◎慎重ながら楽観的な2013年見通し BMWグループ


◎慎重ながら楽観的な2013年見通し BMWグループ

AsiaNet 52456

共同JBN 0296 (2013.3.19)

◎慎重ながら楽観的な2013年見通し BMWグループ







事業戦略Strategy Number ONEの中間目標すべてを完全達成

ライトホーファー会長「BMW i3数百台の予約を受注」

記録破りの2012年を達成し、BMWグループの今年12カ月の決算期間の見通しは、継続的に厳しく、かつ予測困難な経済環境の中で設定した野心的な目標に基づき、慎重ながらも楽観的である。BMW AGのノルベルト・ライトホーファー取締役会長は19日、ミュンヘンで開かれた年次決算に関する記者会見の席で「われわれは今年も販売台数の増大、すなわち売上高の新記録の達成を目指している」と述べた。

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130319/601726




モーターサイクル部門は、R 1200 GSのような魅力ある新モデルのおかげで、BMWブランドに対する今年の売上高増大を予測する。言い換えれば、これは同部門の売上高および収益をさらに押し上げることになる。



▽Strategy Number ONE:その3分の1を成功裏に完了

BMWグループは2007年以来、Strategy Number ONEを精力的に追求し成功してきた。これによって、BMWグループは目標としてきた、大幅な収益性と競争力をつける効果を上げた。同グループはまた将来の課題に対処できる絶好の立場にある。ライトホーファー会長は「われわれはこれまでに当社の戦略の3分の1を成功裏に完了した。すべての中間目標は完全に達成された」と述べた。

税引き前のグループ収益は2007年から2012年までの間に2倍になった。10.9%を達成した自動車部門の昨年度のEBITマージンは、8%から10%と設定された目標数字を超えた。比較例を以下に挙げる。同部門の2006年のEBITマージンはまだ6.4%の水準だった。金融サービス部門の2012年の株主資本利益(ROE)は21.2%だった(Number One目標18%よりも大きい)。決算数字の改善は株価にも反映されている。2007年末から2012年末の間にBMW普通株価は約70%上昇した。

Strategy Number ONEはまた、BMW i3などの数多くの革新的な自動車コンセプトを生み出し、EfficientDynamics技術により燃料消費量を軽減する点で顕著な進歩をもたらした。2013年から、73のBMWグループモデルの二酸化炭素排出量は、1キロ走行当たり140グラムを超えていない。5年前では同条件に該当するモデルは27だった。BMW車両の平均燃料消費量は、100キロ走行当たりディーゼルが5リットル、ガソリンが6.3リットルである。

BMWグループは2020年までStrategy Number ONEを厳密に履行し、収益性のある成長を保持していく。2016年の目標として、BMW、MINI、ロールスロイスの製品200万台以上を販売することを掲げている。

▽BMW i3に数百台単位の予約注文

BMWグループは2013年、モビリティの電動化に極めて注目している。ライトホーファー会長は「あえて危険を冒そうとするものだけに未来がある」と述べた。最初のプリシリーズBMW i3は2013年1月から生産段階に入った。この革新的な車両は都市環境で使用する際にゼロ排気で走行できるように特別設計されており、今年末までに市場投入される。ライトホーファー会長は「BMW i3に対して数百台の予約注文をすでに受け取っている」と語った。

BMW i3は、炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)製のパッセンジャー・コンパートメント、アルミニウム車体により構成されており、軽量構造の分野で新たな基準を設定した。i3は従来の電気自動車に比べ250キロから350キロ軽量になる。

BMW i3は航続距離が約150キロあり、これはMINI、BMW Active Eテスト車両から集積された経験値に基づき大概の状況に間違いなく十分間に合うことがわかっている。顧客はまた、いわゆるレンジ・エクステンダーをオプションとして装備することによってこの能力を拡大することが可能である。生産時間は、他社にはない生産方法とアセンブリー部品数の大幅削減によって格段に短縮される。BMW i3は従来の車両を生産するために必要だった時間のほんの半分しか必要としない。







