◎専門家業界パネルのメンバー全員を発表 CPhIとCPhI Pharma Evolution

UBM Live

◎専門家業界パネルのメンバー全員を発表 CPhIとCPhI Pharma Evolution

AsiaNet 53719

共同JBN 0840 (2013.7.17)



 *ビジャイ・シャー(Vijay Shah)氏、Piramal EnterprisesのCOOで医薬品事業責任者

 *マーク・カーバ-(Mark Carver)氏、Fujifilm Diosynth上級副社長(研究、開発、革新)

 *サム・ベヌゴパル(Sam Venugopal)氏、PWCの健康管理行動ディレクター

 *ウィリアム・ボサ(William Botha)氏、コンサルタントでInterlean創立者

 *プラビール・バス(Prabir Basu)氏、元NIPTE執行役員

 *エミール・シウルチャク(Emil Ciurczak)氏、分光学、PAT専門家

 *ディリップ・D・シャー(Dilip G Shah)氏、Vision Consulting GroupのCEO

UBM Liveが組織するCPhI Worldwide (http://www.cphi.com)とCPhI Pharma Evolution は医薬品業界の将来の不確実性を検討する未来志向の年次リポート(9月に公表予定)の公表に先立って、専門家業界パネル全員のリストを発表した。さらに同パネルは近く(来週中に)公表予定の「組成と成分」の現在の傾向-市場の成長に関わる問題、錠剤の開発、QbD、PAT、生物学的利用能、アウトソーシング、溶解、安定性など-を検討する月次リポートCPhI Pharma Evolutionの第1号にも貢献した。


パネルの新メンバーは深い経験を提供し、Fujifilm DiosynthやPiramalのようなパイオニアを含む医薬品分野の最も革新的なプレーヤーから専門家を提供する。



Fujifilm Diosynth上級副社長(研究、開発、革新)のマーク・カーバ-氏もパネルに加わり、革新的な技術、特にスケーラブルで実証済みの製造プロセスに関係する技術の開発で豊かな経験をもたらす。同氏の業界洞察力と知識はバクテリア、イースト菌、糸状真菌での微生物発現に基づく組み換えタンパク質製品についての20年の研究に基づいている。



エミール・シウルチャク氏は分光学、PAT、QbDを通じて広い範囲の医薬品についての洞察を提供するが、これまでにNIR分光学コンサルティングを導入し、約200点の技術論文を執筆した。また同氏はこれまでにFDAのPAT委員会のメンバーだったことがあり、現在はDoramaxx Consulting(http://www.linkedin.com/search?search=&company=Doramaxx+Consulting&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true&trk=prof-exp-company-name)の社長である。尊敬されている製造のトレーナー、メンターであるウィリアム・ボサ氏でパネルのメンバーがすべてそろう。同氏はGDP、GMPを含むFDA規制に精通しており、PDAの無菌処理コース、AAMIの品質システム・コースで教えたことがある。

2013年中はパネルのメンバーはCPhIの短い月次リポート-タイトルは「CPhI Pharmaインサイト・シリーズ」-に参加し、合計8の幅広いテーマ-医薬品デリバリー、組成と成分、研究開発、製造、包装と販売、規制順守、委託サービスとサプライチェーン管理、QA/QC--話題となっている問題を検討する。





CPhIは、医薬品発見から完成投与剤に至るグローバルな医薬品サプライチェーンのあらゆるステップの成長と革新を推進している。展示会、会議、オンライン共同体を通じて、CPhIは毎年10万人以上の医薬品専門家を集めてネットワーク化し、ビジネス機会を特定し、世界市場を拡大している。CPhIは欧州、中国、インド、日本、東南アジア、ロシア、南米でイベントを主催し、委託サービスでICSE、機械、装置、技術でP-MEC、医薬品パッケージングでInnoPck、バイオ医薬品でBioPhを共催している。CPhIはCPhI-Online.comでオンライン・バイヤー&サプライヤー・ディレクトリーを提供し、UBM Liveが制作し、パートナーとなっているPharmaEvolution.comでニュースと分析によって世界共同体のホストになっている。

