◎Appleがトップの座堅持 BrandZの世界100ブランド

Millward Brown / WPP

◎Appleがトップの座堅持 BrandZの世界100ブランド

AsiaNet 53052

共同JBN 05723 (2013.5.21)

【ニューヨーク2013年5月21日PRN=共同JBN】サムスン(Samsung)がブランド価値を51%増やし、Apple(アップル)との差を縮める-。「2013年BrandZ(商標)世界トップ100ブランド(BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brand for 2013)」でAppleが1850億ドルの価値を得てトップの座を堅持した。同社は前年比で1%の微増にとどまったが、直近の競合企業サムスンはブランド価値210億ドルで世界ランキングの30位に入った。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130521/613865


Millward Brown Optimor(ミルワード・ブラウン・オプティマー)のマネジングディレクター、ニック・クーパー氏は「スマートフォン市場の主導権を争うサムスンは、卓越したイノベーション期と市場占有率の拡大を均衡させることによって、ブランド価値を大きく伸ばした。昨年の宣伝費は160億ドル増加した。市場の競争激化、競合他社の追い上げにもかかわらずトップの座を維持したAppleの手腕は、強力なブランドがビジネスにもたらす価値を示している。人々は株価を問わず、なおブランドを好んでいる」と語った。

WPPの委託を受けてMillward Brown Optimorが実施しているBrandZ(商標)世界トップ100ブランドの調査は今回8年目になる。財務データとともにブランドの将来と現在の購入者の見解を使い、その価値を算出する唯一のランキングである。


The Store at WPPのデービッド・ロス最高経営責任者(CEO)は「今年の格付けはブランドの投資利益が際立っている。強力ブランドはプレミアム価格と株主還元増を駆使して市場シェアを伸ばし、利益を増やしていることが分かる」と指摘した。

ブランド調査会社、Millward Brown(ミルワード・ブラウン)のグローバルCEO、アイリーン・キャンベル氏は「市場投資還元を示すブランド評価などの手段は、役員室のマーケティング担当に強力な発言力を与える。マーケティングが財務・事業成功の重要な要素として確実に深く理解、説明されるからである」と付け加えた。



1(1)Apple                      ハイテク    185,071         +1%

2(3)Google                      ハイテク    113,669         +5%

3(2)IBM                        ハイテク    112,536         -3%

4(4)マクドナルド(McDonald's) ファストフード  90,256         -5%

5(6)コカ・コーラ(Coca-Cola)  ソフトドリンク  78,415         +6%

6(8)AT&T                       通信       75,507        +10%

7(5)マイクロソフト(Microsoft) ハイテク     69,814         -9%

8(7)マールボロ(Marlboro)     タバコ      69,383         -6%

9(15)Visa                      クレジットカード 56,060        +46%

1(10)China Mobile(中国移動通信)通信        55,368        +18%












「BrandZ世界トップ100ブランド」ランキングはMillward Brown OptimorがWPPグループの事業会社のために開発したもので、使われ出してから8年目になる。世界で200万人を超える消費者とインタビューを行い、何千もの「消費者向き」ならびに、企業向け(B-to-B)ブランドについて聞いたことに基づいたブランド評価と、ブルームバーグ(Bloomberg)やKantar Worldpanel(カンター・ワールドパネル)のデータを使って各社の財務、事業面の業績を徹底して分析したものとを組み合わせ、ブランドがビジネスの収入、株式時価総額を上げるうえで果たす価値を調べるのはこの調査だけである。ブランドは営業実績、製品出荷、ポジショニングの明確性、リーダーシップなどを組み合わせており、消費者の見方はブランド価値を決定する重要な要素になる。ランキングは地域的な差異を考慮するが、それは真にグローバルなブランドでさえ、国によってブランドの貢献が大きく変わる可能性があるためである。役に立つ追加素材は以下を参照。


