


AsiaNet 53678

共同JBN 0817 (2013.7.11)

【レッドモンド(米ワシントン州)2013年7月11日】マイクロソフト社(Microsoft Corp.)はワールドワイド・パートナー会議で11日、都市、企業、市民がそれぞれの将来像を考え直し、活気に満ちた共同体を育てる力を与える世界的な計画であるCityNext(http://www.microsoft.com/citynext/)を発表した。都市は世界のほかの部分で成功の原動力となっている産業、経済、起業活動の中心である。しかし、都市は急速な都市化、近代化の要求、経済的厳しさの圧力など抵抗しがたい力に次第にぶつかっている。マイクロソフトのCityNextは、今日を革新し、よりよい明日をつくり出している、世界中の43万人以上の技術専門家の広範で多様なマイクロソフト・パートナー・ネットワーク(https://partner.microsoft.com/)を都市に提供する。なじみがあり、安全が強化された消費者から企業へのソフトウエア、機器、サービスの幅広いポートフォリオとマイクロソフトの教育、社会計画の成功の歴史を活用するCityNextは、都市とその住民が次に来るものを達成できるようにする集団的な努力である。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO

マイクロソフト・ワールドワイド・パブリックセクター(Microsoft Worldwide Public Sector)のローラ・イプセン・コーポレート副社長は「都市はわれわれの生活で非常に重要な役割を果たしている-現在も、そして将来も。マイクロソフトのCityNext計画はひとびとを第1に考え、この新しい時代の協力技術を利用して市民、企業、政府の指導者を新たなやり方で関与させる。広範なマイクロソフト・パートナー・ネットワークと協力すればソリューションとサービスを『より少ない力で新たなこと』を行えるようにスケールを変えること、世界の市場における都市の競争力を高め、市民の関与を推進し、経済的、社会的、環境面の持続可能性を推し進めることができる」と語っている。












CityNextの顧客であるバルセロナ(スペイン)-デジタル・イノベーターとして以前から認められている-は行政活動を強化し、市民と相互交流し、情報を透明にするためのクラウド、データ、アプリケーション利用に成功している。例えば、マイクロソフトとCityNextのパートナーであるBISmartはバルセロナ市議会と協力して、一般の人がデータにアクセスできるようにする計画のOpenData BCN(http://opendata.bcn.cat/opendata/en/?cl=1)を開始した。Windows Azureクラウドを使ったOpenData BCNプラットフォームは同市についての無数の事実-人口密度や失業者総数など-を安全が強化された中央ハブに集めた。市民はWindows Storeからbigov Better City Indicators(http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/bigov-better-city-indicators/66a37a7a-c1ba-467d-8431-23db8966cb36)アプリケーションをダウンロードして動向をリアルタイムでモニターすることができる。バルセロナ人はいまではビジネスをどこでスタートさせるか、家族でどこに落ち着くかなどの問題について決定を下すための情報に対するアクセスを手に入れている。




データ主導政府への移行をリードするクラウド・ソフトウエア会社でマイクロソフト・CityNext・パートナーのSocrata Inc.はマイクロソフトと協力して、オープンデータ技術をWindows Azureクラウドプラットフォームで世界の都市に広げている。例えば、Socrataはカスタム化可能なダッシュボードを政府に提供している。市民はモバイル機器やインターネットを通じてそれぞれの都市のダッシュボードにアクセスし、自分たちのリーダーが教育、健康管理、雇用創出などの分野でどのような成果を残しているかをモニターすることができる。都市のリーダーたちは市民とリアルタイムで関わり合い、一般民衆の要求を意思決定プロセスに組み込み、共同体の最も緊急の必要に応えることができる。これに対し政府はデータ提供と市民のフィードバックをあらゆる決定に反映させ、透明性増大、共同体参加を推進することができる。



都市はテクノロジーだけでなく、最も重要な資源である人的資本の創造性を育てることを通じて完全な変革を実現する。マイクロソフトとパートナーは学生や教師を教育するさまざまなスキルベースのプログラムを提供し、ビジネス開発を助長し、市民が競争力のある労働力に加わる力を与える。これらプログラムは世界の至る所で、自分たちとその町のより明るい将来を育成する数百万都市住民を支援している。一例を挙げると、マイクロソフト・プログラムのYouthSpark(http://www.microsoft.com/about/corporatecitizenship/en-us/youthspakr/)、BizSpark(http://www.microsoft.com/bizspark/default.aspx)、IT Academy(http://www.microsoft.com/education/itacademy/Pages/index.aspx)は、若者たちに伸びる労働力に加わり、起業家の大胆なアイデアを支援し、都市が世界市場で競争力を付ける助けとなる熟練労働者を生み出すよう勧める。