詳しい情報は: http://www.cphi.comへ。

▽CPhI Pharma Evolutionについて

CPhI Pharma Evolution (http://www.pharmaevolution.com)は2013年2月に医薬品製造分野の専門家が同業者と語り合い、医薬品成分、委託製造領域全体で最良慣行と規制更新を共有できるグローバルなオンライン共同体として開設された。Pharma Evolutionは、業界専門家が組成、API、添加剤、薬剤デリバリー、研究開発、製造、品質、パッケージングと偽造防止、規制順守、アウトソーシング、サプライチェーン管理を含む重要領域について考えを交換しネットワーク化する新しい頼れる共同体である。Pharma EvolutionはCPhIのグローバルなイベント事業の延長として、医薬品業界の経営者が1年に365日使うフォーラム、リソースとして創設された。Pharma EvolutionはCPhIとUBM DeusM(http://www.deusm.com)が発行しており、コンテンツと技術に集中して最良慣行戦略を利用し、特殊B2B市場の質の高いユーザーの高度関与共同体の構築、管理を専門にするUBMのマーケティング・サービス・ディビジョンである。

▽UBM Liveについて

UBM Liveはひとびとを接続し、5大陸の企業が新たなビジネスを発展させ、顧客に対応し、新製品を発売し、ブランドを促進し、市場を拡大する機会をつくり出す。TFM&A、Internet World、IFSEC、MD&M、CPhI、Cruise Shipping Miami、Concrete Showなどの一流ブランドを通じて、UBM Liveの展示会、会議、授賞計画、刊行、ウェブサイト、訓練資格授与計画は20以上の業界分野で企業のマーケティング計画の不可欠の一部になっている。


Alex Heeley or Tristan Jervis

De Facto Communications

T: +44-207-203-6745 / 6740

E: a.heeley@defacto.com / t.jervis@defacto.com

ソース:UBM Live

CPhI & CPhI Pharma Evolution Add Stellar Names to Expert Industry Panel


AMSTERDAM, July 16, 2013 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ -

    - 13 full members confirmed on global panel with expertise covering the

entire pharmaceutical supply chain

    New panel members:

    - Vijay Shah, COO at Piramal Enterprises and pharma business lead

    - Mark Carver, Senior Vice President, Research, Development & Innovation at

Fujifilm Diosynth

    - Sam Venugopal, Director in the Healthcare Practice at PWC

    - William Botha, Consultant and Founder Interlean

    - Prabir Basu, former Executive Director at NIPTE

    - Emil Ciurczak, expert on spectroscopy and PAT

    - Dilip G Shah, CEO of Vision Consulting Group

    CPhI Worldwide [http://www.cphi.com ], organised by UBM Live, and CPhI

Pharma Evolution have announced its full expert industry panel list ahead of

the publication of a forward looking annual report (due out in September)

examining future contingencies for the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally,

the panel has also contributed to the first CPhI Pharma Evolution monthly

report due out imminently [within the next week] examining the current trends

in 'formulation and ingredients'- such as issues relating to growth of the

market, development of tablets, QbD, PAT, bioavailability, outsourcing,

dissolution and stability.

    Each panel member has been individually chosen following an exhaustive

selection process involving industry peers and journalists to ensure that the

panel has the appropriate expertise to independently and holistically examine

global trends. In total, CPhI now has 13 world renowned experts, covering the

entire pharmaceutical supply chain from R&D through to finished products,

regulatory requirements and economic implications.

    The new panel members will provide a depth of experience and features

experts from some of most innovative players in the pharmaceutical sector-

including pioneers like Fujifilm Diosynth and Piramal.

    Featured on the panel will be Piramal's pharma sector lead - spanning three

divisions Pharma Solutions, Critical Care and Lab Diagnostics - Vijay Shah who

has over two decades of experience and has overseen many business

transformations. The Indian giant Piramal is transitioning from its traditional

roots in contract and generics manufacturing towards the development of new

chemical entities. This step change approach has marked a seismic shift from

West to East, as increasingly companies like Piramal start to challenge the

traditional big pharma developers of drugs, and crucially, begin to sell IP

protected products into western markets. Vijay will leverage his perspectives

on breaking through the patent cliff and the development of Antibody Drug


    Joining Mr Shah will be PWC's Director of healthcare practice, Sam

Venugopal who has over 15-years' experience across biotechnology and

pharmaceuticals with expertise that span quality systems, regulatory compliance

and supply chain activities- including working with the FDA on improving its

own quality systems.

    Mark Carver, Senior Vice President, Research, Development & Innovation at

Fujifilm Diosynth also joins the panel and will bring a wealth of experience in

the development of innovative technologies particularly in relation to scalable

and validated manufacturing processes. His industry acumen and knowledge spans

20-years of work on recombinant protein products based on microbial expression

in bacterial, yeast and filamentous fungal systems.