▽Millward Brownについて

Millward Brownは世界を代表する調査会社の一つで、効果的な広告、戦略的コミュニケーション、メディア・ブランド資産調査を専門にしている。Millward Brownは定質的、定量的な調査ソリューション両方を一体的に組み合わせることによって、顧客が強力なブランド、サービスを構築する手助けをしている。Millward Brownは56カ国に86のオフィスを持っている。Millward Brownのその他の特殊業務はダイナミック・ロジック(Dynamic Logic、デジタルマーケティングの有効利用で世界をリード)、メディア専門家のネットワーク(メディア効率事業)、Firefly Millward Brown(世界的な定質的調査ネットワーク)、The Neuroscience Practice(神経科学を利用して従来の研究手法の価値を最適化)、Millward Brown Optimor(顧客のブランド、マーケティング投資収益の最大化支援に特化)など。Millward BrownはWPPグループの中で分析、情報、コンサルティングを扱う部門、カンタールの一部である。



WPPは2012年の2012 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity(カンヌライオンズ国際クリエイティビティ・フェスティバル)で、設定後2年連続でHolding Company of the Year(最優秀持ち株会社賞)を受賞した。


Teresa Horscroft

Eureka Communications

Tel: +44-(0)1420-564346

Mobile: +44-(0)7990-520390

Email: teresa@eurekacomms.co.uk

Miquet Humphryes

Director, Global Corporate Marketing Millward Brown

Tel: +44-(0)1926-826179

Email: miquet.humphryes@millwardbrown.com

ソース:Millward Brown and WPP

Apple Remains No.1 in the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Ranking of the Most Valuable Global Brands


NEW YORK, May 21, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

          - Samsung Gains on Apple with Surge of 51% in Brand Value

    Apple remains the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brand for 2013,

worth $185 billion. Apple grew just +1% in the last year compared to a +51%

growth for its closest competitor, Samsung, which is now no.30 in the global

ranking with a brand value of $21 billion.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130521/613865 )

    Google is also a serious challenger for the no.1 spot, reversing last

year's decline to grow +5% in brand value this year. The brand is no.2 in the

ranking with a value of $114 billion. IBM is no.3 in the ranking with a brand

value of $112 billion.

    "Vying for leadership in the smartphone market, Samsung fuelled its huge

increase in brand value by balancing a remarkable period of innovation with

growing market share - it spent $1.6 billion more on advertising in the last

year," said Nick Cooper, Managing Director of Millward Brown Optimor. "Despite

a more competitive marketplace and other challengers nipping at its heels,

Apple's ability to maintain its no.1 position demonstrates the value that

having a strong brand brings to business. People still love the brand

regardless of its stock price."

    The BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study, commissioned by

WPP and conducted by Millward Brown Optimor, is now in its eighth year. It is

the only ranking that uses the views of potential and current buyers of a

brand, alongside financial data, to calculate its value.

    The combined value of the Top 100 has grown by 77% since 2006. They are now

worth $2.6 trillion.

    David Roth, CEO of The Store at WPP, said: "This year's ranking highlights

the return on investment that brands give businesses. It shows that strong

brands bring market share growth, increased profits from being able to command

a price premium and greater shareholder returns."

    Eileen Campbell, Global CEO of brand research company Millward Brown added:

"Brand valuation and other measures that show return on marketing investment

give marketers a stronger voice in the boardroom by ensuring that marketing is

better understood and accounted for as a key driver of financial and business


    The Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands 2013


     Rank    Category    Brand     Brand Value  Brand Value   Rank

     2013                           2013 ($M)     Change      2012

      1      Technology   Apple       185,071       +1%         1

      2      Technology   Google      113,669       +5%         3

      3      Technology   IBM         112,536       -3%         2

      4      Fast Food    McDonald's   90,256       -5%         4

      5      Soft drinks  Coca-Cola    78,415       +6%         6

      6      Telecoms     AT&T         75,507      +10%         8

      7      Technology   Microsoft    69,814       -9%         5

      8      Tobacco      Marlboro     69,383       -6%         7

      9      Credit cards Visa         56,060      +46%        15

     10      Telecoms     China Mobile 55,368      +18%        10

    Key findings highlighted in this year's research report include:

    - Top risers provide meaningful differentiation: The Top 10 brand value

growth risers score significantly higher than average on the BrandZ(TM) equity

measures of Meaningful, Different and Salient. Prada grew the most in brand

value, by +63%. Outstripping the performance of all other luxury brands it is

now no.4 in the luxury category (95 globally) and worth $9.5 billion.