調査会社IDCのラスビー・エスナー・クラークSmart Cities戦略担当ディレクターは「今日の都市は部局を超えた協力関係を実現し、既存の資産を活用し、都市住民と利害関係者を巻き込み、長期的な諸問題に取り組み、調整済みの重点的投資を通じて都市問題に取り組まなければならいことを知っている。IDCのSmart City Maturity Modelによれば、多くの都市は現在、完全な変革能力を実現する10年から15年の道程の一環として、スマートテクノロジーソリューションを実現する第一段階にある。スマートシティー活動の結果は最終的に、都市がより活力のある景観と競争力ある経済を構築するため企業および市民を引きつけることができるようになる」と語った。




Jeanna Peterson,


jeannap@microsoft.com; or

Jessica Steinhebel,

Weber Shandwick,



マイクロソフト社からの情報、ニュース、概要についてはMicrosoft News Center(http://www.microsoft.com/news)を参照。各種ウェブリンク、電話番号、肩書などは本リリース作成時のもので、その後変わった可能性もある。ジャーナリスト、アナリストがさらに詳しい情報を必要な場合は、マイクロソフトの Rapid Response Teamまたはウェブサイト(http://www.microsoft.com/news/contactpr.mspx)にあるその他適切な連絡先を参照。

ソース:Microsoft Corp.

Microsoft CityNext: Coming to a city near you


REDMOND, Washington, July 11, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Global public sector initiative enables cities to harness a new era of

                innovation through a people-first approach.

At the Worldwide Partner Conference today, Microsoft Corp. announced CityNext

(http://www.microsoft.com/citynext/), a global initiative empowering cities,

businesses and citizens to re-imagine their futures and cultivate vibrant

communities. Cities are centers of industrial, economic and entrepreneurial

activity that fuel the rest of the world's success. But cities increasingly

encounter compelling forces, such as rapid urbanization, modernization

mandates, and economic austerity pressures. Microsoft CityNext offers cities a

vast and diverse Microsoft Partner Network (https://partner.microsoft.com/) of

more than 430,000 technology experts across the globe to innovate today and

create a better tomorrow. Leveraging a broad portfolio of familiar and

security-enhanced consumer to business software, devices and services and

Microsoft's history of successful education and social programs, CityNext is a

collective effort that enables cities and their people to accomplish what's


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO )

"Cities play a vital role in our lives ― both now and in the future.

Microsoft's CityNext initiative puts people first and builds on this new era of

collaborative technology to engage citizens, business and government leaders in

new ways," said Laura Ipsen, corporate vice president of Microsoft Worldwide

Public Sector. "Working with our vast Microsoft Partner Network, we can scale

solutions and services to do 'New with Less,' enabling cities to better compete

in the global marketplace, drive citizen engagement, and foster economic,

social and environmental sustainability."

Transforming operations and infrastructure

CityNext helps leaders make the most of their existing investments to find new

ways to overcome challenges and reach their goals. With the new era of

innovation, cities can enable new capabilities using flexible cloud services,

empower city employees with enterprise-grade devices and apps, and innovate on

their terms with modern solutions and big data platforms. This innovation can

allow critical information to flow seamlessly between municipal departments and

among government, businesses and citizens, driving efficiencies that can let

cities put more resources back into the community.

CityNext brings together an ecosystem of partner solutions, devices and

services that can connect and transform a variety of city functions, including

the following:

-- Energy and water

-- Buildings, planning and infrastructure

-- Transportation

-- Public safety and justice

-- Tourism, recreation and culture

-- Education

-- Health and social services

-- Government administration

CityNext customer Barcelona, Spain ― long recognized as a digital innovator ―

has successfully harnessed cloud, data and apps to enhance administrative

operations, interact with citizens and make information transparent. For

example, Microsoft and CityNext partner BISmart worked with the Barcelona City

Council to launch OpenData BCN (http://opendata.bcn.cat/opendata/en/?cl=1), an

initiative to make data accessible to the public. Using the Windows Azure

cloud, the OpenData BCN platform aggregates myriad facts about the city ― such

as population density and total unemployment ― into a central hub with enhanced

security. Citizens then can download the bigov Better City Indicators (


) app from the Windows Store and monitor fluctuations in real time. Barcelonans

now have access to information to make decisions on topics such as where to

start a business and where to settle down with their families.

