◎スポーツ運営に透明性を ブラジル民間部門とアスリートが支持


◎スポーツ運営に透明性を ブラジル民間部門とアスリートが支持

AsiaNet 54134

共同JBN 0999 (2013.9.4)

【サンパウロ(ブラジル)2013年9月4日PRN=共同JBN】国内スポーツの透明性を促進することを目的とした暫定措置であるMP 615を変更する修正案の上院における採決が近づいているおりから、8月30日にサンパウロで開かれたNational Sports Forum(Forum Nacional do Esporte)では民間セクターの支持を取り付けることができた。Group of Business Leaders(LIDE、Grupo de Lideres Empresariais)のホアン・ドリア・Jr.会長は「われわれはこの件を議会にかける。ワールドカップやオリンピックの遺産を今後のスポーツの実践活動に残すためには是非必要だからだ」と述べた。

政界、実業界、スポーツ界の有力者がフォーラムのイベントでこの問題を取り上げた。提案されているMP修正案ではスポーツ団体の会長や幹部の任期を4年間に制限することや、スポーツ団体のトップの再選回数の制限、公的資金を受けることを制限することが盛り込まれている。Tetra PakとLIDE Sportsの会長であるパウロ・ニグロ氏は実業界のムードを明白にした。「われわれは国会でMP615暫定修正案を支持する。競技団体の運営を改善し、改革を進め、健全な運営と透明性を推進するものだからだ」



修正案の作成には非政府団体(NGO)Atletas pelo Brasil(Athletes for Brazil)が関わった。LIDE Sportsのパートナーの一つで、代表は元バレーボール選手のアンナ・モーザー氏。

Sports for Brazil Movement(Movimento Esporte pelo Brasil)

フォーラムの最後に、Atletas pelo Brasilは新しいプロジェクトを公表した。Esporte pelo Brasil, はAfrica agencyとのパートナーシップで、スポーツファンを動員する大規模なキャンペーンを実施し、ブラジル最大の地域レジストリーを作るため、10月にポータルサイトを立ち上げるという。


Movimento Esporte pelo Brasilについてのより詳しい情報は以下に問い合わせを。

Heloize Campos - heloize@atletaspelacidadania.org.br


ソース: LIDE

Athletes and LIDE business executives ask politicians to take a stand on MP 615


SAO PAULO, Sept. 4, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    As it approaches a vote in the Senate, the amendment altering the

provisional measure MP 615, seeking to ensure transparency in national sports,

won the support of the private sector during the Forum Nacional do Esporte

[National Sports Forum], last Friday, August 30, in Sao Paulo. "We executives

are going to be tracking this issue in the Congress. It is essential for the

World Cup and the Olympics to leave a legacy for the practice of sports,"

stated Joao Doria Jr, President of LIDE - Grupo de Lideres Empresariais [Group

of Business Leaders].

    Prominent figures from the world of politics, business and sports raised

the issue during the course of the event. Among items proposed for amendment in

the MP, is term limits for presidents and athletic directors to four years, as

well as limiting the number of reelections for heads of athletic institutions

receiving public funding. Paulo Nigro, President of Tetra Pak and LIDE Esporte

[LIDE Sports], made clear the feelings of the business community. "We are

supporting passage of provisional measure MP 615 in the National Congress,

which seeks improvements in sports administration, providing renewal, sound

management and transparency."  

    Jose Maria Marin, President of the CBF, was quite closely questioned,

mainly by Corinthians player, Paulo Andre, and Rai, former soccer player and

ambassador for LIDE Esporte. "I won't make a judgment of any of the directors

for responding. I can say that I believe that whatever is good should be

continued.  Between what's good and experimenting, it's better to play it

safe," Marin replied.   

    Minister of Sport, Aldo Rebelo, for his part, was cautious in his position,

and also refrained from going into depth on the issue. "There are no

reservations at all on my part.  However, it is not a draft law, but rather, an

amendment of a Provisional Measure.  That's why I approach discussing the

matter with caution," he observed.

    The drafting of the amendment had input from the NGO Atletas pelo Brasil

[Athletes for Brazil], a partner of LIDE Esporte, and headed by former

volleyball player, Ana Moser.

    Movimento Esporte pelo Brasil [Sports for Brazil Movement]

    At the end of the Forum, Atletas pelo Brasil announced its new project, the

movement, Esporte pelo Brasil, in partnership with the Africa agency, which

will undertake a major mobilization campaign to attract sports enthusiasts and

create the Brazil's largest registry for this area, through a portal that will

be launched in October.  

    The aim of this action is to raise awareness and mobilize society to

disseminate the concept of sports as a tool for the development of the country,

and to stimulate Sporting culture as one of the key legacies of the major

events that will be taking place in 2014 and 2016.

    For more information on Movimento Esporte pelo Brasil:

    Heloize Campos - heloize@atletaspelacidadania.org.br