設備投資は、2011年の36億9200万ユーロから急激に上昇(プラス41.9%)して52億4000万ユーロに達した。これは新型モデルの数、さまざまな場所での製造能力の上昇、BMW iのスタートアップの準備による。設備投資率は6.8%(2011年:5.4%)に上昇した。研究開発費は17.2%上昇し39億5200万ユーロ(同:33億7300万ユーロ)となったが、これはほとんどがグループの将来を確かなものにするプロジェクトのためで、この結果研究開発費率は5.1%(同:4.9%)となった。









BMWブランド・モーターサイクルの販売台数は前年比2.0%増の10万6358台(2011年:10万4286台)となり、Husqvarnaブランドは1万751台(同:9286台/プラス15.8%)を納車した。モーターサイクル・セグメントは将来、BMWブランドだけになる予定。2013年末にBMWグループは、Husqvarnaをオーストリア企業Pierer Industrie AGに売却する契約に署名した。








                                      2012       2011*     変化率(%)


    自動車総数                1,845,186   1,668,982        10.6


   BMW                         1,540,085   1,380,384        11.6

     MINI                          301,526     285,060         5.8

     ロールスロイス                   3,575        3,538         1.0


モーターサイクル総数             117,109     113,572          3.1

      BMW                           106,358     104,286          2.0

      Husqvarna                      10,751       9,286         15.8


従業員数(1)                   105,876     100,306          5.6


売上高(ユーロ、単位百万)        76,848      68,821         11.7


自動車                 70,208      63,229         11.0

     モーターサイクル               1,490       1,436          3.8

     金融サービス           19,550      17,510         11.7

     その他事業体                 5            5            -

     控除                 -14,405     -13,359          -

     設備投資               5,240       3,692         41.9

     営業キャッシュフロー        9,167       8,110         13.0

    決算前利益                      8,300       8,018          3.5


     自動車                   7,624       7,477          2.0

     モーターサイクル                   9          45        -80.0

     金融サービス              1,558       1,763        -11.6

     その他事業体                   58         -19           -

     控除                     -949      -1,248          --


税引き前利益                7,819       7,383          5.9


     自動車                     7,195       6,823          5.5

    モーターサイクル                     6          41        -85.4

     金融サービス               1,561       1,790        -12.8

     その他事業体                   -6        -168           -

     控除                    -937      -1,103           -

     所得税                   -2,697     -2,476          8.9

     純利益                        5,122      4,907          4.4

     1株当たり利益(2)(単位ユーロ)    7.77/7.79  7.45/7.47      4.3


                        2.50/2.52   2.30/2.32       -

    * 2011年の数字は部分的調整済み。

    * 2011年度の数字は自動車、金融サービス・セグメントの5億2400万ユーロの特別収入を含んでいる。残価と不良債権に対するリスク引き当ての低減を反映している。2012年には金融サービス・セグメントでリース契約終了にかかわる事業が1億2400万ユーロの特別収益をもたらした。








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Corporate Communications

Mathias Schmidt, Business,

Finance and Sustainability Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-24118, Fax: +49-89382-24418


Alexander Bilgeri

Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-24544, Fax: +49 89382-24418


Internet: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com

E-mail: presse@bmw.de

ソース:BMW Group

BMW Group Cautiously Optimistic for 2013


MUNICH, Mar. 19, 2013 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Ambitious targets in challenging environment

    Sales volume set to rise to new record figure in 2013

    Earnings before tax expected at previous year's level

    High rate of expenditure for new technologies and models

    EBIT margin between 8% to 10% targeted for Automotive segment

    All Strategy Number ONE interim targets fully attained

    Reithofer: Several hundred advance orders received for BMW i3

    After achieving a record-breaking year in 2012, the BMW Group's outlook for

the current 12-month reporting period is cautiously optimistic, based on

ambitious targets set amid a persisting difficult and volatile economic

environment. "We are aiming to achieve a further rise in unit sales in the

current year and hence a new sales volume record", stated Norbert Reithofer,

Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, at the Annual Accounts Press

Conference in Munich on Tuesday.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130319/601726 )

    In view of the strong demand for its vehicles, the BMW Group will continue

to invest in boosting capacity in 2013, thus enabling it to remain successfully

on course. Development costs for new technologies and vehicle concepts will

also continue to rise. 2013 alone will see the launch of eleven new models. By

the end of 2014, some 25 new models will have been added to the range, ten of

them totally new models.

