◎W杯と五輪開催に向けた準備について討議 ブラジルのコマンダチューバ・フォーラム


◎W杯と五輪開催に向けた準備について討議 ブラジルのコマンダチューバ・フォーラム

AsiaNet 52914

共同JBN 0512 (2013.5.6)

【サンパウロ2013年5月4日PRN=共同JBN】第12回コマンダチューバ・フォーラム (Forum de Comandatuba)が開かれ、その中で「Brazil: Are you Ready for the World Cup and the Olympics?(ブラジルはワールドカップとオリンピック競技大会に向けて準備は整っているか)」と銘打って行われたセミナーの開始に当たり、同国バイア州のジャケス・ワグネル知事は、バイア州が民主主義をうまく機能させている唯一の州であるとして「国会議員の方々に対して、政府の3部門間の争いは良くないので皆さんは頭を冷やせと言いたい。国会と最高裁判所との対決ムードは良くないので、こうした状態から脱却し、より合意形成的なアプローチを見つける道を希求しようではないか」と発言した。



アルド・レベロ・スポーツ相は、この二つのイベントが世界中で30憶人に視聴されることに加えて、記者証を支給される者2万人、記者証なし2万人の報道陣が取材するだろうとして、 この理由からしても、都市交通や港湾、空港、安全、テクノロジーの分野に投資することが不可欠だと述べた。レベロ・スポーツ相は、空港は航空機の離着陸能力が倍増し、運航に関する諸問題は2014年までに解決されると強調した。

ビジネスリーダーズ・グループのLIDE(Grupo de Lideres Empresarials)の後援を受けたフォーラムは、コマンダチューバ島(バイア州)のトランスメリカ・ホテルで4月27日から30日まで開催され、閣僚、州知事、市長、議員、著名人ら302人が参加、この国の発展について広範かつ重要な討議を行った。


Rosa Rocha



ソース:Forum de Comandatuba

Comandatuba Forum Discusses Whether Brazil is Ready for the World Cup and the Olympics


SAO PAULO, May 4, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Democracy and the function of the three branches of government

                      also enter into the debate

    During the opening of the seminar Brazil: Are you Ready for the World Cup

and the Olympics? at the 12th Comandatuba Forum [Forum de Comandatuba],

Governor Jaques Wagner said that Bahia is the only state that manages democracy

well. "To the members of Congress I say they should cool off, because conflict

among the branches of government isn't good; this mood of Congress versus the

Supreme Court is no good, and let's hope we get away from this to find more

consensual approaches."

    Sticking with the theme of democracy and the three branches of government,

Deputy Henrique Alves (PMDB), President of the Federal Chamber of Deputies,

pointed out that Congress is the only one whose members are elected by popular

vote. "The Judiciary Branch, no matter how distinguished and how much respect

its members may deserve, is made up entirely of appointees." To Alves, last

week there was "unnecessary tension that was wrong, absurd, unacceptable and

unthinkable between the judiciary and the legislative branch." "It would be the

height of irresponsibility for there to be any conflict, any confrontation

between these two branches of our democracy."

    Meanwhile, Senate President, Renan Calheiros, pointed out that the theme of

the seminar could not be more timely. "The Cup and the Olympics are important

opportunities to raise income levels through the development of infrastructure.

For this to happen, funding must be provided not only by Federal, state and

municipal governments, but also by the private sector, because it is comparable

to the branches of government." The Senator mentioned a World Bank study that

ranked Brazil as one of the most difficult countries for doing business in

because of bureaucracy. "We are the 7th largest economy in the world, and

because of that, we have an obligation to go forward. And if bureaucracy is bad

for business, bureaucratization is devastating for the legislative system."

    Aldo Rebelo, Minister of Sports, said that the two great events will be

followed by three billion people, in addition to 20 thousand accredited

journalists and another 20 thousand unaccredited journalists, and because of

this it is imperative to invest in urban transportation, ports, airports,

security and technology. Rebelo emphasized that airports will double their

capacity for takeoffs and landings, and that operational problems will be

worked out by 2014.

    Sponsored by LIDE - Grupo de Lideres Empresariais [Group of Business

Leaders], the Forum took place from April 27th to 30th at the Transamerica

Hotel on the island of Comandatuba (BA), and brought together 302 executives,

governors, mayors, lawmakers and prominent personalities for a broad and

decisive debate on the development of the country.

    More information:

    Rose Rocha - rose-rocha@cdn.com.br, +55-11-3643-2952

    SOURCE:  Forum de Comandatuba  