"We've been working with Microsoft for many years and have witnessed tremendous

innovation across government, enterprise and citizen services through cloud

technology and devices. Yet, even more can be done to engage Barcelonans and

enhance citizens' experiences," said Xavier Trias, mayor of Barcelona. "We will

continue to collaborate closely with Microsoft and leverage cutting-edge

technology, services and programs that will make Barcelona a better place to

live, work, visit and thrive."

Engaging citizens and businesses

Citizens and businesses expect access to and interaction with city governments

through apps and the devices of their choice ― anytime, anywhere. With

Microsoft's software, device and services platform, cities can deliver

personalized services and apps with a people-centric approach, enable real-time

dialogue via social media, and spur app development and economic growth with

open data initiatives, resulting in better-served and engaged constituents.

Microsoft CityNext partner Socrata Inc., a cloud software company leading the

shift to data-driven government, is working with Microsoft to bring open data

technologies to cities worldwide on the Windows Azure cloud platform. For

example, Socrata offers governments customizable dashboards. Citizens can

access their cities' dashboards through mobile devices or the Internet and

monitor how their leaders are performing in areas such as education, healthcare

and job creation. City leaders can engage with citizens in real time,

incorporate public demands into their decision-making processes and ensure that

they respond to their communities' most pressing needs. In turn, governments

can bring data and citizen feedback into every decision, fostering greater

transparency and community participation.

"The forward-looking CityNext initiative addresses a once-in-a-generation

global shift currently taking place in government: opening up government data

and using it to enhance citizen services," said Kevin Merritt, CEO and founder

at Socrata. "Through simple, familiar apps and devices, governments can now

engage everyone, everywhere. We are already seeing incredible progress and, in

partnership with Microsoft, will enable global leaders to make sound decisions,

drive efficiencies and help them meet citizen demands for ubiquitous access to


Accelerating innovation and opportunity

Cities will not only realize full transformation through technology but also

through nurturing the creativity of their most important resource ― human

capital. Microsoft and partners offer a variety of skills-based programs that

educate students and teachers, foster business development, and empower

citizens to join a competitive workforce. Around the world, these programs have

helped millions of city residents cultivate a brighter future for themselves

and their cities. For example, Microsoft programs YouthSpark (

http://www.microsoft.com/about/corporatecitizenship/en-us/youthspark/ ),

BizSpark ( http://www.microsoft.com/bizspark/default.aspx ) and IT Academy (

http://www.microsoft.com/education/itacademy/Pages/index.aspx )encourage youth

to join a growing workforce, support entrepreneurs' bold ideas and create

skilled workers that help cities compete in the global marketplace.

Visionary cities

Cities are already on their journey toward modernizing today. In fact, several

visionary cities have stepped forward to embark with Microsoft and CityNext

partners on this journey to identify and create what is next for their

communities. Led by motivated, forward-looking leaders, these cities are taking

an important step to better serve citizens and realize the potential of

tomorrow through cross-functional collaboration that increases efficiencies,

reduces costs and fosters a more sustainable environment.  

-- Auckland, New Zealand

-- Barcelona, Spain

-- Buenos Aires, Argentina

-- Hainan Province, People's Republic of China

-- Hamburg, Germany

-- Manchester, England

-- Moscow, Russia

-- Philadelphia, United States of America

-- Zhengzhou, People's Republic of China

"Today's cities know they must tackle urban challenges through coordinated and

focused investments that enable collaboration across departments and agencies,

leverage existing assets, engage citizens and stakeholders, and tackle

long-standing problems," said Ruthbea Yesner Clarke, director of the Smart

Cities Strategies program at IDC. "According to IDC's Smart City Maturity

Model, many cities are now in the first stages of implementing smart technology

solutions as part of a 10- to 15-year path to realizing full transformation

potential. The result of 'smart city' initiatives will ultimately enable cities

to attract businesses and citizens to build more vibrant city landscapes and

competitive economies."

More information about CityNext is available at


Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software,

services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full


CONTACT: Jeanna Peterson, Microsoft, jeannap@microsoft.com; or Jessica

Steinhebel, Weber Shandwick, jsteinhebel@webershandwick.com

Note to editors: For more information, news and perspectives from Microsoft,

please visit the Microsoft News Center at http://www.microsoft.com/news. Web

links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but

may have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may

contact Microsoft's Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at


SOURCE:  Microsoft Corp.




