◎7月1日付けで新CEOにA・スティーンバッカー氏 オランダStork

Stork Technical Services

◎7月1日付けで新CEOにA・スティーンバッカー氏 オランダStork

AsiaNet 53570

共同JBN 0783 (2013.6.28)

【ユトレヒト(オランダ)2013年6月28日PRN=共同JBN】Stork Technical Services B.V.の監督委員会はCentral Works Councilの勧告に従って、2013年7月1日付けでアーノルド・スティーンバッカー(Arnorld Steenbakker)氏を新しい最高経営責任者(CEO)とする考えである。同時に、ダグ・マイクル(Dough Meikle)、デビッド・ワークマン(David Workman)の両氏は同社のCEOと最高執行責任者(COO)の職を辞することになる。この結果、新役員会にはアーノルド・スティーンバッカー、ピム・オーメンス(Pim Oomens)の両氏がそれぞれCEO、最高財務責任者(CFO)として残ることになる。

スティーンバッカー氏(1957)は、Fluor Corporationで幹部職や国際的業務を務めながら22年在籍している間に石油・ガス産業で幅広い国際的経験を積んできた。Fluor在籍の最後の3年間、彼は世界における業務運運営と維持に責任を負っていた。その後同氏はFugro(2005)に移籍し、2012年11月に会長に就く前、2部門でCOOを務めた。




ヘンク・ロッティンホイス(Henk Rottinghuis)会長は「Storkは市場で強力な立場を構築しており、当社株主はそれが拡大することを好むだろう。今回の新役員会は当社の国際的フットプリントに基づきさらに活動できると考える。当社の欧州大陸生産高は現在総収入の45%にあたるが、欧州以外での収入急増によってさらに低くなるだろう」と語った。





ソース:Stork Technical Services

Statement of the Supervisory Board of Stork Technical Services B.V. ("Stork" or "Company")


UTRECHT, The Netherlands, Jun. 28 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     "A new composition of the Board of Management of Stork Technical Services"

    The Supervisory Board has the intention to appoint Mr. Arnold Steenbakker

as the new CEO effective 1st July 2013, subject to the advice of the Central

Works Council. At the same time, Doug Meikle and David Workman will resign as

CEO and COO of the Company. As a result the new Board of Management will exist

of two people, Mr. Arnold Steenbakker and Mr. Pim Oomens respectively as CEO

and CFO.

    Mr. Steenbakker (1957) has developed extensive international experience in

the Oil & Gas Industry during his 22 years with Fluor Corporation in several

senior management positions and international assignments. During his last

three years at Fluor he was responsible for growing its operations and

maintenance business worldwide. Thereafter he joined Fugro (2005), where he was

COO of two of its divisions before taking the position of Chairman of the Board

of Management through to November 2012.

    His experience gives Mr. Steenbakker deep knowledge of our industry, hands

on project management experience, a clear understanding of the requirements of

our customers, combined with a long term strategic view of the development

potential of Stork. Mr. Steenbakker is therefore ideally placed, alongside Mr.

Oomens and the rest of the senior management of Stork to drive the Company

forward, grow our business internationally, whilst maintaining a strong and

profitable position in Europe.

    We would like to thank Mr. Meikle for his efforts from 2009 till now for

the work he has done in consolidating the Company's operations and implementing

the one Stork concept, with a clear focus on becoming a global supplier of

maintenance and integrity services to the Oil & Gas and Process Industry. Its

professionalism, international presence, customer focus and safety record grew

under his leadership.

    Mr. Workman, previously the CEO of RBG, has also been integral in this

effort and in ensuring the smooth integration of RBG into Stork post its

acquisition in May 2011. This significantly grew the Company's international

operations. We thank him for this contribution.

    Mr. Henk Rottinghuis states: "Stork has built a strong market position,

which our Shareholder would like see expand. This new Board of Management will

be able to further work on our international footprint. Our Continental

European turnover is 45% of our total revenue now and will further decrease due

to a fast revenue growth outside of Europe".

    We wish Mr. Steenbakker, Mr. Oomens, the management and employees of Stork

success in their efforts to continue to position Stork as the industry's global

leader in providing knowledge based asset integrity services.

    We are convinced we can offer our customers a partnership based on our

quality and safety programs, building long term relationships profitable to

both. Their trust is our obligation.

    Henk Rottinghuis

    Chairman Supervisory Board

SOURCE: Stork Technical Services