    Another expert across R&D and drug manufacturing, Prabir Basu, formerly of

the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology and Education (NIPTE),

will direct the panel's attention towards how the industry can look to increase

innovation. As the development of new compounds come to market it is important

that development and manufacturing techniques keep pace with the changing

landscape of drug targets. He has spent the last 10-years heading the NIPTE and

is a renowned expert in looking at the future challenges in drug manufacturing

and R&D.

    Secretary-General of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance and an expert on

the Indian and worldwide regulatory landscape, Dilip Shah will provide insights

into the future landscape and implications for pharmaceutical companies of

potential changes. His experience spans over 45-years and through his

consultancy practice (Vision) he works with some of the world's leading

companies looking at strategic planning.

    Emil Ciurczak provides an extensive range of pharmaceutical acumen across

spectroscopy, PAT and QbD, having introduced NIR Spectroscopy consulting and

written over 200 technical papers. He has also previously been a member of the

FDA's PAT committee and is currently president of Doramaxx Consulting


=R&keepFacets=true&trk=prof-exp-company-name ] . The panel will be completed by

William Botha, a respected trainer and mentor in manufacturing. He is fluent in

FDA regulations, including GDP and GMP and has taught an aseptic processing

course for PDA and a Quality Systems course for AAMI.

    For the duration of 2013 members of the panel will take part in CPhI short

monthly reports - entitled 'CPhI Pharma insight series' - examining topical

issues across a total of eight broad themes: Drug Delivery; Formulation &

Ingredients; R&D; Manufacturing; Packaging & Distribution; Regulatory

Compliance; Contract Services & Supply Chain Management; and QA/QC.

    The ultimate goal of the panel's inception is to utilise their respective

areas of expertise to scrutinize how the industry will change across the coming

5-10 years in an annual report. The report will feature a mixture of primary

industry data (industry surveys) and the collection of in depth essays from

each panel member- with experts given carte blanche to prophesize how the

industry will look and operate in the future from both an economic and

practical perspective.

    "Our panel provides a tremendous picture of all areas of the pharmaceutical

value chain and, just as importantly, from different global perspectives.

Collectively, our panel has hundreds of years of senior level expertise and

they have been responsible for some of the industry's most innovative

development and changes over the last 30 years. This knowledge gives them the

depth of understanding that allows them provide an unrivalled picture of how

the industry is predicted to change", commented Chris Kilbee, Brand Director,

Pharma at CPhI.

    For more information, please contact: cphi@ubm.com

    About CPhI

    CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global

pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage. Through

exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings together more than

100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to network, identify business

opportunities and expand the global market. CPhI hosts events in Europe, China,

India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Russia and South America and co-locates with ICSE

for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment & technology, InnoPack

for pharmaceutical packaging and BioPh for biopharma. CPhI provides an online

buyer & supplier directory at CPhI-Online.com and hosts a global community with

news and analysis at PharmaEvolution.com, produced by UBM Live and partners.

    For more information visit: http://www.cphi.com

    About CPhI Pharma Evolution

    CPhI Pharma Evolution (http://www.pharmaevolution.com) launched in February

2013 as a global online community where professionals from across the

pharmaceutical manufacturing sector can talk with their peers and share

best-practices and regulatory updates across the pharmaceutical ingredient and

contract manufacturing space. Pharma Evolution is the new go-to community for

industry professionals to exchange thoughts and network on key areas including:

formulation, APIs, excipients, drug delivery, R&D, manufacturing and quality,

packaging and anti-counterfeiting, regulatory compliance, and outsourcing and

supply chain management. Pharma Evolution was created as an extension of CPhI's

global events business as a forum and resource for pharmaceutical executives to

employ 365 days a year. Pharma Evolution is published by CPhI and UBM DeusM

(http://www.deusm.com), the marketing services division of UBM specializing in

building and operating highly engaged communities of qualified users within

specialist B2B markets, using a strategy of best-practices focused on content

and technology.

    About UBM Live

    UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across

five continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products,

promote their brands, and expand their market. Through premier brands such as

TFM&A, Internet World, IFSEC, MD&M, CPhI, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete

Show, and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs,

publications, Websites, and training and certification programs are an integral

part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Alex Heeley or Tristan Jervis

De Facto Communications

T: +44-207-203-6745 / 6740

E: a.heeley@defacto.com / t.jervis@defacto.com

Source: UBM Live




