◎世界で1番外国人に開かれた都市はロンドン OPENCitiesの調査

BAK Basel Economics

◎世界で1番外国人に開かれた都市はロンドン OPENCitiesの調査

AsiaNet 53531

共同JBN 0767 (2013.6.27)



OPENCitiesは欧州の諸都市とグローバルな都市を特別なタイミングで比較調査している点で他に例をみない。都市が開かれている(オープンである)、ということを把握し、計測し、競争力と多様性の両面で重要なリンクを示している。プロジェクトの成果はグローバルなOPENCities Monitor に盛り込まれている。Monitorは新しい都市評価のベンチマークとして、スイスの経済調査研究機関、BAK Basel Economicsがブリティシュ・カウンシルの協力で開発した。都市の「オープンネス」は「国外からの定住者を引きつける魅力を持ち、彼らを将来の都市の成功に貢献させる能力」と定義されている。

OPENCities Monitorは自分自身をモニターし、あるいは似たようなタイプに定義されている他の都市と比較を図る都市にとって大きな利用価値がある。数多くのケーススタディーや最も成功した実践例が盛り込まれているからだ。ターゲットを絞った分析は政治家に必要な情報を提供し、その政策を改良し、都市が経済的な成功を収めるのに役立つ。

OPENCities Monitor 2012年版へのアクセスはhttp://www.opencities.euまで。

BAK Basel Economicsに関する詳しい情報はhttp://www.bakbasel.comを参照。


Marc Bros de Puechredon,

Executive Board,


T +41-61-279-97-00,


Dr Andrea Wagner,

Senior Economist,

Project Director,

T +41-61-279-97-00,


ソース:BAK Basel Economics

OPENCities Monitor: London is the Most Open City for Foreigners Worldwide


BASEL, Switzerland, June 27, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--

     London, followed by New York, Toronto, Paris and the Swiss cities Zurich

and Basel have emerged as the world's most open cities for international

populations. London tops the ranking as a result of a combination of its high

degree of internationalisation (strong international presence of firms,

embassies, foreigners and tourists) and its excellent accessibility and

connectivity. London also provides attractive and high-quality education

facilities for people from all over the world. New York is second in place,

which is mainly due to its high barriers of entry.

    Toronto scores well thanks to its low barriers of entry and an open

migration policy. The city with the lowest degree of openness is the Chinese

mega-city Chongqing.

    OPENCities is unique as it has brought together European and global cities

at special times: It has sought and managed to understand and measure openness,

and points to important links with both competitive advantage and diversity.

The project results also include the global OPENCities Monitor: A new city

benchmark developed by BAK Basel Economics in cooperation with the British

Council. Openness is defined as "the capacity of a city to attract

international populations and to enable them to contribute to the future

success of the city".

    The OPENCities Monitor is of great use to cities seeking to monitor their

own openness and compare themselves with other defined city types. It also

includes a large number of case studies and best practice examples. Such

targeted analysis gives politicians the necessary information to improve their

policies and helps cities to become more economically successful.

    Access the OPENCities Monitor Update 2012 via: http://www.opencities.eu

    Further information about BAK Basel Economics: http://www.bakbasel.com

    For further information and to join the Monitor, please contact:

    Marc Bros de Puechredon,

    Executive Board,


    T +41-61-279-97-00,


    Dr Andrea Wagner,

    Senior Economist,

    Project Director,

    T +41-61-279-97-00,


    SOURCE: BAK Basel Economics




