◎韓国バイオ企業RNL BIOが骨関節炎治療の幹細胞の第2相をFDAに申請


◎韓国バイオ企業RNL BIOが骨関節炎治療の幹細胞の第2相をFDAに申請

AsiaNet 52899

共同JBN 0502(2013.5.7)

【ジャーマンタウン(米メリーランド州)2013年5月3日PRN=共同JBN】韓国のバイオ企業RNL BIOはこのほど、骨関節炎(OA)治療のため、RNL-JointStemと呼称されるヒト脂肪由来幹細胞製品による臨床試験を開始するため、米食品医薬品局(FDA)に新薬臨床試験開始届(IND)を提出したと発表した。RNLバイオは、各種の変性、虚血性、その他症状に対する自己細胞治療製品の商品化を専業としている。RNL BIOはFDAの生物学的製剤評価研究センター(CBER)からIND認可を取得することを想定して、米テキサス州シュガーランドで2013年第3四半期中に二重盲検、無作為、陽性対照による第2相臨床試験を開始する計画である。スタンフォード大学のジェイスン・ドラグー博士、インディアナ大学デービッド・アラン・フィッシャー博士が審査役を務め、FDAが現在評価中のプロトコルの見直しを完了した。RNL-JointStemの第1相および第2相臨床試験は既に、韓国食品医薬品安全庁(KFDA)の下で完結している。

RNL BIOのラ・ジェンチャン最高経営責任者(CEO)兼会長は「われわれはRNL-JointStemのINDを提出して喜んでいる。これによって米国でRNL-JointStemの臨床試験に近づける。われわれがこの試験で目指すものは、RNL-JointStemが有効であることを世界的に実証して見せることである。われわれの臨床試験が成功すれば、患者自身の脂肪組織に由来する幹細胞製品を使う骨関節炎の治療でパラダイムシフトにつながるだろう」と語った。RNL-JointStemのこれまでの臨床試験で示された主要な利点として示されたのは、特に骨関節炎治療で現在利用されている多くの侵襲性治療と違い1回の(静脈)注射で症状を管理することである。同CEOは「この苦痛を伴う慢性症状の治療は、それ以上悪化しないよう痛みを和らげることである。われわれはOA患者の軟骨再生、苦痛の緩和、関節機能改善に対するRNL-JointStemの効能を確かめ、しかるべき時期に製品化したいと考えている」と述べた。










生物学、自分自身の細胞由来幹細胞を含む生物製剤を使用する臨床的措置の研究は、FDAの生物学的製剤評価研究センター(CBER)によって厳格に管理される。臨床試験のフェーズ(相)シリーズは、INDがCBERと地域の治験審査委員会 (IRB)で受理されることが決まった後、FDAの承認が必要となる。第1相が重視する点は安全性であり、第2相は有効性(効能)を強調する。第2相臨床試験は研究の有効性(処方量によってどれほど生物学的に有効かどうか)についてより明快に説明されることを目指している。

▽RNL BIOについて

RNL BIOは韓国のバイオテクノロジー企業であり、成人由来の幹細胞テクノロジーの研究と開発に注力している。RNLは韓国の韓国食品医薬品安全庁(KFDA)の下で、脊椎損傷に対する(ある幹細胞の)第1相試験を完了し、骨関節炎に対する(ある幹細胞の)第2相試験も完了、さらにバージャー病の臨床試験の完了間近である。





Jin Hong



RNL BIO Co. Ltd. Files IND To Commence Phase II Clinical Trial Of RNL-JointStem For Osteoarthritis In The United States


GERMANTOWN, Md., May 3, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    RNL BIO, a stem cell biotechnology company dedicated to the

commercialization of autologous cell therapy products for a variety of

degenerative, ischemic and other indications, has announced that it has filed

an Investigational New Drug application (IND) with the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) to begin clinical trials with its adipose-derived stem

cell product, termed RNL-JointStem, for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA).