    "Due to high levels of expenditure for new technologies and models as well

as investment in the production network, we expect to report Group profit

before tax on a similar scale to the record year 2012", continued Reithofer.

    Despite the additional costs referred to, the Automotive segment continues

to forecast an EBIT margin of between 8% and 10% for the current year. This

corridor is also seen as a sustainable EBIT margin for the time beyond 2013.

However, depending on political and economic developments, actual margins could

end up being above or below the targeted range.

    The Motorcycles segment forecasts further sales volume growth in the

current year for the BMW brand thanks to new attractive models such as the R

1200 GS, which should, in turn, bring about a further rise in segment revenues

and earnings.

    The Financial Services segment is also expected to put in another strong

performance and remains committed to achieving a return on equity of at least


    Forecasts for the current year are based on the assumption that worldwide

economic conditions will not change significantly.

    Strategy Number ONE: First third successfully completed

    The BMW Group has been tirelessly pursuing its Strategy Number ONE with

great success since 2007, enabling it to achieve the intended impact of

becoming significantly more profitable and competitive. The Group is also

extremely well placed to meet future challenges: "We have now successfully

implemented the first third of our strategy. All interim targets have been

fully attained", emphasised Reithofer.

    Group profit before tax doubled during the period between 2007 and 2012. At

10.9%, the Automotive segment's EBIT margin exceeded the targeted corridor of

8% to 10% during the past year. By way of comparison: the segment EBIT margin

in 2006 was still only at a level of 6.4%. The return on equity of the

Financial Services segment in 2012 was 21.2% (Number ONE target: >18%). The

improvement in reported figures is also reflected in the share price: between

the end of 2007 and the end of 2012, the price of BMW common stock rose by more

than 70 percent.

    Strategy Number ONE has also seen the birth of a whole host of innovative

vehicle concepts - including the BMW i3 - as well as remarkable advances in

terms of reducing fuel consumption thanks to EfficientDynamics technology. As

from the beginning of 2013, the emissions of 73 BMW Group models do not exceed

140 grams of CO2 per kilometre driven; the equivalent figure five years ago was

27 models. The average fuel consumption of the fleet is 5 litres of diesel and

6.3 litres of petrol per 100 kilometres driven.

    The BMW Group will continue its rigorous implementation of Strategy Number

ONE through to 2020, and remain on a profitable growth course. The target for

2016 is to sell more than two million BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles.

    Several hundred advance orders received for BMW i3

    Electromobility will be very much in the spotlight for the BMW Group in

2013. "The future belongs to those who dare to venture", remarked Reithofer.

The first pre-series BMW i3 came off the production lines in January 2013. This

innovative vehicle, which has been specifically designed to run with zero

emissions for use in an urban environment, will come onto the market by the end

of the year. "Several hundred advance orders have already been received for the

BMW i3", added Reithofer.

    The BMW i3 is designed with a carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP)

passenger compartment, an aluminium chassis, and sets new standards in the

field of lightweight construction. The i3 will be 250 to 350 kilograms lighter

than a conventional electric car.

    The BMW i3 has an approximate range of 150 kilometres, which - based on

experience gleaned from the MINI E and BMW Active E test fleets - is absolutely

sufficient in most circumstances. Customers can also opt to increase this

capability with a so-called Range Extender. Production times are reduced

significantly by employing unique production methods and a significantly lower

number of assembly parts. The BMW i3 will require only half the time needed to

produce a conventional vehicle.

    To have any chance of mastering the growing ecological challenges in the

world's metropolitan areas, there is no getting around the use of zero-emission

drive technology. "In the medium term, real megacities have no choice but to

encourage the use of alternative drive systems", underlined Reithofer. Electric

vehicles in Beijing, for instance, are already exempted from the allocation

procedure for number plates and from fees.

    Reithofer: 2012 best year in BMW Group's corporate history

    The BMW Group can look back on an excellent 2012 financial year: "The past

year has been the most successful year in the BMW Group's corporate history,

with new records achieved for sales volume, revenues and Group earnings" stated


    Revenues increased year-on-year by 11.7% to reach a new high of EUR 76,848

million (2011: EUR 68,821 million). Despite greater expenditure on new

technologies and increased personnel costs, earnings also climbed to new record

levels, with profit before financial result (EBIT) up by 3.5% to EUR 8,300

million (2011: EUR 8,018 million), profit before tax (EBT) up by 5.9% to EUR

7,819 million (2011: EUR 7,383 million) and Group net profit up by 4.4% to EUR

5,122 million (2011: EUR 4,907 million).

