children's books publishers in

East China will join hands and launch the Yang Hongying Zone at the event. Yang

is the hottest children's author in China. Her leading work Diary of a Smiling

Cat has sold more than 20 million copies, a marketing feat that shook the


   For foreign publishers, the Chinese market offers huge potentials. In 2012,

children's books accounted for 52 of the top 100 bestselling general books in


   Although still several months away from the event in November, overseas

enthusiasm has been gaining strong momentum. Dozens of children's books

publishers from the U.K., U.S., Australia, Spain, France, Belgium, India,

Japan, Korea, and Malaysia, including leading industry players such as the U.K.

Publishers' Association, CENGAGE Learning, McGraw-Hill Companies, Oxford

University Press, Harper Collins, Hachette S.A., Garnet Education, and Benesse

have all registered for the event. On top of bringing with them leading

international children's titles, they also hope to find the next Harry Potter

in this ancient oriental land.

   CCBF Best Children's Book Awards

   The CCBF Best Children's Book Awards was launched to honor of the 20 titles

based on content, design, overall quality, and unique features. These titles

are sure to attract the attention of leading players to bring their latest and

best works to the event, and it provides an opportunity for contact with

leading publishers, authors, translators, and illustrators home and abroad.

   For more information on CCBF, please visit: www.ccbookfair.com

   SOURCE: Reed Exhibitions (China) Co., Ltd.




