◎米司法次官補ブロイヤー氏がCovington & Burling法律事務所に復帰

Covington & Burling

◎米司法次官補ブロイヤー氏がCovington & Burling法律事務所に復帰

AsiaNet 52590

共同JBN 0355 (2013.3.29)

【ワシントン2013年3月29日PRN=共同JBN】最近まで米司法省刑事局司法次官補だったラニー・A・ブロイヤー氏(Lanny A. Breuer、http://www.cov.com/lbreuer)が大手法律事務所Covington & Burling(コビントン・アンド・バーリング)のバイスチェアとして復帰する。

 Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130328/DC85065)

  Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120423/CL92331LOGO)


同事務所経営委員会議長のティモシー・ヘスター氏(Timothy Hester、http://www.cov.com/thester)は「われわれは国家に対してブロイヤー氏が優れて献身的に務めを果たしたことを特に誇りに思い、当事務所に復帰することを喜んでいる。ブロイヤー氏は同世代では最も素晴らしい才能ある弁護士、カウンセラーである。われわれは氏が民間業務に復帰することを喜んでおり、バイスチェアという新しい役割の中で緊密に協力していきたい。同氏はその職務で世界のクライアントや同僚と一緒に、グローバルな戦略的ビジネス、訴訟やコンプライアンス上の諸問題と取り組むことになる」と語った。

ブロイヤー氏は同事務所に復帰する前、司法省に4年間在籍した。米国史上で最も長期間刑事局首脳の一人であったブロイヤー氏はほぼ600人の法律家を監督し、海外腐敗行為防止法、医療保険詐欺、マネーロンダリング(資金洗浄)、金融詐欺、サイバー犯罪、知的所有権侵害、汚職などの問題を含め一連の連邦法執行機関優先施策の国家リーダーとしての地位を確立した。The National Law Journal 誌は今週、ブロイヤー氏を米国の「最も影響力がある法律家100人(100 Most Influential Lawyers)」に選出したほか、最近ではEthisphere誌が国際的な「ビジネス倫理で最も影響力のある100人(100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics)」のリストの6位に格付けした。

ブロイヤー氏は司法省では、連邦海外腐敗行為防止法(FCPA)の執行を強化し、40余りの取締役決定、米国史上トップ10の大規模ペナルティーのうち8件を監督した。刑事局では同局の記録となる海外での腐敗行為関連犯罪で30人余りの個人を有罪判決に持ち込んだ。また米証券取引委員会(SEC)と協力して、米政府の汚職防止努力に関する緊急ガイダンスを公表した。同氏はさらにKleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiativeとして知られる革新的プログラムを開発した。同プログラムは外国政府関係者の汚職を摘発し、不法に蓄財した資産の没収を強制執行するものである。

ブロイヤー氏はさらに、ロンドン銀行間取引金利(LIBOR)に関する調査活動を監督し、司法省によるマネーロンダリングとそれを監督するBank Integrity Unitを創設した。同部門はブロイヤー氏の監視の下で、主要金融機関から刑法に基づく約31億ドル没収を確保した。ブロイヤー氏はさらに、米国歴史上最大規模の伝統的な組織犯罪刑事訴追および2件の最大規模の医療保険詐欺事件を指導した。そして同氏は米国ではこれまで最大規模の著作権侵害事件の一つ、ある国際データストレージ・ウェブサイトの所有者を知的所有権侵害容疑による訴訟を監督した。


同事務所Global Litigation Practice部門(http://www.cov.com/practice/litigation)チェアであるジョン・ホール氏(John Hall、http://www.cov.com/jhall)は、ブロイヤー氏が2009年に司法省刑事局を指揮するためCovingtonを退職した時、既に米国では卓越した法廷弁護士、ホワイトカラーの実務弁護士の1人としての地位を確立していたと述べ、「Covington へのブロイヤー氏の復帰を歓迎する。同氏の才能、エネルギー、知識は、企業危機や腐敗行為防止調査、その他の問題にかかわるクライアントにとって途方もない資産となるだろう」と語った。

