◎AACSB Internationalが新認証基準を発表 マネジメント教育の新時代に向け

AACSB International

◎AACSB Internationalが新認証基準を発表 マネジメント教育の新時代に向け

AsiaNet 52643

共同JBN 0380 (2013.4.10)

【シカゴ2013年4月10日PRN=共同JBN】世界各地のビジネススクールに対する社会的要求が高まるのに伴い、高等教育における劇的な変化が新たな挑戦と機会を生み出している。マネジメント教育分野におけるこの新時代に向けたリーダーシップをもたらすため、AACSB International(AACSB、国際マネジメント教育協議会、http://www.aacsb.edu/)は、世界の主要ビジネススクールに対する新たな認証基準を公表した。


AACSB (http://www.aacsb.edu/)内に設置されている、認証の質に関するブルーリボン委員会(BRC)は過去2年以上にわたって世界のマネジメント教育界と研究、協力を重ね、市場のニーズを批判的な目で検証、認証の卓越さとその役割についての定義をあらためて検討した。新基準を定める上で焦点をあてた項目としては以下になる。





AACSB理事会の会長で、セント・ジョゼフ大学Erivan K. Haub School of Business学長であるジョゼフ・ディアンジェロ氏は「ビジネススクール界は、かつてない変化の時代にある。時代の波に乗り続けるためにこの業界のリーダーたちは、マネジメント教育が到達すべき道を常に省みて評価しなくてはならない」と強調し、「これをやり続ける上でわれわれは、適切な新しい道を定め、ビジネススクールが将来社会の必要とするリーダー像を作り上げられるよう、社会の現場に深く立ち入らなければならない。この変化を遂げることによってビジネススクールは、世界の商業の中心に居続けることができるだろう」と語った。


BRCの委員長を務めたバージニア工科大学Pamplin College of Businessのリチャード・E・ソレンセン学長は「新しい環境の下でビジネススクールは、特有の使命、価値の提案が求められている。学生、雇用者、社会が全体としてビジネススクールに求めるものは大きい。世界で最も重要な各種の課題に取り組まねばならない場合は、特にそうだ。常に変化を続けている現在の状況の下では、新たな認証基準はマネジメント教育の質や、影響力の強い研究に効果をもたらすだけではなく、ビジネススクールが所属するコミュニティーに対してリーダーシップや能力、知識を与えるのに役立つだろう」と述べた。


AACSB International(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)は1916年に設立され、現在は世界83カ国・地域で1350以上の教育機関、ビジネス界、各種機関と連携関係にある。認証を与えること、思想的リーダーシップ、付加価値あるサービスを提供することを通じて、世界各地で質の高いマネジメント教育を進めるのがAACSBの使命である。AACSBはまた、学部学生、修士および博士課程にある大学院生にビジネスおよび会計学を教えている教育機関に対して認証を与える主要な機関として、世界各地で広範囲な会議、セミナーを開催している。AACSBの世界本部は米フロリダ州タンパにあり、アジア太平洋地域ではシンガポールに本部を置いている。

ソース:AACSB International


Amy Ponzillo, Manager, Public Relations, amyp@aacsb.edu,


AACSB International Announces New Accreditation Standards for a New Era in Management Education


CHICAGO, Apr. 10, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    As society demands more from the world's business schools, dramatic changes

in higher education are creating new challenges and opportunities. To provide

leadership for this new era in management education, AACSB International

(AACSB) (http://www.aacsb.edu/) announces the release of a new set of

accreditation standards (http://bit.ly/2013Standards) for the world's leading

business schools.  

    Approved April 8th by its membership at the AACSB International Conference

and Annual Meeting in Chicago, Ill., USA, the standards will help business

schools redefine the future of management education and meet the needs of

business and society in the changing environment.

    After two-plus years of study and collaboration with the global management

education community, AACSB's (http://www.aacsb.edu/) Blue Ribbon Committee on

Accreditation Quality (BRC) has critically examined market needs, re-considered

definitions of excellence and the role of accreditation, and focused on

defining new standards that:  

    -- Drive innovation in business schools to create and sustain value for

       students, employers, and the communities they serve.

    -- Go beyond quality and ensure that business schools also have an impact

       through both scholarly education and the creation of new knowledge.

    -- Require significant engagement between faculty, students, and business

       professionals, fostering meaningful intersections to create and share

       knowledge that is both scholarly and relevant to practice.

    Just as every organization and individual has been challenged in the past

decade to reconsider how to create value in a rapidly changing global economy,

so too have business schools faced questions about their approaches to

educating future leaders.

    "Business schools are at a time of unprecedented change. To remain current,

leaders within the industry had to stand back and evaluate where management

education needed to go," said Joseph DiAngelo, chair of the AACSB Board of

Directors and dean of the Erivan K. Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph's

University. "Throughout this process, we looked deeply at the marketplace to

determine new routes to relevance, to ensure business schools are developing

the type of leaders that society needs for the future. The changes will keep

business schools at the heart of global commerce."

    Designed to give business schools the flexibility to innovate to meet the

needs of the employer and student markets―while still holding institutions to

the highest standards of quality―the new standards

(http://bit.ly/2013Standards) will provide a new benchmark for excellence.

    "The new environment calls for schools to focus on their distinctive

mission and value proposition. Students, employers, and society as a whole

expect a great deal from business schools―especially when it comes to

addressing the most challenging issues of the world," said Richard E. Sorensen,

chair of the BRC, and dean of the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech.

"In this context of constant change, the new accreditation standards will not

only validate quality management education and impactful research, but also

help business schools provide the leadership, skills, and knowledge necessary

to the communities they serve."  

    About AACSB International

    AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of

Business), founded in 1916, is an association of more than 1,350 educational

institutions, businesses, and organizations in 83 countries and territories.

AACSB's mission is to advance quality management education worldwide through

accreditation, thought leadership, and value-added services. As the leading

accreditation body for institutions offering undergraduate, master's, and

doctorate degrees in business and accounting, the association also conducts a

wide array of conferences and seminar programs throughout the world. AACSB's

global headquarters is located in Tampa, Florida, USA, and its Asia Pacific

headquarters is located in Singapore.

    SOURCE: AACSB International

   CONTACT: Amy Ponzillo

            Manager, Public Relations,