    The total number of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand vehicles delivered to

customers worldwide in 2012 rose by 10.6% to a new high of 1,845,186 units

(2011: 1,668,982 units), thus enabling the BMW Group to maintain its position

as the world's leading premium manufacturer.

    Capital expenditure and R&D ratio within targeted corridor

    Capital expenditure rose sharply (+41.9%) from EUR 3,692 million in 2011 to

EUR 5,240 million in 2012 due to the number of new models, increased production

capacities at various sites and preparation for the start-up of the BMW i. The

capital expenditure ratio increased to 6.8% (2011: 5.4%). Research and

development expenditure went up by 17.2% to EUR 3,952 million (2011: EUR 3,373

million), mostly on projects aimed at securing the Group's future, resulting in

an R&D ratio of 5.1% (2011: 4.9%).

    Dividend to increase sharply

    The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board will propose to

shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 14 May 2013 that the dividend be

increased to a new high level of EUR 2.50 (2011: EUR 2.30) per share of common

stock and EUR 2.52 (2011: EUR 2.32) per share of preferred stock. Based on

these figures, the total distribution will rise to EUR 1,640 million (2011: EUR

1,508 million), corresponding to a distribution ratio of 32.0% (2011: 30.7%).

    Automotive segment: EBIT rises to EUR 7.62 billion

    The BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands all posted new sales volume records in

2012. Automotive segment revenues went up by 11.0% to EUR 70,208 million (2011:

EUR 63,229 million), thanks to the sharp rise in the number of vehicles sold.

The segment EBIT rose to EUR 7,624 million (2011: EUR 7,477 million/+2.0%),

resulting in an EBIT margin of 10.9%. Profit before tax amounted to EUR 7,195

million (2011: EUR 6,823 million/+5.5%).

    Free cash flow for the Automotive segment totalled EUR 3,809 million, an

improvement of EUR 643 million on the previous year and well above the target

of over EUR 3 billion set for the full year.

    Sales of BMW brand cars increased by 11.6% to 1,540,085 units (2011:

1,380,384 units), thus exceeding the mark of 1.5 million units for the first

time in a single financial year. The MINI brand surpassed the sales volume

threshold of 300,000 units for the first time in a 12-month reporting period,

with sales volume up by 5.8% to 301,526 units (2011: 285,060 units).

Rolls-Royce was the clear market leader in the ultra-luxury segment in 2012. In

total, 3,575 units were sold during the year (2011: 3,538 units/+1.0%),

    Motorcycles segment also achieves sales volume record

    117,109 BMW and Husqvarna brand motorcycles were sold worldwide during the

past year (2011: 113,572 units; +3.1%), a new sales volume record for the


    Sales of BMW brand motorcycles went up by 2.0% to 106,358 units (2011:

104,286 units), while Husqvarna handed over 10,751 motorcycles to customers

(2011: 9,286/+15.8%). In future, the Motorcycles segment intends to focus

exclusively on the BMW brand. At the end of January 2013, the BMW Group signed

a contract for the sale of Husqvarna with the Austrian company Pierer Industrie


    Segment revenues were 3.8% higher at EUR 1,490 million (2011: EUR 1,436

million). EBIT fell to EUR 9 million (2011: EUR 45 million/-80.0%) as a result

of the new direction being taken for the BMW Group's motorcycles business.

Profit before tax decreased accordingly to EUR 6 million (2011: EUR 41


    Financial Services segment remains on growth course

    The Financial Services segment continued to perform well in the past year.

Revenues went up by 11.7% to EUR 19,550 million (2011: EUR 17,510 million).

Profit before tax came in at EUR 1,561 million (2011: EUR 1,790

million/-12.8%), whereby the decrease in segment earnings was primarily a

reflection of the previous year's extremely high figures. In 2011, the segment

recorded exceptional income of EUR 439 million resulting from the reduction in

provisions for residual value and bad debt risks. Business with end-of-contract

leasing vehicles gave rise to an exceptional gain of EUR 124 million in 2012.