ブロイヤー氏は連邦および国際的な法律執行に強力な経歴を持つ同僚と共に業務に当たる。これら同僚は英国重大不正捜査局の汚職防止、犯罪収益の元部長であるロバート・アマイー氏(Robert Amaee、http://www.cov.com/ramaee)、ニューヨーク南部地区で司法省のSecurities and Commodities Fraud Task Force (保安・商品詐欺タスクフォース)元主任のブルース・ベアード氏(Bruce Baird、http://www.cov.com/bbaird)、両人とも司法省反トラスト局の元司法次官補だったトム・バーネット氏(Tom Barnett 、http://www.cov.com/tbarnett)およびデボラ・ガルザ氏(Deborah Garza 、http://www.cov.com/dgarza)、元国土安全保障省長官でその前は元刑事局司法次官補だったマイケル・チャートフ氏(Michael Chertoff 、http://www.cov.com/mchertoff)、刑事局の元首席補佐官補兼カウンセラーのスティーブ・ファーゲル氏(Steve Fagell、http://www.cov.com/sfagell)、司法長官付き元首席補佐官補兼カウンセラーのジム・ガーランド氏(Jim Garland、http://www.cov.com/jgarland)、元司法長官顧問だったエリック・ホルダー氏、元司法省ニューヨーク南部地区・一般犯罪捜査部長のナンシー・ケステンバウム氏(Nancy Kestenbaum、http://www.cov.com/nkestenbaum)、元司法省ニューヨーク南部地区・重大犯罪捜査部長のリン・ニールズ氏(Lynn Neils、http://www.cov.com/lneils)、両氏とも元副司法次官だったイーサン・ポズナー氏(Ethan Posner、http://www.cov.com/eposner)およびジーン・ベータ氏(Jean Veta、http://www.cov.com/jveta)、元司法省ニューヨーク東部地区判事のアラン・ビネグラッド氏(Alan Vinegrad 、http://www.cov.com/avinegrad)、その他元連邦判事で法務執行当局者であったスティーブン・アンソニー氏(Stephen Anthony 、http://www.cov.com/santhony)、デービッド・ベイレス氏(David Bayless、http://www.cov.com/dbayless)、ケーシー・クーパー氏(Casey Cooper 、http://www.cov.com/ccooper)、ヘイウッド・ギリアム氏(Haywood Gilliam、http://www.cov.com/hgilliam)、ジェフリー・ホバート氏(Geoffrey Hobart、http://www.cov.com/ghobart)、シモーヌ・ロス氏(Simone Ross、http://www.cov.com/sross)ら。米オンラインメディアLaw360は2012年1月、Covingtonのホワイトカラー・プラクティスを5つの「White Collar Practice Groups of the Year」賞の一つに指名した。


ブロイヤー氏は1999年、ホワイトカラー弁護・調査(http://www.cov.com/practice/white_collar_and_investigations)プラクティスグループのコーチェアとしてCovington に復帰し、そこでホワイトカラー犯罪弁護と複雑な民事訴訟を専門として、重要な法務上および風評リスクに関係する問題で個人や企業を代表して弁護活動を行った。同氏はまた同事務所のPublic Service Committee(パブリックサービス委員会)のバイスチェアでもあった。ブロイヤー氏は米国トップの被告側弁護士の一人としての評判を確立した。同氏はさまざまな出版物から代用的な訴訟当事者として認められた。それら出版物はAmerican Lawyer誌(45 Under 45)、Chambers USA、The Best Lawyers in America、Guide to the World's Leading White Collar Crime Lawyers、National Law Journal (Visionary)、Washingtonianなど。同氏はAmerican College of Trial Lawyersのフェロー、Edward Bennett Williams Inn of Courtの法廷弁護士、米法律協会員である。



Rebecca Carr



ソース:Covington & Burling

DOJ Criminal Division Head Lanny A. Breuer Returns to Covington As Vice Chair


WASHINGTON, Mar. 29, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Lanny A. Breuer [http://www.cov.com/lbreuer ], most recently the Assistant

Attorney General for the Criminal Division at the U.S. Department of Justice,

is returning to Covington & Burling as Vice Chair of the firm.

    (Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130328/DC85065)

    (Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120423/CL92331LOGO)

    Mr. Breuer's practice will encompass a wide range of civil and criminal

litigation matters, as well as governmental and internal investigations. As

Covington's Vice Chair, Mr. Breuer will work closely with senior leadership to

implement the firm's long-term strategy, with a particular focus on the firm's

international initiatives and practices.

    "We are extremely proud of Lanny's outstanding and dedicated service to the

nation, and we are delighted that he is returning to Covington," said Timothy

Hester [http://www.cov.com/thester ], Chair of the firm's management committee.

"Lanny is one of the finest and most talented advocates and counselors of his

generation. We are excited about his return to private practice, and I look

forward to working closely with Lanny in his new role as the firm's Vice Chair

in which he will work with our clients and colleagues on global and strategic

business, litigation and compliance issues."

    Mr. Breuer rejoins the firm after four years at the Justice Department. As

one of the longest-serving Criminal Division chiefs in history, Mr. Breuer

oversaw nearly 600 lawyers and established himself as a national leader on a

range of federal law enforcement priorities, including on such matters as the

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, health care fraud, money laundering, financial

fraud, cybercrime, intellectual property theft, and public corruption. The

National Law Journal named Mr. Breuer this week one of the 100 Most Influential

Lawyers in the nation, and he was recently ranked sixth on Ethisphere's list of

the 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics internationally.

    At the Justice Department, Mr. Breuer increased enforcement of the FCPA,

overseeing more than 40 corporate resolutions and eight of the top 10 largest

penalties in U.S. history. The Criminal Division secured convictions of more

than three dozen individuals on overseas corruption-related offenses, a

department record. And he collaborated with the Securities and Exchange

Commission to publish critical guidance on the government's anti-corruption

enforcement efforts. Mr. Breuer also developed an innovative program known as

the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative, a program that identified and forced

the forfeiture of proceeds from foreign official corruption.