Assuming approval of the IND by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and

Research (CBER) at the FDA, RNL BIO plans to initiate its double-blinded,

randomized, positive-control Phase II clinical trial during the third quarter

of 2013 in Sugarland, Texas. Dr. Jason Dragoo of Stanford University and Dr.

David Alan Fisher of Indiana University acted as reviewers and completed

revision of the protocol now under evaluation by the FDA. Phase I and Phase II

clinical trials of RNL-JointStem have already been completed under the

authority of the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA).

    "We are excited about filing an IND for RNL-JointStem because it brings us

closer to a clinical trial with RNL-JointStem in the United States," said

Jeong-Chan Ra, CEO and Chairman of RNL BIO. "Our goal for this trial is to

achieve global demonstration that RNL-JointStem is efficacious. If our trial is

successful it can lead to a paradigm shift in the treatment of osteoarthritis,

using stem cell products derived from a patient's own fat tissue." Among the

key advantages demonstrated in previous trials of RNL-JointStem is that it is

administered in a single injection, unlike the many invasive treatments

currently used in the treatment of OA. "Treatments of this painful chronic

condition should relieve pain, not add to it," said Dr. Ra. "We hope to confirm

the efficacy of RNL-JointStem for cartilage regeneration, pain reduction and

joint function improvement for OA patients, and that it will see market

approval in due course."

    The clinical trial will compare RNL-JointStem to existing modalities

utilizing hyaluronic acid (HA). The patient population for this initial

clinical trial will include patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis and whose

clinicians judge that they meet candidacy requirements. The intended market for

RNL-JointStem is patients under 60 years of age for whom there is no

efficacious therapy at present.

    About Osteoarthritis

    Degenerative arthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It is

estimated that 26.9 million Americans 25 years old or older have clinical

degenerative arthritis of some joints, with a higher percentage of affliction

in the older population. Its clinical manifestations include joint pain and

impairment to movement, and surrounding tissues are often affected with local

inflammation. The etiology of degenerative arthritis is not completely

understood; however, injury, age, and genetics have been considered among the

risk factors.

    Degenerative arthritis is a progressively debilitating disease that affects

mostly cartilage, with associated changes in bone. Cartilage has limited

intrinsic healing and regenerative capacities.

    Through this trial

    Due to the increasing incidence of degenerative arthritis and the aging

population coupled with inefficient therapeutic choices, novel cartilage repair

strategies are in need. The market for a therapeutically efficacious product

for this indication is estimated to be very large.

    About an IND

    An Investigational New Drug (IND) is a procedure for the authorization to

perform a clinical trial in the United States. An IND is required whenever the

performance of a clinical trial in the United States is intended. The IND

includes information related to the quality, manufacture and control of the

Investigational Medicinal Product, data from pre-clinical studies and clinical

intent-to-use. An overall risk-benefit assessment, critical analyses of the

pre-clinical data in relation to the potential risks and benefits of the

proposed study are required to be part of the IND.

    About Phase II Clinical Trials

    Studies of clinical interventions using biologics, including autologous

human fat-derived stem cells, are rigorously controlled by the FDA's Center for

Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). A phased series of clinical trials is

required by the FDA after an IND is judged to be acceptable to CBER and a local

institutional review board (IRB). The emphasis in Phase I is on safety, and

emphasis in Phase II is on effectiveness. Phase II clinical trial is designed

to focus more explicitly on study efficacy (how well the biologic works at the

prescribed dose).

    About RNL BIO

    RNL BIO is a South Korean biotechnology company focused on the research and

development of adult derived stem cell technologies. RNL has completed one

phase I trial for spinal cord injury, and one Phase II clinical trial for

Osteoarthritis, under the KFDA in South Korea and is near to the completion of

a clinical trial for Buerger's Disease trial.

    For more information visit: http://www.rnl.co.kr/eng/main.asp, which is not

part of this press release.


    CONTACT: Jin Hong






