◎独立系金融調査会社が発足 Tyrian Partners

Tyrian Partners

◎独立系金融調査会社が発足 Tyrian Partners

AsiaNet 53506

共同JBN 0755 (2013.6.25)

【ロンドン2013年6月24日】世界を対象にした独立系の新しい金融調査会社、Tyrian Partners LLPが24日、ロンドンで発足した。新会社は、法務調査業界では非常によく知られたブライアン・ステイプルトン(Brian Stapleton) 、リチャード・アビー(Richard Abbey)、ブレンダン・ホーソン(Brendan Hawthorne)の3氏が率いる。3氏ともに数十年にわたって不正を暴き、法人顧客が自社利益を守るのを支援する経験を積んできている。


新会社のスタッフには、大手会計会社4社から移籍してきた複数の公認会計士やデータ分析専門家、金融問題の専門的訓練を積んだ調査員などで構成される。Tyrian Partners は法人、投資家、債権者、顧問会社などに、ビジネスを守り、不正行為を暴き、詐欺行為を防止し、金銭的損失を回復する目的で調査サービスを提供する。

Tyrian Partnersはこの種のものとしては唯一の独立した金融調査専門の企業で、金融不正行為の告発に至る独立した、透明性が高く、コスト面でも節約ができる調査を求める、投資家や金融規制当局、主要企業取締役会などからの強い要望に添う形で設立された。



シニア・パートナーであるブレンダン・ホーソン氏は「私は過去3年間に、破綻した複数の金融機関で総額100億米ドル以上にのぼる逸失金の調査を行った。その残骸やら何やらを調べてみて、大手会計会社が派遣したコンサルタントのチームが、その破綻した状態をむさぼるように巨額の手数料を請求している事実をみて驚いた。Tyrian Partners はコストを節約できて、しかも信頼性のある代替手段を提供する」と述べた。

世界経済が金融危機から回復しつつあることから、熟練した調査サービスの需要は今後増大するとTyrian Partners は予想している。世界的な経済悪化の期間中やその後に発生した金融関連の不正、詐欺行為、非倫理的な行為は増え続ける見通しで、企業にとっても利益を計上できるようになって人員も増加し、また新規市場に参入するにつれて、新たな形での詐欺行為が明らかにされるだろう。



Brian Stapleton:  bstapleton@tyrian-partners.com

Richard Abbey:  rabbey@tyrian-partners.com

Brendan Hawthorne:  bhawthorne@tyrian-partners.com


ソース:Tyrian Partners

Tyrian Partners: a New and Independent Global Financial Investigations Firm



Tyrian Partners, a new global financial investigations firm, launches today.

The firm, headquartered in London, is led by three of the forensic

investigation industry's best-known executives, who share decades of experience

of uncovering fraud and helping corporate clients protect their interests.

Tyrian Partners LLP will be run by Brian Stapleton, Richard Abbey and Brendan

Hawthorne, all of whom previously held senior positions at Kroll. Their work

has resulted in the exposure of major corporate fraud, leading to landmark

criminal and civil cases and the recovery of substantial sums for shareholders.

The firm's staff consists of chartered accountants recruited from Big Four

firms, data analytic experts, and investigators with specialist financial

training. Tyrian Partners will offer investigation services to corporations,

investors, creditors and their advisors with the aim of protecting businesses,

uncovering wrongdoing, preventing fraud and recovering financial losses.

Tyrian Partners will be the only independent, dedicated financial investigation

firm of its kind. It has been created to meet a growing demand from investors,

financial regulators, and the Boards of major companies for independent,

transparent and cost-effective investigations into allegations of financial


Brian Stapleton, senior partner, said: "The time is right for a genuinely

conflict-free player in the forensic space. Consolidation has turned our

industry into a cosy club where a depressingly small number of consulting firms

investigate failings at one another's clients, and where clients have trouble

accessing advice which is both authoritative and truly independent."

Richard Abbey, senior partner, said: "These are turbulent economic times, and

clients don't want to be forced to buy pre-event advisory work and post-event

remediation work from the same small group of firms where the inherent

conflicts between the two are becoming ever more apparent. They want an advisor

who is focussed and who they know works solely for them."

Brendan Hawthorne, senior partner, added: "I have investigated losses of over

$10billion at failed financial institutions in the last three years and as I

have sifted through the debris it is astonishing to see the enormous fees being

charged by large teams of consultants from the major accounting firms as they

feed off distressed situations. Tyrian Partners will provide a cost-effective

and credible alternative. "

Tyrian Partners anticipates growing demand for skilled investigation services

as the global economy starts to emerge from the financial crisis. Financial

irregularities, fraud and unethical behaviour that occurred during and after

the global slowdown will continue to emerge; and companies will face exposure

to additional forms of fraud as they return to profit, add to headcount and

enter new markets.                

Notes: Richard Abbey is former global head of financial investigations for Kroll

       Brian Stapleton is former head of EMEA for Kroll

       Brendan Hawthorne is former head of financial investigations for Kroll

for the Middle East

Contact: Brian Stapleton:    bstapleton@tyrian-partners.com

         Richard Abbey:      rabbey@tyrian-partners.com

         Brendan Hawthorne:  bhawthorne@tyrian-partners.com


Source: Tyrian Partners




