


AsiaNet 51865

共同JBN 0050 (2013.1.18)

【ハノーバー(米ニューハンプシャー州)2013年1月18日】国際美容外科学会(ISAPS)はこのほど、「Global Study of Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Performed in 2011(2011年に実施された美容整形処置についての世界的研究)」の第3回年次統計分析結果を発表した。2010年、2011年調査と比較した結果はhttp://www.isaps.org/isaps-global-statistics.htmlで閲覧できる。








この調査は米オハイオ州コロンバスに本社を置く独立系の調査会社、インダストリー・インサイツ社(Industry Insights, Inc.)(http://www.industryinsights.com)が資料を集め、表を作成し、分析した。調査のリーダーは、約15年にわたって美容整形外科の傾向についてさまざまな形態の調査を行ってきた公認会計士で調査アナリストのスコット・ハックワース氏だった。調査の参加者は2011年に実施した手術的、非手術的処置の数に集中した2ページの英文の質問状を作成した。最終的な数字は国際統計に反映される見通しで、各国の形成外科医の推定数だけに基づいている。形成外科医の総数の計算を助けるため、各国学会の代表が総数3万2000人と推定される形成外科医の約90%について数字を提供した。報告のない国の推定数には国内総生産(GDP)と人口に基づく方式が使われた。




ソース:International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)


Catherine B. Foss, Executive Director, International Society of

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,



For information about the Survey Data:

Scott A. Hackworth, CPA, Senior Vice President, Industry Insights,Inc.,

+1-614-389-2100, ext 105,


Lipoplasty Most Performed Procedure In Latest International Study


HANOVER, N.H., Jan. 18, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) has released

the results of the third annual statistical analysis:  Global Study of

Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Performed in 2011.  The outcome is now

posted on the ISAPS website.  Comparative results of the 2010 and 2011 surveys

are available at http://www.isaps.org/isaps-global-statistics.html.

    The 2012 study invited approximately 20,000 plastic surgeons to

participate.  In addition, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

(ASAPS) and the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) assisted with this

year's ISAPS study.  Results are projected to reflect international statistics

and are exclusively based on the estimated number of plastic surgeons in each

country and the respondent sample.

    Results reveal a hierarchy of countries with the most surgical and

non-surgical aesthetic/cosmetic procedures performed by board certified (or the

equivalent) plastic surgeons in 2011.  Several summaries provided on the ISAPS

website include tables showing the number of surgeons and procedures by

country.  Caution is urged when observing year-to-year comparisons, because

studies such as this can experience substantial variances within specific

procedures. The pool of responding physicians varies from year to year and the

sample sizes for specific countries may significantly fluctuate between years.

    Procedural Frequency Shows Modest Variation

    Lipoplasty remains the most performed procedure, representing 19.9% of

total surgical procedures, while Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox and Dysport)

leads with 38.1% among non-surgical procedures.  The popularity of surgical

procedures varied by country.  The United States, Brazil, China, Japan, and

Italy ranked as the top five most dominant countries for surgical procedures.  

    Grand Totals  

    The ISAPS surveyreports several important statistics with regard to the

total number of board certified (or national equivalent) plastic surgeons

practicing globally, estimated to be 32,000. These figures do not take into

account surgical and non-surgical procedures performed by medical professionals

and others who are not plastic surgeons.


    Thesurvey was compiled, tabulated, and analyzed by Industry Insights, Inc.

(http://www.industryinsights.com) an independent research firm based in

Columbus, Ohio in the United States.  The survey leader was Scott Hackworth,

CPA and research analyst who has conducted various forms of research on trends

in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for over 15 years.  Participants in the survey

completed a two-page, English language questionnaire that focused on the number

of surgical and non-surgical procedures they performed in 2011. Final figures

have been projected to reflect international statistics and are based

exclusively on the estimated number of plastic surgeons in each country.  To

aid in tallying the total number of plastic surgeons, representatives of

National Societies provided the counts for over 90% of the 32,000 total

estimated plastic surgeons.  A formula was used to estimate numbers in

non-reporting countries based on their Gross Domestic Product and Population.

    Journalists Please Note:  We appreciate your citing the ISAPS website, a

non-commercial, information based, consumer service site, so that others may

see full details of the ISAPS Worldwide Survey.   http://www.isaps.org       

    The forty-three year old International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

is the largest international society of individual plastic surgeons with 2,360

current members in 93 countries. Surgeons undergo a strict application process

to determine their qualifications to join the society.  The ISAPS mission is

twofold: the continuing education of plastic surgeons in latest techniques in

the field of aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery and medicine - and the promotion of

patient safety.

    SOURCE: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)


    Catherine B. Foss, Executive Director, International Society of Aesthetic

Plastic Surgery,



    For information about the Survey Data:

    Scott A. Hackworth, CPA, Senior Vice President, Industry Insights, Inc.,

    +1-614-389-2100, ext 105,





