◎エコモビリティーの祭典開く 韓国・水原で9月いっぱい

EcoMobility World Festival Suwon 2013 Organizing Committee

◎エコモビリティーの祭典開く 韓国・水原で9月いっぱい

AsiaNet 53961

共同JBN 0931 (2013.8.16)

【水原(韓国)2013年8月16日PRN=共同JBN】韓国・水原市は9月、環境にやさしい移動手段であるエコモバイルの将来性を垣間見る機会となる、世界で初めてのエコモビリティー・フェスティバルを同市で開催する。主催者発表によると、このイベントでは各国のメーカーが製造した最新の環境にやさしいモバイルビークル(移動車両)が紹介される。EcoMobility World Festival 2013はソウルの南30キロにある水原で9月1日から30日まで開かれ、自転車、スクーター、小型電動車両(LEV)、その他革新的グリーンテクノロジー(環境保全技術)によって開発された環境上持続可能な移動手段を展示する。米国、ドイツ、台湾、韓国など8カ国・地域のメーカー計39社が最新のエコモバイル製品を展示する。ドイツの自転車メーカーToxyは、3人乗りでうち1人がペダルを踏めば走る三輪自転車「Trimobole」を出品する。メーカーによると、この自転車はことし4月のハンブルク・マラソンで、選手のクローズアップ写真を撮影するカメラマンと報道記者が取材用に使用した。ノルウェーのNordic Cabは環境にやさしいアルミニウムと強化プラスチックでできた多目的リヤカーを出品する。Samchuly、ヒョースンモーターなど韓国メーカーも電動自転車やバイクを出展する。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/08/14/20130814191617971021.html






ソース:EcoMobility World Festival Suwon 2013 Organizing Committee

Suwon-Ecomobility Festival to Open from Sep. 1


SUWON, South Korea, Aug. 16, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Suwon City to offer world's first peek into ecomobile future SUWON, South

Korea, Aug. 14 -- The world's first ecomobility festival to kick off in the

South Korean city of Suwon next month will showcase the latest eco-friendly

mobile vehicles produced by global manufacturers, the event's organizers said

Wednesday. The EcoMobility World Festival 2013 will be held in Suwon, 30

kilometers south of Seoul, from Sept. 1-30 to exhibit bicycles, scooters, light

electric vehicles and other environmentally sustainable mediums of transport

developed under innovative green technologies. A total of 39 manufacturers from

eight countries/regions, including the United States, Germany, Taiwan and South

Korea, will feature their newest ecomobile lineups. The German bike maker Toxy

will present its "Trimobole" tricycle that can carry three people at a time but

only requires one person to pedal. The bike was ridden during the Hamburg

Marathon in April by reporters and a camera man to get close-up shots of the

runners, according to the company. Nordic Cab will present a multipurpose bike

trailer made out of eco-friendly aluminum and hardened plastic. South Korean

manufacturers like Samchuly and Hyosung Motors will also showcase their

electric bicycles and motorcycles.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/08/14/20130814191617971021.html )

"The organizing committee has expanded the space for promotional booths as

there has been a flood of applications from companies," said Kim Byung-ik, the

chief organizer.

Alongside the promotional displays, a wide range of entertainment and cultural

programs such as idea forums, product test sessions and a mini concert will be

held for visitors, according to the organizers.

During the event, a neighboring area of 4,000 square meters in the city will be

designated as a car-free site for visitors and local residents to test the

ecomobile vehicles.

Suwon City is hoping to promote itself as a leader of sustainable development

through this event, officials said. The city has taken various initiatives in

the field, including running car-free days and setting a 40 percent carbon

emission target by 2030.

"With this festival, we will work together to show what an ecomobile city looks

like and deliver the message that this new urban lifestyle is possible," Suwon

Mayor Yeom Tae-young said.

SOURCE:  EcoMobility World Festival Suwon 2013 Organizing Committee




