


AsiaNet 53305

共同JBN 0671 (2013.6.7)




バラク・オバマ大統領の選挙運動、再選運動のデジタル戦略責任者で、ブルー・ステート・デジタル社(Blue State Digital)の創立者であるジョー・ロスパース同社CEOが基調演説を行った。

今年の研究はグーグル社(Google, Inc.)と協力して行われ、有力な世界的デジタル技術、事業の専門家からの助力、イベント・スポンサーの北米バイヤスドルフ(Beiersdorf North America)のサポートを受けた。







5.ROLは新しいROIである。学習による利益(Return on Learning ROL)が投資利益(ROI)に代わってブランド価値を追跡、推進する新たなリアルタイムのメトリックになる。




 *デジタル解析(Digital Analytics)について

ビッグデータに影響を及ぼす6つの主要分野に特に注目して、この研究はデジタル解析(Digital Analytics)がいかにすれば美容業界のデータ集中と対顧客個人化の発展を支援するかを示している。この白書は、ビッグデータが新しい顧客のニーズを判別し、コンセプトを確認し、成功するイノベーションを強化し、在庫流通を最適化し、消費と転用を追跡し、より強固な顧客関係を構築することができる方法を明らかにする。これら分野はBeauty 2020と呼称される新製品発売モデルに提供される。グーグル社 の Consumer Packaged Goods部門のナショナルインダストリー担当ディレクターであるケビン・ケルズ氏は「われわれはFIT調査研究のリサーチパートナーであることを誇りに思う。データの有効利用を通じて、ブランドの価値を高める大きな機会があり、われわれはこれをブランドマーケティング担当者に利用、実用化してもらうことを追求するプロジェクトを支援する」と語った。

▽デジタル・マーケティング(Digital Marketing)について

マイクロマーケティング世界でのマイクロターゲッティングおよびマイクロエンゲージメントの力は、m3と呼ばれる新しいスマートメディアフレームワークの中で捕らえられ、すべての消費者に同じメッセージを送付することから複数のプラットフォーム上でリアルタイムに実施される個別化、個人化された支援目的まで、マーケティング上の革新を浮き彫りにする。今回の研究は、今日のマイクロマーケティング、摩擦ゼロの環境で成功し、m3マーケティングで勝利するメディア、メトリックス、マネジメントに必要な進歩を共有するためどうすべきかを明らかにしている。デジタル・マーケティング研究グループのアドバイザーでMeredith 360の執行副社長兼チーフイノベーションオフィサーであるジェニーン・シャオ・コリンズ氏は「この種のイノベーションと説明責任は、われわれがビジネスを進める上で必要不可欠になりつつある。最終的には、すべてが測定可能でなければならない」と語った。

▽デジタル・コマース(Digital Commerce)について

商活動に円滑な流れをもたらすハイテク、ハイタッチの新しいビジネスモデルを使って、この研究はデジタル・コマースに成功する術を探求している。コンビニエンス、キュレーション、カスタマイゼーションに対する同研究の分析は、顧客がどこで購入することができるか、どこでも売ることができるブランドなどを深く洞察している。Beauty on Demandの緊急性は、顧客にとって店頭での即効的な計り知れない満足感を生み出す。このグループの調査研究パートナーでsendthetrend.comの共同創業者であるマリア・チェース氏は「デジタルコマース・チームの研究と調査結果は共に、オムニチャンネル・リテーラーが顧客により良いサービスを提供するとともに、特に美容業界の大きな商活動ポテンシャルに注目するデジタル利用可能な機会を指摘している」と語った。

▽ファッション工科大学(Fashion Institute of Technology、FIT)について

化粧品・香水マーケティング経営(CFMM)プログラムにおけるファッション工科大学の専門研究修士課程であるMaster of Professional Studies(MPS)は、著名な中堅幹部向けのリーダーシップ開発プログラムとして業界との協力で開発された。カリキュラムは欧州、アジアにおける集中的な世界的フィールド研究と戦略的ビジネススキル、特殊な創造的製品イノベーションスキルとを組み合わせている。業界からの幹部指導者と個人化された開発計画は、部門別の将来の指導者を開発する個性に合わせたマネジメント・カリキュラムの一環である。



Cheri Fein, FIT,

+ or


ソース:Fashion Institute of Technology

FIT's Beauty Think Tank Presents Groundbreaking Research and Digital Imperatives for Industry


NEW YORK, June 7, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Digital Analytics: Big Data Leads to Big Value, Plus a New Product

                                    Launch Model

    --  Digital Marketing: M^3 Framework of Micro-Targeting, Micro-Engagement

                                and Micro-Marketing

         -- Digital Commerce: Infinite Commerce - A New Business Model

                              for Beauty on Demand

       -- Multi-Media Presentations, Sponsored by Beiersdorf, Inc. with

                         Research Partner Google, Inc.

       -- Keynote Address from Obama Campaign Chief Digital Strategist

                       and Blue State Digital CEO Joe Rospars

    The Fashion Institute of Technology's (FIT) beauty industry think tank

unveiled "disruptive" visions for the future of consumer product marketing in

three key areas of the digital sphere when they presented Beauty in a Digital

World, on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, at FIT. The key areas - digital analytics,

digital marketing, and digital commerce - were presented by candidates for the

Master of Professional Studies degree in the college's Cosmetics and Fragrance

Marketing and Management (CFMM) program.

