◎MR Solutionsが全領域のMRIスキャナーを発売

MR Solutions

◎MR Solutionsが全領域のMRIスキャナーを発売

AsiaNet 52751

共同JBN 0434(2013.4.17)

【ロンドン2013年4月17日】昨年末に世界初の商業ヘリウム不要MRIスキャナーの発売に成功したのに続いて、英国に本社を置くMR Solutionsはヘリウム不要の症状発現前MRIスキャナーの全領域の機種を発表した。




MR Solutionsの最高経営責任者(CEO)であるデービッド・テーラー(物理学博士)は「これらのスキャナーはすぐれたスキャン解像度、手ごろな価格、運用上の利点を提供するので臨床前ベンチトップ市場を革命的に変えるだろうと信じている。領域最小のスキャナーを昨年発売してからすでに販売予測を上回っており、さらに多くの機種に対して関心が高まっている。大型動物用の新しい2機種の導入がクライアントからの要求で推進された」とコメントしている。

磁石を4度K(ケルビン)(零下269度C)まで冷却して超電導化し、液体ヘリウムを不要にする突破口はMR Solutionsとその磁石パートナーが先駆けとなったある開発だった。

MR Solutionsとそのパートナーはすでに、同様にヘリウム不要の新領域の多方式な臨床前スキャナーを開発している。

MR Solutionsはベンチトップ・スキャナーの領域だけでなく、臨床前、全身スキャナーで最も幅広い能力を持つEVO MRIスペクトルメーターでも、多年にわたりMRI分野のリーダーである。これはスキャナーをアップグレードしたり、別の検出器を追加したりするときに選ばれるスペクトロメーターである。またこれはOEMでも広く使われている。


Simon VanePercy, +44-(0)1737-821890, simon@vanepercy.com

ソース:MR Solutions

MR Solutions Launches Complete Range of Pre Clinical Helium Free MRI Scanners



     A whole range of helium free, pre clinical MRI scanners has been announced

by UK-based MR Solutions following the successful launch of the world's first

commercial helium free machine late last year.

    The new range of three scanners, with bore sizes 16cm, 31cm and 72cm, will

be able to scan from small to medium sized animals. These scanners have four

distinct advantages over competitor machines.

    Firstly and most importantly they offer superior soft tissue contrast and

molecular imaging capabilities. Secondly they are very competitively priced as

there is no need for all the cryogen cooling equipment. Thirdly, because they

have a very small stray magnetic field they can be placed close to other

scanners for much more efficient operation and fourthly, because of the lack of

liquid helium cooling and required safety equipment the scanners are easy to

install and need no expensive building alterations.

    The smallest of the scanners, the 16cm bore, is freely available while the

other two machines, the 31cm and 72cm, will be available by the end of the year

- orders for these machines are already in the pipeline.

    Physicist Dr David Taylor, CEO of MR Solutions commented, "We believe that

these machines will revolutionise the pre clinical benchtop market place as

they offer superior scanning resolution, affordability and operational

benefits. Since our launch last year of the smallest in the range we already

are ahead of sales projections with strong interest for many more. The

introduction of the two new scanners for larger animals was driven by demand

from our clients."

    The breakthrough of eliminating the need for liquid helium to cool the

superconducting magnets to 4 degrees above Kelvin (-269 F) was a development

pioneered by MR Solutions and their magnet partner.

    MR Solutions with its partners is already developing a new range of multi

modality, pre clinical scanners which will also be helium free.

    MR Solutions has been a leader in the MRI field for many years, not only

with its range of bench top scanners but also with its EVO MRI spectrometers

which have the widest range of capabilities both for pre clinical and whole

body scanners. They are the spectrometer of choice when upgrading a scanner or

when extra detectors are added. They are also widely used by OEMs.

    CONTACT: Simon VanePercy, +44-(0)1737-821890, simon@vanepercy.com

SOURCE: MR Solutions




