
MR Solutions


AsiaNet 51698


【ロンドン2012年12月19日】英国に本社を置くMR Solutionsはこのほど、同社の革新的な新しいベンチトップの3テスラ(注)MRIスキャナーをコスト、スペースの両面で臨床前研究ラボ向けに最適なものにする2つの大きな技術的進展を発表した。


MR Solutionsのデービッド・テーラー最高経営責任者は「この技術的進展には2つの大きな利点がある。第1に、液体ヘリウム冷却とそれに伴う安全機器を廃止することでコストが劇的に低下する。第2に、システムに必要なスペースがデスクのサイズだけになる」と語っている。

イングランド南東部のギルフォードに本社を置くMR Solutionsはすでに急成長する中国市場の主要プレーヤーであり、最先端技術とスキャナーの優れた軟組織コントラスト、分子画像能力の優秀さによって、欧州、米国での知名度が次第に高まっている。


MR Solutionsは新しい超伝導ワイヤを組み込んだ革命的な磁石設計を利用することによって、新しいベンチトップ・システムでは通例の液体ヘリウム冷却を使わずにすむことができた。これによって必要とされる4度K(ケルビン)(摂氏零下269度)まで磁石を冷却する標準的な低温冷却装置を使用することが可能になる。この技術ソリューションはMR Solutionsとその磁石パートナーが先駆けとなった。

MR Solutionsは研究、学術用のスキャナー開発で25年の経験を持っている。またMRIシステムと個人顧客特定仕様のサブシステムを開発している。



  Simon Vane Percy

    (T) +44(0)1737-821890

    (M) +44(0)7710-005-910

    (e) simon@vanepercy.com

ソース:MR Solutions

Groundbreaking Bench-top MRI Scanner Proves the Perfect Fit for Pre-clinical Lab Work


LONDON, Dec. 19, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    UK-based MR Solutions has announced two major breakthroughs that will make

its groundbreaking new bench-top 3 Tesla* MRI scanners the perfect fit, both in

terms of cost and space, for pre-clinical research laboratories.

    The company, a world leader in the development and manufacture of MRI

systems and spectrometers, has developed the high-performance scanner using

super-conducting magnets which eliminate the need for liquid helium cooling. It

has also cut the scanner's stray magnetic field so that other laboratory

equipment can be safely operated within centimetres of the unit.

    "These breakthroughs have two significant benefits," says MR Solutions

Chief Executive Dr David Taylor. "Firstly, the cost is dramatically reduced by

doing away with the liquid helium cooling and attendant safety devices.

Secondly, the space required for the system is only the size of a desk."

    MR Solutions, based in Guildford in the south east of England, is already a

major player in the rapidly growing Chinese market and is gaining increasing

recognition in Europe and the US for its state-of-the-art technologies and the

excellence of its scanners' superior soft tissue contrast and molecular imaging


"We are sure that our new bench-top MRIs will be welcomed with open arms by

labs which are always constrained by budgets and lack of space," adds Dr Taylor.

    MR Solutions was able to dispense with the usual liquid helium cooling

system in their new bench top system by using a revolutionary magnet design

incorporating new superconducting wire. This enables the use of a standard low

temperature fridge to cool the magnet to the required 4 degrees Kelvin (minus

269 degrees C). This technology solution was pioneered by MR Solutions and its'

magnet partner.

    MR Solutions has 25 years of experience in developing scanners for research

and academia. It also develops MRI systems and sub systems to individual

customer specifications.

    The company which is based at Guilford in the UK has offices in the US and

Hong Kong. It has a workforce of more than twenty people, many of whom are

physicists, programmers and engineers and works closely with universities

involved in preclinical research in Europe, Asia and the US.

    *Tesla isthe SI unit measure for the magnetic fieldgenerated

    Simon Vane Percy

    (T) +44(0)1737-821890

    (M) +44(0)7710-005-910

    (e) simon@vanepercy.com

    SOURCE: MR Solutions




