◎3月4日に東京で投資フォーラム開催 モスクワ市とKPMGロシア・CIS


◎3月4日に東京で投資フォーラム開催 モスクワ市とKPMGロシア・CIS

AsiaNet 52278

共同JBN 0226 (2013.3.1)

【東京2013年3月1日PRN=共同JBN】モスクワ市当局とKPMGロシア・CISは2013年3月4日個人投資家や企業の代表者100人を招き、ホテルインターコンチネンタル東京ベイ(東京港区)で投資フォーラム「Destination Moscow in Tokyo」を開催する。

「Destination Moscow」は、2013年2月から3月にかけて英国、ドイツ、シンガポール、日本、米国で開催される一連のイベントと説明会である。このフォーラムは、成長するロシア経済の中心部にある都市モスクワと国際的ビジネスコミュニティー間の情報障壁を克服し、モスクワ市当局とモスクワへの投資に関心を持っている外国人投資家、企業との間の建設的対話を構築する目的で設立されている。

「Destination Moscow in Tokyo」では以下の3議題を中心に議論する。





ソース:Moscow City Government

Destination Moscow in Tokyo


TOKYO, Japan, Mar. 1, 2013/ PRN=KYODO JBN/--

                 Investment Forum hosted by the Moscow Government

     TOKYO, Japan The Moscow Government and KPMG Russia CIS will host an

investment forum "Destination Moscow in Tokyo" on March 4, 2013 at

Intercontinental Tokyo Bay Hotel (Minato-ku, Tokyo) inviting 100 private

investors and representatives of Japanese businesses.

     "Destination Moscow" is a series of events and briefings taking place in

the UK, Germany, Singapore, Japan and the US from February to March, 2013. It

is designed to overcome the information barrier between Moscow, which is a city

at the heart of Russia's growing economy, and the international business

community and to build a constructive dialogue between Moscow Government and

foreign investors and businesses interested in making investments in Moscow.

     The following are the three main topics to be discussed in "Destination

Moscow in Tokyo".

     1) Business infrastructure development of the city of Moscow

     2) Rapid rise of consumer confidence and business chances in Russia

     3) The city with good living conditions

     In 2011, Japan ranked 9th among the trade partners of Russia, including

the 4th of import and 11th of exports, Japan's share of Russian trade is 3.6%.

In the recent years, an increasing number of Japanese companies not only in

energy and automotive sectors, but also in finance, service, and retail

business areas, show interest in expansion of their business in Russia, drawing

attention to the future trend of the market.

     SOURCE: Moscow City Government