    In addition, Mr. Breuer oversaw the investigation concerning the London

Interbank Offered Rate and launched the Justice Department's Money Laundering

and Bank Integrity Unit. On his watch, the unit secured approximately $3.1

billion in criminal forfeitures from major financial institutions. Mr. Breuer

also led the largest traditional organized crime prosecution and the two

largest Medicare fraud cases in U.S. history. And he oversaw the prosecution of

the owners of an international data storage website for allegedly committing

intellectual property infringement, one of the largest criminal copyright cases

ever brought by the United States.

    "Covington is a firm that continues to build upon its storied history and

move forward in dynamic and important ways, and I am returning at a

particularly exciting time," said Mr. Breuer. "I look forward to my new

leadership role in helping to shape the future of one of the country's most

prestigious firms."

    John Hall [http://www.cov.com/jhall ], Chair of the firm's Global

Litigation Practice [http://www.cov.com/practice/litigation ], noted that when

Mr. Breuer left Covington to head the Criminal Division in 2009, he had already

established himself as one of the pre-eminent trial lawyers and white collar

defense practitioners in the nation. "It is a privilege to welcome Lanny back

to Covington, where his talents, energy, creativity, and wisdom will be

tremendous assets to clients navigating corporate crises, anti-corruption

investigations and other issues," Mr. Hall said.

    Mr. Breuer will practice alongside colleagues with strong federal and

international enforcement backgrounds such as: Robert Amaee

[http://www.cov.com/ramaee ], the former Head of Anti-Corruption and Head of

Proceeds of Crime at the UK Serious Fraud Office; Bruce Baird

[http://www.cov.com/bbaird ], former Chief of the Securities and Commodities

Fraud Task Force in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New

York; Tom Barnett [http://www.cov.com/tbarnett ] and Deborah Garza

[http://www.cov.com/dgarza ], both former Assistant Attorneys General in charge

of the Antitrust Division; Michael Chertoff [http://www.cov.com/mchertoff ],

himself a former Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division before

becoming Secretary for Homeland Security; Steve Fagell

[http://www.cov.com/sfagell ], former Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor in

the Criminal Division; Jim Garland [http://www.cov.com/jgarland ], former

Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor to Attorney General Eric Holder; Nancy

Kestenbaum [http://www.cov.com/nkestenbaum ] former Chief of the General Crimes

Unit of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; Lynn

Neils [http://www.cov.com/lneils ] former Chief of the Major Crimes Unit in the

U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; Ethan Posner

[http://www.cov.com/eposner ] and Jean Veta [http://www.cov.com/jveta ], both

former Deputy Associate Attorneys General; Alan Vinegrad

[http://www.cov.com/avinegrad ], former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District

of New York; and numerous other former federal prosecutors and enforcement

officials, including Stephen Anthony [http://www.cov.com/santhony ], David

Bayless [http://www.cov.com/dbayless ], Casey Cooper

[http://www.cov.com/ccooper ], Haywood Gilliam [http://www.cov.com/hgilliam ],

Geoffrey Hobart [http://www.cov.com/ghobart ], and Simone Ross

[http://www.cov.com/sross ]. In January 2012, Law360 named Covington's white

collar practice as one of five "White Collar Practice Groups of the Year."

    Mr. Breuer began his legal career in 1985 as an Assistant District Attorney

in Manhattan, where he prosecuted violent crime, such as armed robbery and gang

violence, white collar crime, and other offenses. In 1989, he joined Covington,

where he worked until 1997, when he joined the White House Counsel's Office as

Special Counsel to President William Jefferson Clinton. As Special Counsel, Mr.

Breuer assisted in defending President Clinton in the Senate impeachment trial

and handled a wide array of congressional investigations.

    Mr. Breuer returned to Covington in 1999 as Co-Chair of the White Collar

Defense and Investigations

[http://www.cov.com/practice/white_collar_and_investigations ] practice group,

where he specialized in white collar criminal defense and complex civil

litigation and represented individuals and corporations in matters involving

significant legal and reputational risks. He was also Vice-Chair of the firm's

Public Service Committee. At Covington, Mr. Breuer developed a reputation as

one of the top defense lawyers in the country. He has been recognized as a

leading litigator by numerous publications, including American Lawyer ("45

Under 45"), Chambers USA, The Best Lawyers in America, Guide to the World's

Leading White Collar Crime Lawyers, National Law Journal (Visionary), and

Washingtonian. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a

Barrister of the Edward Bennett Williams Inn of Court, and a member of the

American Law Institute.

    Mr. Breuer received his undergraduate degree from Columbia College and his

law degree from Columbia Law School.

    CONTACT: Rebecca Carr



     SOURCE: Covington & Burling