    - Brewers experienced a rapid rise: The world's most widely consumed

alcoholic beverage, beer, was the highest growth category in the rankings this

year. The Top 10 beer brands grew by +36% and are now worth a combined $63

billion. The sector has benefited from growing sales in Latin America and

China. Global brewer Heineken is the       third largest beer brand worth $8

billion, and profited from publicity around the James Bond Skyfall movie.

Brazil's Brahma beer grew by +61% in the last year and is worth $4 billion.

    - High value brands provide faster growth: An analysis of the BrandZ(TM)

Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands as a 'stock portfolio' over the last eight

years shows a highly favorable performance compared to a current stock market

index, the S&P500. While the value of the companies in the S&P500 index grew by

23%, the BrandZ(TM) portfolio grew by 58%, proving that companies with strong

brands are able to deliver better value to their shareholders. A graphic is

available here:



    - As technology brands continue to dominate the ranking the sun rises on

digital China: Technology and telecoms brands continue to dominate the ranking

with 29 brands in the global BrandZ(TM) Top 100, worth 43% of the total value

of the Top 100, more than $1 trillion. Growth in this sector remains flat. In

contrast to a decline in Facebook's brand value, its Chinese equivalent,

Tencent, rose 52%, making it one of the Top 10 risers in the ranking with

almost 800 million active users. Yahoo also joins the ranking after the

appointment of a new CEO from Google lifted expectations and share price which

drove the appreciation of brand value.

    The BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study is available

online. It includes a ranking and analysis of the most valuable brands for key

regions of the world and 13 market sectors. Download the complete BrandZ(TM)

ranking here:


], including regional and category breakdowns, and in-depth insights from WPP

companies. The rankings and a great deal more brand insight are also available

as a free interactive mobile app for Apple and Android and as an iPad magazine:

https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wpp-brandz/id571644755?ls=1&mt=8 ].


    About the BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Ranking

    Developed for WPP's operating companies by Millward Brown Optimor, the

BrandZ(TM) Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking is now in its eighth

year. It is the only study to combine measures of brand equity based on

interviews with over two million consumers globally about thousands of global

'consumer facing' and business-to-business brands with a rigorous analysis of

the financial and business performance of each company (using data from

Bloomberg and Kantar Worldpanel) to separate the value that brand plays in

driving business revenue and market capitalization. Consumer perception of a

brand is a key input in determining brand value because brands are a

combination of business performance, product delivery, clarity of positioning,

and leadership. The ranking takes into account regional variations since, even

for truly global brands, measures of brand contribution might differ

substantially across countries. Access additional useful materials here

[http://thestorewpp.tv/brandz2013 ].

    About Millward Brown

    Millward Brown is a leading global research agency specializing in

effective advertising, strategic communication, media and brand equity

research. Millward Brown has helped its clients build strong brands and

services through a set of comprehensive research-based -qualitative and

quantitative solutions. It has 86 offices in 56 countries. Additional

specialist practices include Dynamic Logic (global leader in measuring digital

marketing effectiveness), a network of media experts (measuring media

effectiveness), Firefly Millward Brown (our global qualitative network), The

Neuroscience Practice (using neuroscience to optimize the value of traditional

research techniques) and Millward Brown Optimor (focused on supporting clients

to maximize their return on brand and marketing investments). Millward Brown is

part of Kantar, the insights, information and consultancy division of WPP.

    About WPP

    WPP is the world's largest communications services group with billings of

$70.5 billion and revenues of $16.5 billion. Through its operating companies,

the Group provides a comprehensive range of advertising and marketing services

including advertising & media investment management; consumer insight; public

relations and public affairs; branding and identity; healthcare communications;

direct, digital, promotion and relationship marketing; and specialist

communications. The company employs over 165,000 people (including associates)

in over 3,000 offices across 110 countries. For more information, visit:


    WPP was named Holding Company of the Year at the 2012 Cannes Lions

International Festival of Creativity for the second year running, since the

award was initiated.

    For further information please contact:

    Teresa Horscroft

    Eureka Communications

    Tel: +44-(0)1420-564346

    Mobile: +44-(0)7990-520390

    Email: teresa@eurekacomms.co.uk


    Miquet Humphryes

    Director, Global Corporate Marketing Millward Brown

    Tel: +44-(0)1926-826179

    Email: miquet.humphryes@millwardbrown.com

    SOURCE: Millward Brown and WPP