    FIT's CFMM master's degree program cohort is comprised of outstanding

rising executives in the beauty industry who are recommended by their

companies. The graduating class annually presents in-depth research and

forward-thinking, often astonishing, predictions and proposals to the industry.

    Research white papers for Beauty in a Digital World, along with white

papers for past presentations, are available at www.fitnyc.edu/5518.asp. For

images, go to https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z3whz3z7eyux0ii/reNB1YuF1D.

    Joe Rospars, chief digital strategist for President Barack Obama's election

and reelection campaign, and founder and CEO of Blue State Digital, gave a

keynote address.  

    This year's research was conducted in conjunction with Google, Inc., and

with contributions from leading global digital technology and business experts,

with the support of event sponsor, Beiersdorf North America.

    "Beiersdorf was honored to serve as this year's title sponsor of the FIT

Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management graduate program," said Bill

Graham, president, Beiersdorf North America.  "Not only did we celebrate the

graduation of two of our company's brightest managers, we supported a

one-of-a-kind program that promotes innovation and unprecedented collaboration

within our highly competitive industry. Digital marketing is at the core of our

brand campaigns. We look forward to implementing some of the great thinking and

research findings to continue growing our brands."

    Predictions from the Research:

    1. Leveraging artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and predictive

       analytics technology will revolutionize the in-store experience by

       completely personalizing it.

    2. Motion-activated technology will allow consumers to virtually browse

       aisles of products located anywhere in the world and make purchases

       directly from interactive screens in their homes.

    3. "Beauty on Demand" will utilize image-, sound-, and video-capture

       technologies to allow consumers to shop for anything, anywhere - with

       just one click. The street becomes the new shopping mall.

    4. Micro-targeting, enabled by data and technology, will allow brands to

       create highly personalized communications. The result, micro-engagement,

       will increase individual consumer lifetime value for brands.

    5. ROL is the new ROI. Return on Learnings (ROL) will replace Return on

       Investments (ROI) as a new real-time metric to track and drive brand


    6. Sensors will be molded into product packaging to track actual consumer

       usage behavior.

    A synopsis of the three key areas' presentations is below:

    Digital Analytics

    With a focus on six key areas of impact for big data, this study shows how

digital analytics will help grow the beauty industry's data-centricity and

customer personalization. The white paper develops ways that big data can

identify new customer needs, validate concepts, increase successful innovation,

optimize inventory distribution, track consumption and diversion, and build

stronger customer relationships. These categories are applied to a new product

launch model called Beauty 2020. "We're proud to be the research partner for

the FIT research study. There are huge opportunities for building brand value

through the smart use of data, and we support projects that seek to make this

accessible and actionable for brand marketers," said Kevin Kells, national

industry director, Consumer Packaged Goods, Google, Inc.

    Digital Marketing

    The power of micro-targeting and micro-engagement in a micro-marketing

world is captured in a new smart media framework called m^3, which highlights

marketing's evolution from sending the same message to all consumers to

individualized, personalized outreach conducted in real time on multiple

platforms. The study lays out what it takes to succeed in today's

micro-marketing, zero-friction environment, sharing the advances required in

media, metrics, and management to win with m^3 marketing. "This type of

innovation and accountability is going to be essential as we move our business

forward. In the end, everything has to be measurable," said Jeanine Shao

Collins, executive vice president and chief innovation officer, Meredith 360,

advisor to the Digital Marketing research group.  

    Digital Commerce

    Using a high tech, high touch new business model that conveys the fluid

cycle of commerce, this study explores what it takes to succeed in digital

commerce. Its analysis of convenience, curation, and customization provides

insights into how consumers will be able to make purchases from anywhere and

how brands can sell everywhere. The immediacy of "Beauty on Demand" creates

infinite points of sale and instant gratification for customers. "The Digital

Commerce team's research and findings both pinpoint the digitally enabled

opportunity for omnichannel retailers to better service their customers as well

as specifically highlights a tremendous commercial potential for the beauty

industry," said Mariah Chase, co-founder, sendthetrend.com, this group's

research partner.

    About the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)

    Fashion Institute of Technology's Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in

Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management (CFMM) program was developed

in collaboration with industry as a leadership development program for

outstanding mid-career executives. The curriculum combines strategic business

skills and specialized creative and product innovation skills with intensive

global field studies in Europe and Asia. Executive mentors from industry and a

personalized development plan are part of a tailored management curriculum that

develops future leaders for the sector.

    FIT's graduate program combines the talents of future industry leaders,

nominated to participate from leading global companies from luxury firms (such

as Chanel, Estee Lauder, and LVMH) and consumer packaged goods (including

Beiersdorf, L'Oreal, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever).  As part of the research

focus in the School of Graduate Studies at FIT, the graduate program has become

the beauty industry's recognized think tank, producing high level research each

year that is presented to an audience of 700 executives and media, as well as

in specialized panels, symposia, and forums in both academia and industry. For

more information, visit www.fitnyc.edu.

    Contact: Cheri Fein, FIT, + or press@fitnyc.edu

    SOURCE: Fashion Institute of Technology




