◎5月28日からフランス金融協会総会 EMLYON


◎5月28日からフランス金融協会総会 EMLYON

AsiaNet 53051

共同JBN 0572 (2013.5.21)

【リヨン(フランス)2013年5月21日PRN=共同JBN】フランスのEMLYON Business School(アムリヨン経営学大学院)で2013年5月28日から31日に開催されるFrench Finance Association(フランス金融協会、AFFI、http://www.en.affi.asso.fr)第30回総会に、世界中から約300人の研究者が参加する。

今年の基調講演者の一人は、2003年にノーベル経済学賞を受賞したロバート・エングル(http://events.em-lyon.com/ressources/evenements/documents/Biographies%20%20keynote%20speakers.pdf)ニューヨーク大学教授で、講演テーマは「今日の世界金融の安定とシステミックリスク(Global Financial Stability and Systemic Risk Today)」。このほか計量経済学会のジャン・シャルル・ロシュ会長やプリンストン大学のヤシン・アイト・サハリア教授、インペリアル・カレッジのダミアーノ・ブリーゴ教授も出席する。


提出された草稿は金融調査研究のあらゆる分野に広がっているが、主催者側としてはテーマとして金融リスク管理に焦点を当てると決定した。「米サブプライム危機以前の2007年に、金融・保険業界に関係するすべてのリスクを研究する調査機関として、われわれはCEFRA(Center for Financial Risk Analysis、金融リスク分析センター)を立ち上げた。今年の総会は銀行業界と保険業界の役員も集めて、このテーマに絞った円卓会議になる」という。



オリビエ・レ・クルトワ(http://www.em-lyon.com/en/faculty-research-education/faculty-research/international-business-school-professors/Permanent-Professors/Olivier-LE-COURTOIS)氏はEMLYONの金融学教授で、CEFRA所長。専門はデリバティブ評価と企業の資本主義構造、ポートフォリオ管理、リスク管理。多くの学術論文を発表している。最近の著作、クリスチャン・ウォルター氏と共著の「究極の金融リスクと資産配分(Extreme Financial Risks and Asset Allocation)」はインペリアル・カレッジ・プレスから近く出版される。




Lyon May 28 - 31 2013: The International Financial Research Community Meets at EMLYON Business School


LYON, France, May 21, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Nearly 300 researchers from around the world are meeting at EMLYON

Business School for the 30th conference of the French Finance Association

[http://www.en.affi.asso.fr ] (AFFI) from May 28 to 31, 2013.

    Robert Engle


] , professor at New York University and winner of the Nobel Prize in economics

in 2003, is one of this year's keynote speakers. He will address the theme:

"Global Financial Stability and Systemic Risk Today". Jean-Charles Rochet,

president of the Econometric Society, will also be present, along with Yacine

Ait-Sahalia and Damiano Brigo, professors at Princeton and Imperial College,


    Francois Quittard-Pinon, president of the AFFI, and Olivier Le Courtois,

both professors at EMLYON, are the organisers of this event.

    While the papers presented cover all areas of financial research, the

organisers have decided to highlight the theme of financial risk management:

"Back in 2007, i.e. before the subprime crisis, we created the CEFRA (Center

for Financial Risk Analysis), a research centre dedicated to studying all of

the risks that affect the financial and insurance sectors. The conference will

feature a round table dedicated to this subject with directors in the banking

and insurance sectors."

    About the organisers

    Francois Quittard-Pinon


onal-business-school-professors/Permanent-Professors/Francois-QUITTARD-PINON ]

is a professor of finance in charge of the EMLYON Specialised Master in

Quantitative Finance

[http://graduate.em-lyon.com/en/Specialised-Master-Quantitative-Finance ]. His

specialty is financial modeling, focusing on asset allocation and derivatives

valuation and hedging, in particular for interest rate instruments. His recent

research has been devoted to the application of quantitative methods in life

insurance. He has published several books and many articles in scientific

journals. He is the president of the French Finance Association.

    Olivier Le Courtois


] is a professor of finance and insurance and Director of the Centre for

Financial Risk Analysis (CEFRA) at EMLYON. His expertise focuses in particular

on derivatives valuation, the capitalistic structure of companies, portfolio

management and risk management. He has published many academic papers. His

recent work, "Extreme Financial Risks and Asset Allocation" co-authored with

Christian Walter, is to appear soon at Imperial College Press.

    About CEFRA

    Founded in 2007, CEFRA


] produces research in the fields of risk management, asset allocation,

corporate finance theory, financial economics and contract valuation (options

and insurance products). Risk analysis, especially financial risk, is the main

subject of CEFRA's researchers, whose objective is to stimulate exchanges

between corporate finance, market finance, insurance and risk management. CEFRA

organises several research seminars a year.