    The number of new lease and credit financing contracts signed worldwide

(1,341,296) was 12.1% up on the previous year. The number of lease and

financing contracts in place with dealers and retail customers at the end of

the year rose by 7.1% to a total of 3,846,364 contracts.

    Workforce up by 5.6%

    The BMW Group's workforce increased during the period to 31 December 2012,

growing by 5.6% over the year to 105,876 employees (2011: 100,306 employees)

worldwide. The BMW Group needs engineers and skilled workers, in order to keep

pace with the continued strong demand for the BMW Group's cars, forge ahead

with innovations and develop new technologies.

    1,376 young people - 1,200 of them in Germany - started their vocational

training with the BMW Group at the beginning of the new training year. The

number of trainees in Germany therefore increased by more than 10%. At the end

of 2012, the BMW Group employed a total of 4,266 apprentices worldwide.


                                           2012        2011*   Change in %

    Deliveries to customers

    Automotive                        1,845,186   1,668,982          10.6


    BMW units                         1,540,085   1,380,384          11.6

    MINI units                          301,526     285,060           5.8

    Rolls-Royce units                     3,575       3,538           1.0

    Motorcycles units                   117,109     113,572           3.1

    BMW units                           106,358     104,286           2.0

    Husqvarna units                      10,751       9,286          15.8

    Workforce[1]                        105,876     100,306           5.6

    Revenues EUR million                 76,848      68,821          11.7


    Automotive EUR million               70,208      63,229          11.0

    Motorcycles EUR million               1,490       1,436           3.8

    Financial Services EUR million       19,550      17,510          11.7

    Other entities EUR million                5           5             -

    Eliminations EUR million            -14,405     -13,359             -

    Capital expenditure EUR million       5,240       3,692          41.9

    Operating cash flow EUR million       9,167       8,110          13.0

    Profit before financial

     result EUR million                   8,300       8,018           3.5


    Automotive EUR million                7,624       7,477           2.0

    Motorcycles EUR million                   9          45         -80.0

    Financial Services EUR million        1,558       1,763         -11.6

    Other entities EUR million               58         -19             -

    Eliminations EUR million               -949      -1,248            --

    Profit before tax EUR million         7,819       7,383           5.9


    Automotive EUR million                7,195       6,823           5.5

    Motorcycles EUR million                   6          41         -85.4

    Financial Services EUR million        1,561       1,790         -12.8

    Other entities EUR million               -6        -168             -

    Eliminations EUR million               -937      -1,103             -

    Income taxes EUR million             -2,697      -2,476           8.9

    Net profit EUR million                5,122       4,907           4.4

    Earnings per share[2] EUR         7.77/7.79   7.45/7.47           4.3

    Dividend per share of

    common/preferred stock EUR        2.50/2.52   2.30/2.32             -

    * Figures for 2011 partially adjusted

    * The result for the financial year 2011 includes exceptional income of

      EUR 524 million in the Automotive and Financial Services segments,

      reflecting the reduction in risk provision for residual

      value and bad debt risks. Business with end-of-contract leasing vehicles

      gave rise to an exceptional gain of EUR 124 million in the Financial

      Services segment in 2012

    [1] Figures exclude dormant employment contracts, employees in the work

        and non-work phases of pre-retirement part-time working arrangements

        and low wage earners

    [2] Earnings per share of common stock/preferred stock

    The BMW Group

    The BMW Group is the leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and

motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global

company, the BMW Group operates 28 production and assembly facilities in 13

countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

    In 2012, the BMW Group sold about 1.85 million cars and more than 117,000

motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2012 was

euro 7.82 billion on revenues amounting to euro 76.85 billion. At 31 December

2012, the BMW Group had a workforce of 105,876 employees.

    The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking

and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and

social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product

responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral

part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked

industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight



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    For questions please contact:

    Corporate Communications

    Mathias Schmidt, Business, Finance and Sustainability Communications

    Telephone: +49-89-382-24118, Fax: +49-89382-24418


    Alexander Bilgeri, Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability


    Telephone: +49-89-382-24544, Fax: +49 89382-24418


    Internet: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com

    E-mail: presse@bmw.de

    SOURCE: BMW Group




