◎エイズ募金のキャンペーン展開  Chic Outletが(RED)と提携

Value Retail PLC

◎エイズ募金のキャンペーン展開  Chic Outletが(RED)と提携

AsiaNet 52028

共同JBN 0122 (2013.2.5)

【ロンドン2013年2月4日PRN=共同JBN】Value Retailが運営する高級アウトレットVillageの集合体であるChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標、シック・アウトレット・ショッピング)は2月1日から1カ月間、赤い色のものすべてを称賛する躍動的なキャンペーン「(RED) Is The New Black」に乗り出した。Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)は(RED)と提携、2015年までにエイズをなくす闘い「エイズのない世代(AIDS Free Generation)」のために10万ユーロの募金を目指している。U2のボーノ&ボビー・シュライバー両氏が立ち上げた(RED)は、世界で最もアイコニックなブランドや組織と手を結び、数百万人の人々がエイズとの世界規模の戦いに参加することを促している。



欧州にある9カ所のChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesを訪問すれば、国際高級ファッション、ライフスタイル・ブランドから入念に選ばれた製品に(RED)(商標)のスイングタグが見つかるはずだ。(RED)スイングタグが付いた製品を1点購入するたびに、Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)が世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria)に1ユーロ寄付する。

写真家で人道主義者のヘレナ・クリステンセン氏のデザインをあしらった(RED)の特製トートバッグも、2月28日までChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesで限定販売される。このバッグはVillagesの観光案内所で1個10ユーロで販売され、利益はすべて同基金に寄付される。

中国の春節とバレンタインデーを間近に控え、Villagesの(RED)キャンペーンは続けられる。9カ所のChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villages入場者は最高のプロモーション、特売セールを紹介する生き生きとしたプログラムを見いだすだろう。ロンドンに近いバイセスターVillageではアクセサリーデザイナー、ルル・ギネスが彼女のアイコニックなレッドリップ・ハンドバッグをイメージしたポップアップ・ブティックを開店する。パリ近郊のラ・ヴァレVillageのビジターはル・パレデテ(Le Palais des Thes)と提携した特別な(RED)茶館を目にするだろう。ゲストはそこで中国の高名な2人の写真家、ペイクウェン・チェンとルー・ヤンペンの写真を背景に「利き茶」を楽しむことができる。

Value Retail最高経営責任者(CEO)のデジリー・ボリエー氏は「われわれは2月の1カ月間、9カ所のChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesを訪れるゲストすべてが(RED)厳選製品を購入して、『エイズのない世代』を目指す戦いを支援していただくようお願いする。Villagesで(RED)製品を買えば、生命を守る一助になる」と語った。

(RED)最高経営責任者(CEO)のデボラ・デュガン氏は「2月1日のChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)との提携開始を楽しみにしている。バレンタインデーを控え、9つのVillagesの一つを訪れて(RED)を買うには最適の時期だ。これはわれわれが(RED)のメッセージを欧州全域に広げ、『エイズのない世代』のための闘いに人々を参加させる素晴らしい方法でもある」と語った。



(RED)は、(RED)ブランドを付けた商品およびサービスからの収益の半分をGlobal Fundに寄付する世界で最もアイコニックなブランドと提携している。パートナーにはApple、スターバックス(Starbucks)、コンバース(Converse)、コカコーラ(The Coca-Cola Company)、Beats by Dr. Dre、Belvedere、バガブー(Bugaboo)、Claro、ペンフォールド(Penfolds)、SAP、Telcel、アメリカン・エキスプレス(American Express、英国だけ)である。(RED) Special Editionパートナーには、Shazam、Girl Skateboards、Mophie、FEED、ナンダホム(Nanda Home)、Bottletop、Tourneau、ファットボーイ(Fatboy USA)、HEAD、TOUSが加わっている。


(RED)は社会的に重要なイニシアチブ数件を担い、(製品)RED、THE AIDS FREE GENERATION IS DUE IN 2015キャンペーン、さらに直近では(RED)RUSH TO ZEROキャンペーンなどを展開し、HIV/エイズ関連問題の関心を高めて基金を募集した。

(RED)はThe ONE Campaignの一部門である。詳細はウェブサイトhttp://www.joinred.comを参照。

▽世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria)について



▽Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)について

Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)は高級アウトレットショッピング・ビレッジの開発、運営に特化した唯一の企業、Value Retailが運営する高級アウトレットビレッジの集合体である。大手高級ファッションと生活様式ブランドのシーズン遅れの純正コレクションを販売している。1年を通じて、希望小売価格の最大60%が割引され、それ以上ディスカウントされる時もある。これらビレッジはロンドン、ダブリン、パリ、マドリード、バルセロナ、ミラノ、ボローニャ、ブリュッセル、アントワープ、ケルン、フランクフルト、ミュンヘン、さらには間もなく上海/蘇州など、欧州、中国の玄関都市の近くに立地し、高級ファッション、一流のサービスとホスピタリティー、数々の有名イベント、超お買い得な買い物として知られている。ビレッジは文化と歴史で有名な地区に立地し、ビレッジそのものが観光客の目的地になっている。Value RetailはChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesを中国に導入する皮切りに最初のビレッジ、蘇州ビレッジ(Suzhou Village、商標)を上海の50マイル西にある蘇州に立地する予定。他のビレッジと同様、蘇州ビレッジ(Suzhou Village、商標)の特色は世界の高級ファッション、ライフスタイル・ブランド、最高レベルのサービスになる。

ソース:Value Retail PLC

Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Announces the Launch Of '(RED)(TM) Is The New Black' Campaign and Aims to Raise 100,000 euro for the Fight to Help Deliver an


Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Announces the Launch Of '(RED)(TM) Is The New Black' Campaign and Aims to Raise 100,000 euro for the Fight to Help Deliver an Aids-Free Generation

LONDON, Feb. 4, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Chic Outlet Shopping(R), the Collection of luxury outlet Villages by Value

Retail, launched its '(RED) Is The New Black' campaign on 1 February, which

promises to be a vibrant celebration of all things coloured red for the month

of February. Chic Outlet Shopping(R) has partnered with (RED) with the goal of

raising EUR100,000 towards the fight to help deliver an AIDS FREE GENERATION by

2015. Founded by Bono and Bobby Shriver, (RED) partners with the world's most

iconic brands and organisations to bring millions of people into the global

fight against AIDS.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:



    Visitors to the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages in Europe will

discover (PRODUCT)RED[TM] swing tags on carefully selected products from

international luxury fashion and lifestyle brands. For every purchase of

products marked with the (RED) swing-tag, Chic Outlet Shopping(R) will

contribute EUR1 to the Global Fund.

    A special edition (PRODUCT)RED tote bag featuring a design by photographer

and humanitarian Helena Christensen will also be exclusively available for sale

across the Collection of Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages until 28th February.

The bag will be on sale at the Villages' Welcome and Tourist Information

Centres for EUR10 each, with all profits donated to the Global Fund.

    With Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day fast approaching, the Villages'

(RED) theme continues; visitors to the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages

will discover a lively programme showcasing the very best promotions and

special retail offers. Accessories designer Lulu Guinness will be opening a

pop-up boutique at Bicester Village near London inspired by her iconic red-lip

handbag. Visitors to La Valle;e Village near Paris will discover a special (RED)

Tea House in partnership with Le Palais des Thes where guests will be able to

enjoy tea tastings against the backdrop of photographs by two celebrated

contemporary Chinese photographers, Peikwen Cheng and Lu Yan Peng.

    "During the month of February we are encouraging all of our guests visiting

the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages to purchase (RED) selected products

to help us fight for an AIDS free generation. Buying (RED) at the Villages can

help save lives."

    Desiree Bollier, Chief Executive, Value Retail Management

    "We're excited to launch our partnership with Chic Outlet Shopping(R) on 1

February. With Valentine's Day around the corner, it's the perfect time to

visit one of the nine participating villages and buy (RED). This is a great way

for us to spread the (RED) message across Europe and to engage people in the

fight for an AIDS Free Generation."

    Deborah Dugan, Chief Executive Officer, (RED)

    About (RED)(TM)

    (RED) was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage businesses

and people in the fight against AIDS.

    (RED) partners with the world's most iconic brands who contribute up to 50%

of profits from (RED) branded goods and services to the Global Fund. (RED)

Proud Partners include: Apple, Starbucks, Converse, The Coca-Cola Company,

Beats by Dr. Dre, Belvedere, Bugaboo, Claro, Penfolds, SAP, Telcel and American

Express (UK only). (RED) Special Edition partners include: Shazam, Girl

Skateboards, Mophie, FEED, Nanda Home, Bottletop, Tourneau, Fatboy USA, HEAD

and TOUS.

    To date, (RED) has generated $200 million for the Global Fund to fight

AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, to support HIV/AIDS grants in Ghana, Lesotho,

Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. 100 percent of that money goes to

work on the ground - no overhead is taken. Global Fund grants that (RED)

supports have impacted more than 14 million people with prevention, treatment,

counseling, HIV testing and care services.

    (RED) has led several high-profile initiatives to raise awareness and funds


DUE IN 2015 campaign and most recently, the (RED)RUSH TO ZERO campaign.

    (RED) is a division of The ONE Campaign. Learn more at


    About The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

    The Global Fund is an international financing institution dedicated to

attracting and disbursing resources to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, TB and

malaria. The Global Fund promotes partnerships between governments, civil

society, the private sector and affected communities, the most effective way to

help reach those in need. This innovative approach relies on country ownership

and performance-based funding, meaning that people in countries implement their

own programmes based on their priorities and the Global Fund provides financing

where verifiable results are achieved.

    Since its creation in 2002, the Global Fund has approved funding of US$22.9

billion for more than 1,000 programmes in 151 countries. To date, programmes

supported by the Global Fund have provided AIDS treatment for 4.2 million

people, anti-tuberculosis treatment for 9.7 million people and 310 million

insecticide-treated nets for the prevention of malaria. The Global Fund works

in close collaboration with other bilateral and multilateral organisations to

supplement existing efforts in dealing with the three diseases.

    About Chic Outlet Shopping(R)

    Chic Outlet Shopping(R) is the Collection of luxury outlet villages by

Value Retail, the only company to specialise exclusively in the development and

operation of luxury outlet shopping villages. The Villages offer the authentic

previous seasons' collections of leading luxury fashion and lifestyle brands

with savings of up to 60%, and sometimes more, on the recommended retail price,

all year round. Within easy reach of some of Europe's and China's favourite

gateway cities - London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Bologna,

Brussels, Antwerp, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich and, coming soon, Suzhou and

Shanghai - the Villages are synonymous with high fashion, superior service and

hospitality, a calendar of celebrated events, and exceptional value for money.

Located in regions of cultural and historic renown, the Villages have become

international tourist destinations in their own right. Value Retail's new

venture to bring its distinctive Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages to China will

see its first Village - Suzhou Village(TM) -located in historic Suzhou, 50

miles west of Shanghai. As with other members of the Collection, Suzhou

Village(TM) will be defined by its offer of international luxury fashion and

lifestyle brands, together with an exceptional level of service.

    SOURCE: Value Retail PLC




